Chapter 8 ~*~ What Hapened?!?

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" I whimpered again and shifted to human form, my body shaking rapidly. I was hugged closer to the bare sturdy chest which smelled like the youngest of the pack. I was to dazed and confused to even think of names at the moment, as my mind focused more on getting its strength back. I happily welcomed the darkness but not before I heard a worry shout from one of the males. Something was going terribly wrong. But I couldn't find the strength to stay awake to hear the pain in hunter's voice as he let out a howl of agony. But the only thing I can think of was...Adrian is dead. "
Hunter's P.O.V:

My painful cry out for help hit me so hard. We were under attack and yet it happened all so fast and ended so quick we had no time to fight back or even shift. The quickest shifters were in our pack, and we had no time. I dropped to the ground holding my unconscious brother close shielding him with my body. They were after his mate and I couldn't risk loosing him either.

I stole a quick glance towards sam who was laying in a pool of blood and jake protecting october with his life. He was already in wolf form and shielding her with his body. He shifted so fast and had already killed three wolves. But how? He couldn't possibly know...right?

My wolf growled telling me now wasn't the time for questions. Jake let out a loud howl warning whoever had attacked us that they needed to back off. David had a few cuts and scratches but nothing bad.

October looked to be passed out but she was unharmed and so was adrian. I moved away from him and laid on my back on the cold ground. I soon regretted it as I rolled onto my stomach howling and wincing in pain. I heard david and jake rush to me and their worried gasps. I couldn't imagine what it looked like, but all I knew was that it hurt like hell.

It felt like something had poured burning acid or even lava onto my whole entire back and it was eating me away slowing. I dug my hands into the ground and gripped hard onto the moist dirt and let out another shattering scream in pain. I never cried before in my life, not until now. This pain was unbearable and unendurable. My eyes were shut tight and my head was pounding. I could see my wolf laying in the dark whimpering in pain and so was I laying next to him.

I had never seen this before. I was picturing it in the back of my mind. Reddish colored wolf laying limp on the floor and me laying on the opposite side of him, both wincing and whimpering in pain. It was amazing but at the same time depressing. I could see the way I was feeling and making my wolf go through the same pain.

I winced as jake touched my arm. I was in pain and it hurt everywhere. My vision became blurry but I knew that I might not wake up again. Not in this world. I was letting the darkness take me over, but before I could go I heard something. The softest whimper rang loudly like the sound of an angel in my ears. The thing that hit me harder was a scent. Sweet and warm, but spicy and hot. I groaned out in pleasure just smelling that scent.

I watched in my mind as my wolf stood up ignoring the pain and his weakness. I knew at that moment I found my mate, but I would never be able to see her. I don't think I could make it. But by the determination in my wolf's eyes, I knew he wouldn't stop fighting. Then the darkness came covering my body completely.

Mystery Person's P.O.V:

I followed them hiding along the shadows, stalking them like I would my next meal. Two of them holding two wounded pack members. But something was different about the one holding the wounded guy. My wolf growled out softly, wanting him. Before I could react to her growl my body started to ache as I walked along the shadows still in human form.

 I watched as his muscular arms held on tightly to the hurt man, he was so hot when he looked determined. His shorts gave me a good view of his muscles in his legs as he walked in powerful strides towards their hunting grounds. 

 I could feel the wave of heat hit me like a ton of bricks. My eyes widened. He is my mate. I found my mate. I smiled and shifted to wolf form and then it dawned on me. I wasn't suppose to shift unless it was time. I cursed at myself and soon regretted it as I heard the painful scream of my mate ripple through the woods.

I winced and my heart dropped I saw to more wolves run past me and I growled stopping one, but he snarled and clawed the side of my face with such force it sent me tumbling to the ground. I winced and laid on the floor until my wolf pushed me to stand up again. I wasn't going to let them hurt my mate or his pack. But as I stood up once again and turned around, it was already over with.

I walked to the edge of the trees and whimpered softly seeing my mate lay there in pain. I let a single tear free as I stared in pain looking at my mate. I heard a few growls from the other wolves that were standing around him and a small whimper from another wolf. She seemed to be the only female in the pack. I took a step forward, but it gained a snarled from jake.

I ignored him and lowered myself to the ground and slowly crawled towards my mate. Showing them I meant no harm. I whimpered and put my head on my mate's arm. Millions of questiongs were running through my head, but I had to keep them locked away and focus on getting my mate back.

'I mean no harm...this guy is my mate...can I please follow you guys to your territory to make sure that my mate will be alright?' I looked at them with pleading eyes, hoping they would say yes.

My head snapped towards another male who stood up, he looked me over then nodded. "If I have any troubles with you I will kill you it?!" his voice held so much venom it made me wince slight and flinch away. "Good" he growled and picked up my mate.

I stood up and slowly followed the guy holding my mate. I could hear jake growl as he watched me follow the guy with my mate. 'Not now jake' I snapped at him and continued walking. I was to focused on making sure my mate was safe.


 We walked for another long 30 minutes which felt like hours. I followed the end of the pack. The smells started to change and I knew we where in blue eyes territory. I never would have even given a second thought that my mate would be a blue eyes. But it shocked me the most, our pack and this one are enemies. But what hurt the most is...will my mate accept me as a RedEye?

Sorry guys Ik its short and crappy but ill upload a better chapie soon...i havnt been on in a while so im just posting to keep you guys on the book...plz vote and comment even tho its bad haha thnx luv yew guys ;) ~M

©Copyright Jonaiya Rogers, 2011 

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