Chapter 12 ~*~ Why Now!?!?

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Hey guys sorry its taken me so long to update ive been busy. YESTERDAY WAS MY BDAY GUYS!!!! lol but ill stop with me and write the next chapie ahaha. Enjoy!!! (:


October's P.O.V

I watched in horror as Adrian attacked the person, who quickly shifted before the first attack came. I could smell the scent of the wolf now. A young she-wolf . I don't understand how I couldn't have noticed we were being followed or watched. If he gets hurt I swear...I winced a bit and stepped back watching. My wolf wanted to run out and help, but if I made a wrong move I wouldn't want to find out what the outcome would be. Growling, snarling, flashes of sharp teeth, my mate finally pinned the young she-wolf down. But he didn't kill her, he just stared into her eyes; his panting picking up drastically.

'Adrian...whats wrong? Are you hurt?' I was running towards him now.  He got off from the she-wolf his eyes turning golden now. I tilted my head a bit but licked his side softly. He gave me a weak smile but turned his attention back to her. I growled a bit, but let it slide. Why was I acting this way?

I watched as the she-wolf got back up and grinned staring at my mate like some love sick puppy. I glared at her and decided to end this little stare down. 'So why exactly are you here on our lands?' I questioned with a little bit more authority then I asked for. 

'I'm just passing through on a small journey.' she smiled and stepped closer causing me to growl. 'Look I mean no harm, I just want to know if I'd be able to stay with you guys for a bit. Just til I get my strength back. If its okay with you alpha?' she questioned adrian in a flirty way. He just nodded like a little kid. 

He continued to stare the she-wolf down like eye candy. Making me snarl in anger. His ears perked up hearing me and he turned to face me. His eyes looked apologetic as he moved towards me to nuzzle me. I snapped at him the anger boiling up in me. I shook my head and bolted off towards the house. I could hear him and the other wolf following me. I reached the pack's house and shifted quickly into human form and walked towards the front door.

Before I could open it adrian was pulling me towards him already in human form. I growled and elbowed him in the stomach making him let me go. I ran inside and slammed the door behind me. All the guys were gone. Great just my luck. I sighed running upstairs into my room, locking the door behind me. Why did I feel so emotional? I felt hurt, betrayed, pissed, and extremely heart broken. I could hear adrian calling my name, but I ignored it. I don't want to see him or hear him right now.

Adrian's P.O.V

I felt like such a douche. My wolf was going haywire right now. He reacted to the she-wolf in the woods in a different way then I wanted him to. I couldn't control him which made it worse for the fact that he wanted to mark the she-wolf right then and there. I had completely forgotten my mate was still there and she was watching this whole time.

I turned to find the girl out in the woods behind me staring me down like a piece of meat. Making me shift uncomfortably in her gaze. My eyes scanned her body freely. She wore tight fitted black jeans and a very low tank top, showing off her bright orange bra a little to clearly. I groaned a bit. Shit I need my mate here with me now...before I do something I regret.

"October?" I said while I ran up the stairs and banged on her door. "Please come out I need you right now. Look I'm sorry for what happened I didn't mean for it to, it just did. Please forgive me."

I smiled as I saw the door open and my mate standing in the middle of the room. I walked inside quickly and shut the door behind me. I pulled her towards me and gave her a big hug. My head fitting perfectly into the curve of her neck. Her scent was so intoxicating, making me weak. I started to kiss her neck softly but she pushed me away. I growled a bit possessively and moved towards her again, but she slapped me hard making me snap out of my trance. 

"How dare you think that I was going to forgive you that easily." she snarled at me making me snarl back. Being alpha was hard to control. Because being alpha means power...and that's what I needed right now. That and my mate.

"Do you seriously think that I was going to let that slide that easily?" she had her hands on her hips and was glaring at me. Ugh!

"Look october I was wrong for what I did I said that already just please...your my mate october and I need you please." I watched as a small shocked expression crossed her delicate face but quickly left as she growled and glared behind me.

I stood up and looked at the young she-wolf who I had met in the woods standing in the door frame in a sexy position. I moved back a bit and looked at october. My wolf was going haywire again and it was getting hard to control it now. But I had to at least try. Try for my mate. The girl stepped into the room and my mate growled again but louder.

"The name is Taylor." she said in a smooth tone, her eyes scanning of my body.

"That's nice...hey taylor..your name starts with a T...just like Trick...and Tramp...and Trash." my mate growled. 

"Wow...the slut knows her words." taylor counter acted. I growled a bit my mate was anything but a slut. But before I noticed all hell broke loose.


Lol sorry for the short chapter haha been very busy please vote and comment haha. ~M

DOG FIGHT!!!Next Chapter ;) (haha i like my joke instead of cats they are wolves lol) >.<

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