Chapter 7 ~*~ Stronger With You...Not Without You.

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" I knew my mate was tired by her heavy pants, but I needed her to push forward. Nipping at her hind legs I got her to move faster. I easily kept pace with her as we ran. I could see our pack line coming up soon, but before I could look in the direction of the growls, another wolf which must have been in on the chase knocked me on my side making my vision go blurry. I could hear my mate whimpering in pain and I knew they had her. I tried to stop the darkness from coming over me as I waited for the death bite. Then the pain hit me as did the darkness. "

October's P.O.V:

He had nipped at my side pushing me forward, telling me to run faster and don't look back no matter what happens. Tears filled my eyes as I ran. What if he gets hurt because of me? Or what if they take him down and steal me away from him and I can never see him again? My thoughts hit me like bricks bringing even more tears, it felt as if my heart would shatter if I even thought of loosing him. So imagine if I really did loose him. Death wouldn't even come close. I could tell that ever tip he nipped me it hurt him to do that, I could feel it through this bond we both shared.

I continued running and pushing myself forward until I heard some rustling in the bush on the left side of me, but before I could respond it attacked. I came to a halting stop as I watched terrified when he tackled my mate. I could have sworn my heart stopped all together when I heard the cracking of something when my mate impacted with the ground and the rock that was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I growled letting my inner and badder (my word) wolf come out, I bared my teeth and went to tackle the wolf off but another one bit into my neck and threw me further from my mate.

But what hurt even more was the pain I started to feel in my neck. The wolf tightened his grip around my throat as the hot blood red liquid spilled from my neck. By that I knew my mate was knocked out, and that there was nothing I could do, but my wolf was not going to back down. She was to proud and brave to even think of that. Using almost all of my strength I growled and dug my paw into the wolf's side that was pinning me down, ripping deep into his flesh as I scratched the length of his flank. His grip loosened and it was my chance to break free.

I twisted my head ignoring the screaming pain that my body was begging to let out and bit into the wolf's muzzle breaking his jaw. The cracking sound didn't bother me, but the blood did. It tasted like rotting flesh and death mixed into one. Trying to keep my lunch inside, I kicked the yelping wolf off of me and snarled standing above him, waisting no time with breaking his neck with one swift bite.

My ears twitched towards the snapping twigs and crunching leaves as more wolves arrived. My neck was already healing, but the blood was still flowing from my wounds. I growled and lunged myself at the nearest wolf I could find, locking my jaws into his side and ramming hard into the large boulder. Breaking the wolf's spine and paralyzing the now unconscious wolf, I moved onto my next victim. The adrenaline and the drive to survive kicked in immediately. I watched as three larger male wolves stalked their way towards me. I snarled and started to run towards them hackles raised.

The first male jumped and I ducked at the last second sending him flying into the tree that stood tall behind me. I continued to run towards the other two wolves. Biting into the golden colored wolf's hind leg I twisted and pulled my head. Ripping it's leg right out of its socket and clean off of his body. He yelped and whimpered and whine in pain as he tumbling to the cold hard ground. I spun around towards the other wolf and bit into his neck like the others, but this time twisting it and snapping it swiftly.

Males are suppose to be the stronger and more dangerous kind, but fighting them was as if running through the woods. It was easy. I snarled knowing my eyes were no longer their normal big round ice blue color, but deathly and crazed black. I stared into the wolf who's leg was missing and snapped my jaws tight onto his head, shattering his skull and putting that stupid mutt out of his misery. I glanced back at the wolf I had dodge from before, debating whether or not I should spare his life.

I looked back towards my mate who was still laying on the floor now bleeding. I whimpered softly and glanced back at the wolf who was limp on the ground. He was part of hurting my mate, and that was enough to send me running towards him and ripping into him, killing him off just like the others. I heard three other wolves growl as they got closer to my mate, circling him.

It was Thomas and his two sisters circling around my mate, ready to kill him. Thomas was the same guy I had gotten into the car with, an old friend of mine. I was about 20 yards away, but with my hearing and enhanced eye sight I saw his death glare as he stared down on my mate. I was not loosing him, even if it killed me trying to protect him. I growled loudly letting the three shocked wolves know I was still here. I raced towards them, growling and my eyes locked on thomas. I watched as they all took a step back in fear seeing my large bloody red canines bared and ready to kill. Thomas grinned as he saw me running towards him. He was so dead once I got to him. And he was going to be the last one I kill and put through hell.

Thomas's P.O.V:

I grinned evilly as I saw adrian's lovely mate running towards me, ready to kill something she couldn't catch. I chuckled and gave my two sisters Hanna and Beth a quick nod, then back away into the shadows. Watching. Waiting.

I watched as hanna grinned and ran towards october, her eyes dark red and hints of hollow black. Beth quickly growling and following after her. I stayed hidden within the cover of the woods as I watched the fight that was about to break between the three females. My sisters where the best fighters in this pack, and probably the best fighters in this country. I chuckled and took a seat and prepared for the battle.

But what astonished me was as soon as beth took the first leap towards the speeding wolf, october met her more then half way tackling her to the ground and snapping her neck. I snarled standing up and bared my teeth I could feel the blood pulsing through my body as I watched my sister whimper in pain until her whimpers came to a stop, then only thing left moving was the wind blowing through her lifeless body, ruffling her thick white coat. October is dead meat...along with her mate. I snarled and waited for my chance.

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