Chapter 1 ~*~ First Run

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" The last thing I had felt before my life change, was his bite. I was marked in his territory. I was his land. I was his. His territory. I was.....Bitten. "



The adrenaline rushing through my body made my eyes snap open, everything felt so alive. I stood up carefully and looked around at my new surroundings. Colors popped out at me, I never seen anything better. HD couldn't touch what I was seeing. My eyes caught every single beauty of the woods I was in, from every shade of brown in the bark of a tree trunk or even the light shades of green that made the leaves darker.

The sun had already set and the moon was high in the sky, but what caught my eye was the color. Blue. Once every 100 years this blue moon appears, but it is only to be seen once. Its radiant shades of every blue came clear to my eyes. My sight was enhanced a thousand times better then a humans, it was amazing. I looked back at the large wolf that stood before me, his eyes locked on me. I looked down not holding his gaze, whenever I looked into his eyes I always saw power and strength causing me to look away. 

His faint paw prints caught my attention as he walked closer to me, if it wasn't for my ears I would have never known he had gotten closer. I took it as my chance to see what he was doing, with a quick glance he licked my cheek before I could protest and grinned. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, and if I was in human form he would have seen how red they were.

'Ready for your first run?' he questioned me, his voice low and sexy it sent shivers down my spine every time I heard him speak which made me smile. I nodded my head, and began to run. He shortly followed beside me as I ran.

Everything was so alive when I was running through the woods. I could hear the small croaks of toads that stayed close to the rushing stream down south from where we were. The pounding of my heart sounded like thunder in my ears as I continued my run. The breeze rushed through my thick coat as I ran faster and faster.

I'm sure at the speed I was going to a normal person or animal watching they would only see the smallest blur of tan and the gusting wind at my speed. I glanced back to see if he was following, but I couldn't see him, I didn't catch his smell either. When I turned back around he was ahead of me, I laughed a bit.

'Your fast' I grinned, sending my thought straight to his head. I could see the puzzled expression on his face as he glanced back at me. I smiled and started to slow down, knowing the woods as good as I did I knew there was a cliff coming up. Once I stopped I nearly fell from the rush of smells hitting my nose. 

My sense of smell was amazing, I could smell things that were about 3 maybe 4 miles away. The sweet smell of the closed bakery smelled as if it was right next to me, when really it was about 2 miles away from here. I scrunched up my face when I smelled the scent of blood from the fresh kill of a grizzly bear that was about a little ways down. I turned around to find the black wolf staring at me shocked.

'You spoke to me on your first shot without any help.' his eyes scanned over me then looked back into my eyes, he smiled and nuzzled me softly. 'Your amazing, you know that?' he chuckled and padded off in a new direction. I rolled my eyes and followed.

'I know for a fact that I am amazing, but thanks for reminding me.' I smiled and ran ahead of him and stopped as I saw the lake from the corner of my eye. I turned in that direction and stopped at the edge of the forest looking over the lake.

I felt his presence next to me as he came closer sitting down behind me. I could feel my heart slowing down as I looked at a young family sitting by the camp fire singing camp songs. Two little kids laughing and messing around with each other, while the parents laughed. They had stopped singing for the night and went back into the their tents.

The wolf that sat next to me, and watched me curiously. I could hear his thoughts ringing loudly in my head. I shook them away looking at the camp fire die out, watching the fire burn itself out. This was the same place me and my grandfather would camp over the warm nights of summer, telling old ghost stories and legend tales. Seeing this place brought back so many great memories, but also ones I wish I would forget. The last memory I had of my grandfather was when he died in my little arms when I was a child. 

His soft nuzzle brought me back to reality as I glanced at him and he gave me a small smile. I smiled back and licked his muzzle. The only thing I could do now was move forward, and leave everything in the past behind. Start over. I looked at the full blue moon again, I traced back everything that happened to me. 

Who knew that this curse I was given could be such a gift. I loved what I had become, what he had given me. I'm sure that I will get use to it very quickly, being this alive and strong was amazing and I loved it. You couldn't imagine how my world has changed within minutes from being a normal girl to becoming something magnificent.

We walked away from the young family camping and walked back into the cover of the woods. Hidden against the dark shadows of the night. Glancing at the large male walking next to me I had so many questions running through my head. I picked my first question to ask him.

'Why did you choose me?' I thought to him, I was shocked how I knew this so well. How to talk to him without help.

'I picked you because you seemed special...different from the rest. Boy was I right.' he replied with a deep and extremely sexy voice. I could feel small shivers spread through my body every time he spoke. My ears twitched towards every sound I picked up in the black night. I listened closely and could hear the almost silent beat of a running field mouse, scattering away from the killer following it. The steady flutter of wings came from the night owl flying above us, until his wings were silent as he flew off.

'Where are we going?' I asked following him closely. He chuckled and trotted off until we reached an amazing house in the cover of the woods, I looked over it in surprise at how amazing it looked. I looked back at him and watched him shift to human form, he was extremely handsome. HOT could not touch him, I looked down and blushed a lot, then followed shifting to my human form as well. To my surprise I thought that I would have been naked, but I was fully dressed in the same clothes I had been in.

My head snapped towards him as he chuckled his eyes scanning slowly over ever single part of my body. I growled at him, but he ignored me his eyes lingering in certain places that were private and not for him. I growled again and he threw his hands up he laughed again and smiled at me. 

"What's wrong with you, stick your eyes back in your socket and stop staring!" I snapped at him, he looked at me and before I knew it he had me pinned against a random tree growling softly, he chuckled his arm snaked around my waist pulling me closer to him his eyes turned into a honey yellow. He stared at me, and grinned.

"Your mine now and I'll do what I want...looking included." wow he went from sweet and really cool, to a jerk and player within seconds. I grinned and ignored him, I felt the power radiating off of him and keeping me in place. He let go and backed away.

"You won't last a week hear, but you have also surprised have proved many more things than I expected. But I wonder how you will put up with the others." he chuckled walking towards the house. I looked at him shocked, there was more then just me?

"What do you me-" I was cut off. What the hell?


Well I tried to make it  just as good as my prologue, but still I hope you guys like it.

Please 10 votes...we got 5 last one well lets get 5 more please, and comment PLEASE!!

Thanks to the people that voted and commented...please continue doing that please. Well enjoy the story. Hope you like it ~M 


The external link on the side, shows the pics of what the house looks like :) enjoy!

©Copyright Jonaiya Rogers, 2011

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