[ 33 ] 2014

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[ 33 ] 2014 

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[ 33 ] 2014 


"You're a jerk, Calum. Its no wonder no one likes you anymore."


Calum had gotten done with his football practice for the day and made his way towards the locker physical education building where the locker rooms were located. The cheerleaders practiced close to the entrance of the PE building and as the football (soccer) team passed them, he noticed Harley was no longer there. He thought she had probably already gone inside the locker room to change back into her school uniform.

He was quick to change out of his PE uniform and hurried outside to offer Harley a ride home. Normally she got a ride with Niall and Andrea, but in their intention to help him out, they always tried to leave her behind so that she would have no choice but to catch a ride home with Calum. He made it out of the building just as the cheerleaders were leaving, headed to the parking lot to their cars that were parked there. He waited by the door a couple of minutes, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, expecting for Harley to emerge with Andrea, Dempsey or Cindy. 

The girls piled out of the building, many of them talking about the prom proposals they had gotten over the past few days. The last of them to appear were Andrea and Cindy. Calum pushed himself off the side wall by the door and stepped in front of the two cheerleaders to stop them.

"Have you two seen Harley?" He asked them immediately, as he found it strange that she wasn't with either of them. "I've been waiting for her so I can give her a ride home."

Cindy gave a shake of her head and was the first to respond with a bright smile on her face. "Oh, that's so cute! Are you two back together?" She asked Calum a question instead of replying to the one he had asked them.

He nodded his head. He knew they had never actually been in a relationship, but the school thought they were. "Yes." He replied with a hint of annoyance, mostly at the fact that she hadn't given him a direct answer to what he wanted to know. Still, he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity at having the whole school knowing--or thinking--that they were back together. "Cindy, I need you to focus and tell me if you've seen her. Can your little pea brain process that? Or should I bring Billy over here so he can translate my words into something you would understand?" He brought his index finger up and tapped on the side of her head, her platinum blonde hair ruffled a bit by his actions.

Her demeanor changed entirely from friendly to hostile. Cindy Hemmings never really had a problem with Calum. It was her brother Luke who had problems with him, but she still didn't appreciate that he was questioning her intelligence, no matter how much--or how little of it--she had. 

Andrea just stood by watching their whole exchange.

Narrowing her eyes into a glare, she barked back at him, "You're a jerk, Calum. Its no wonder no one likes you anymore." Without waiting for his response, she stormed off, making sure to bump shoulders with him harshly as she passed him.

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