Chapter 15 ~*~ The Day Before The Queen.

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Adrian's P.O.V.

The golden she-wolf had her eyes on me the whole time she had come. She was studying me. I couldn't hold her gaze even with the alpha blood in me. My eyes suddenly dropped from hers and took an amazing interest into studying a small flower growing from the ground. I took quick small glances and each time I noticed she was still watching me. But what shocked me most and almost made me collapse was when she spoke. That of a true god. Her voice sounded that of an angel as she spoke slowly making sure her words sunk in.

"Adrian Carter. Your age is 21." she paused as if asking if she was wrong, I gave a slight shake of my head and she continued shocking me even more. "You became alpha when you were just 16 and handled it rather well then most teenage boys would have. Your father was killed and you had to step in his place. About 3 years after your mother had chosen to kill herself, not being able to live without her mate a moment later." I felt the tears falling. I tried to make them stop not wanting to show weakness before her, but they wouldn't let me. I gulped slowly as she continued, taking my seat and waiting.

"You recently handle another rogue case. Why exactly was that brought up?" she questioned. 

"I...well it..." I looked down finding it hard to speak before her.

"Take your time son and relax. I am of no threat to you." she said softly. With a slight nod I continued.

"One of my pack mates left. When we went after her we reached a slight bump in the road. Which lead to crossing over to another pack's territory, that of a rogue's land." I spoke using my words correctly, not wanting to bring up the fact that a alpha couldn't handle his own pack...let alone his mate.

"Who was this pack mate?" she asked the question I wanted to avoid.

"Her name was October. She was my mate." I winced thinking of what had just occurred. There was a very long pause. I would have been able to hear the soft beating of a owl's wings. I took it as my chance to look and see if she had gone.

When I looked up I saw her face wasn't soft anymore. It had gone motionless. She inhaled a swift breath and looked at me with a faint sweet smile. Her stunning silver eyes locked with mine, but this time she looked away. She began the conversation with one word.

"October." she said softly. Something wasn't right about this. But I did not protest.

"October Moon. She was the age of 19. Her mother was murdered by her own father and was burned in a house fire. The night october came back she saw the fire and thought rogues had attacked, believing that all of her mother had passed away. Her father had faked it all and the whole time her and her older sister stayed with him he would always come home and be abusive. He grandmother had travelled out one day and noticed the smallest things and decided that it was best to take them both. But something tragic happened and she to had passed away just last year." she continued after a short moment. "October's older sister. Well that should be left to be unspoken, something you will have to figure out yourself." 

I gave a small nod. It was amazing how much she knew and how she could remember it all. She gave me a faint smile and walked towards me. As I watched her I was frozen solid in my place. My eyes locked with her's. She had finally gotten a foot away from me when she reached me she nuzzled my cheek softly and walked towards the cliff. I eyed her curiously as she let out a faint sigh before turning to me. 

"March 9th, 2005 was the day I died in the fire. The day my husband and mate became abusive to my two amazing daughters." she stopped speaking when she saw the shock and recongition cross my face. This wasn't just the queen. But she was the mother of my precious mate. October.


I know its a short chapter. But I want to know what you guys think so far? Did you like the small twist to it? PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE. The more I get the sooner I try and upload. ~Midnight

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