[ 47 ] 2014

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[ 47 ] 2014


"We had to call in police detectives so that they could conduct an investigation. But they knew right away. It was the remains of a boy who was murdered in this house a long time ago. They collected the remains and arranged for him to be buried. I'm glad that boy can finally rest in peace."


Clad in her blue hospital gown and a thick sterile bandaging around her abdomen, Harley Quinn pushed herself off her bed and held onto the sheets as she tried to steady herself. Ashton was at her side in an instant, arms didn't know where to go for two reasons. He didn't want to hurt her, and he didn't want to accidentally touch her in any way that may be inappropriate or awkward for the two of them. He instead held his arms out, ready to catch her if need be, his arms close enough for her to reach, but far enough that he wasn't touching her.

Calum was still sleeping on the couch. He had spend the last couple of days in the hospital, having a rough time. Harley and Arthur were really the only two people he had left and seeing them in that amount of pain filled him with grief.

He had gone from one room to the other, keeping an eye on both of them. It was especially heartbreaking to him to see his uncle--Arthur--in that hospital bed unconscious. No one knew when or if he would ever wake up from it. The doctors said it was just a miracle that he was even alive at that point. He had been pronounced dead on arrival, and the doctors were able to restart his heart. Then it was predicted that he wouldn't survive the night. The latest prediction had been that he wouldn't survive his operation and the blood transfusions. 

But Calum had hope to see him conscious once again, if even for him to say goodbye to his loved ones. 

Harley didn't want to wake him and Ashton asked her in a concerned tone, "Where do you think you're going? You were shot at, you should be resting."

"I want to see my dad." She replied to him--talking about Arthur, since she had heard from Ashton himself that he was in a coma. "And I want to make sure my mum's okay. I don't want her stressing out for my sake."

Ashton shook his head. "You shouldn't leave your room."

"I'm fine." She assured him, and as she took a step forward, she felt the pull on her skin from all the needles that were hooked up to her. She winced in pain and reached for a rack near her bed where the IV fluids were connected and were administering periodical amounts of medicine and vitamins into her system. Dragging that rack along with her, she made her way out of the room at a slow pace with Ashton following behind her.

Each time she took a step, she could feel a pinching pain where her wound was located. The more she continued on her path down the hallway, nurses eyed her with suspicion, but she tried to pass herself off as a nearly recovered patient. It was difficult considering the pale state that her face was in and the snail paced steps she was taking with one arm wrapped around her abdomen as she began to feel like her body was beginning to fall apart. If she didn't know that it had just been a gun wound, she would have thought her intestines would pour out of it at any moment. 

Eventually, Ashton helped her walk by supporting her with an arm around her waist. But he bit his lip nervously as he saw the pain reflected in her eyes.

He helped her find Arthur's room first, since her mother was currently in labor. She entered the room to find there were three other teenagers visiting him. Paúl, Dempsey, and James. All three looked up, their saddened faces turned into looks of surprise as they saw Harley Quinn in the doorway. She entered the room with Ashton, closed the door behind herself, and pushed herself to hurry to Arthur's side.

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