[ 16 ] 2014

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[ 16 ] 2014


"I've been feeling the extreme fear and almost grief that is radiating off you."


It was several feet from their position in the parking lot to the right pier. From where Harley took off with Arthur, Michael, André, and Ashton, she could see there were a lot of people. They were all passing the small shops, smiles on their faces, while she was only suffering a pain that was in her heart. The way that Harley Quinn saw it was that she was the cause of all that was happening to Calum and the only way to redeem herself was to find him, to save him from the imminent harm he was in.

There didn't seem to be anyone particularly watching or stopping for something unusual. That dimmed her hope that Calum would be at that pier because she figured the crowd would notice if something was wrong.

She forced herself to move quicker across the dunes of sand at the beach and every step she took only served to heighten the worry she was feeling. Harley looked over her shoulder to find that the others had made about the same amount of progress as her and her group on their path towards one of their destinations. Each pier was about a mile apart from the other, according to one of the information signs in the parking lot. That would take them about five minutes, at the pace they were going. If Calum wasn't there, they would have to continue to the next one, which was yet another mile of walking.

They finally made it there, to the top of the pier where there were souvenir shops, as well as restaurants, and a few amusement park rides.

"This isn't the place." Michael concluded as he took in their surroundings. "The other pier was much smaller, and there weren't as many people."

"Michael, why won't you just touch my hands and look into my future?" She pleaded once more, her voice desperate and breaking, as she was on the verge of yet another wave of tears. "This is crucial, you could save his life."

Her half-brother shook his head, refusing again. "I told you I don't want to be the one to give you the bad news, if there is bad news. I don't want to be the one to cause something terrible to happen again." Harley did not seem to understand what he meant by that, but Arthur did. Michael was his son, and like Harley, he had been watching him as well. He had been taking care of him from a distance.

Giving a sigh of his lips, Arthur stepped forward, placing a hand on Michael's shoulder in a reassuring way. "You don't have to do this son." He said to Michael, and turning to Harley, he offered yet another bit of help that he could do for his daughter. "I'm really not entirely sure if this could help us in any way, but it's something I've been working on for the past couple of months." He started, pausing for a moment before he continued. "There are abilities we all have, as shifters, that we all share in common." By that, he meant the mind control, the ability to shield themselves from human harm, and other things. "But there are those who have one other ability that is specific to them. Mine is empathy; meaning that I can feel what someone else around me if feeling, if I focus on them. For example, I've been feeling the extreme fear and almost grief that is radiating off you." He looked at Harley.

She bit down on her lip. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He shook his head, "It's not your fault. The reason why I mention this is because I recently found I can use my abilities to track people down, almost like your friend...Sniffy, as Paul called him."

"Niall." Harley said his name.

"Yes, right." Arthur nodded his head. "I don't know exactly what the method is to make this work, but I found that I can pick up on an emotion you're feeling toward him, which is not difficult right now. Its almost like I can track him using the emotional connection you two have."

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