[ 13 ] 2014

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[ 13 ] 2014


"There are two types of soap opera moments. They were either making out, or arguing."


Her eyes were trained on the rusted, now copper colored, gun in her hands and she didn't even notice the presence behind her until they spoke.

"What are you doing down here in the bomb shelter, doll? Paul and Dempsey are waiting for you so we can head out to Calum's house." Ashton's voice broke her out of her thoughts which were mostly plagued with questions. Everything at that moment pointed that Ashton had been a hunter. Harley wasn't sure how she felt about that. Hunters weren't very fond of other shifters because they considered them--and themselves--an abomination and something that wasn't supposed to exist.

She quickly turned around to face him in the limited space of the storage closet. In her surprise, the gun had fallen out of her hands and dropped into the blue tin box with a loud clank, immediately catching his attention. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She was completely paralyzed. Her mind was blank, and she didn't know what to say to him.

Ashton saw the box behind her, open to reveal the gun, the stacks of money, and the jaguar necklace. His hazel eyes widened slightly as he asked her, "Why'd you open that box, Harley?"

But she ignored his question and asked one of her own. "Is it yours? Why is there a Diamond Rose with your name on it?"

He nodded his head as a sigh escaped his lips. "Yes, its mine." There was really no way for him to deny it, even if he wanted to. The gun had his name on it, and the things had been hidden on his family's property.

"What about the money and the necklace?" She wondered, gesturing to the box behind her.

He nodded once again in response to her question. "Those are mine too. Well, the necklace once belonged to Bobby, but he gave it to me. Its the ancient symbol of the hunters, that's why there's a jaguar on it."

"Were you a hunter?" She asked in a voice barely above a whisper. Her question was one that could answer two important questions she had. If Ashton was a hunter, it meant that he had also once been a shifter, and like most shifters he had died young. 

Ashton took a step towards her, but paused in his stride. He wanted to explain everything to her, but there was no time to do that. Harley noticed the doubt on his face, like he was debating whether or not he could tell her the story when the time was right. Instead, he said to her, "Its a very long story, doll. And we don't have time for it right now, but I'll clear things up for you after this mission we all have planned."

At that, she nodded in agreement. "You're right."

But she wasn't going to let the subject die so easily. For the time being, she was going to push it out of her mind for Calum's sake.


Harley and Ashton went to Paúl and Dempsey's in silence. Harley couldn't stop thinking about the possibility that Ashton could have been a hunter. She didn't think he could have ever been the type to kill another human being. Ashton was too nice of a person to do something like that.

He noticed the way she hadn't even spoken to him since they left the bomb shelter and it disheartened him. Harley was always able to talk to him about anything, but now she was immersed in her thoughts and it seemed like she was losing her trust in him. The two walked up the cement path that led to the front door and Ashton stepped in between her and the door before she could reach for the knob. She looked up at him, blue eyes finally looking into his hazel ones. 

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