[ 51 ] 2014

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[ 51 ] 2014


"The descendants of the original hunter have to be sacrificed. Then it will all be over. The hunters will give up their powers as well."


Calum went to his house after leaving Harley and Dempsey at the hospital to watch over Arthur, not after first stopping by the hunters' home. 

His house was the one he had first lived in when the Quinns moved to Sydney from Perth in what felt like ages ago. The house that belonged to his grandfather was a mess and probably still an open crime scene after Harley and Arthur were shot, and Cole was killed by James in the altercation, something that didn't bother Calum. He had been his uncle, but Cole never loved Calum. Calum didn't have any fond feelings for him either. 

The hunter had promised that he would take care of everything--which included wiping everyone's minds of the employees at the house and mind controlling the police to believe his version of the accounts as they supposedly happened. The story was that Calum and Arthur had gone to the house to dispute the inheritance that belonged to him rightfully. 

Cole, unwilling to let go of his greed, refused and tried to take them hostage, but James and Harley had shown up to the rescue. Most of that was what had actually happened, just in a more vanilla sense, as Calum put it. The events had been much more bloody and deadly, but the police would never believe them anyway if they said they were people with superhuman abilities. Now he would have to get a cleaning crew into the study to clean up all the blood stains on the floor, since he was sure there was a lot of it. He didn't even want to go in there himself, as seeing Harley's blood on the floor would make him want to revive his uncle just to have him killed again.

Just as he expected them to be, Niall and Andrea were already back from school when he arrived. The moment he saw the blonde haired Irish boy, he rushed over to him with a special request. "My good friend Niall. Just the person I wanted to see." He said in an overly friendly voice which all of them knew was way out of character for him. Although, Niall and Andrea noticed, that he really had been in a much better mood since he started dating Harley Quinn for real. She was one of the few people in his life who were still around, and she made him happy. 

At that moment, the two teenagers were sat down on the couch, watching a movie called Camelot. It told the story about a boy who had grown up with nothing, only his best friend and the girl that he loved. He had grown up admiring King Arthur and yearned to be like him, to the point where he formed a ruthless kingdom from nothing. He then changed and became a totally different person, being overly jealous and not letting his wife out of the house. Niall had the tub of popcorn in his lap and Andrea's head on his shoulder, both of them engrossed on the film. The two were comfortably watching the movie as they knew the only worries they had now were graduating high school. The threat of Arthur hunting shifters was over, since he had spared them for being Harley's friends and his only real targets nowadays were the originals Jack and Hazel.

Niall tore his eyes from the screen momentarily, cocking an eyebrow at his friend in confusion. "Why are you being so friendly all of a sudden?" 

Calum immediately gave up in his charade of being too friendly and informed his friend what he really wanted from him. "Okay, I need you to do me a big favor. My uncle is still in critical condition and Harley told me Michael and the originals are back in town--"

Andrea raised an eyebrow at him in question. "So? What's that got to do with us?"

"I need Niall to help me track down Jack so that I can ask him to help Arthur." Calum stated, as though it were painfully obvious. To him it was. This was another out of character thing for him to do. The Calum they had known from back then, from about a year prior, would never have worried about saving someone else's life. The Calum they knew back then only worried about himself. It seemed that falling in love with Harley Quinn was making him an all around better person.

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