Chapter 3 ~*~ To Much For One Night!

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" Landing silently on the ground –on the opposite side of the fallen tree- I continued to run, getting faster and faster. Smelling the fresh air helped me clear my head, if it was anything I liked the most, it would be running. I loved it. Hmm I loved a lot of things. I ran for hours without getting tired or slowing down, my breaths were even and calm keeping my body cool. I could smell the storm that was coming soon, which solved my question on why it was so cold and windy. As I slowed down I heard a faint sound. Howling. But it wasn’t from the guys, it was from someone else and they were extremely clos- Snap! "


I let the growl ripple throughout the woods letting whoever was out there know that I wasn't playing games. My eyes went from its calm ice blue to blood red, ready to kill. I bared my teeth and glanced around my surrounds, hackles raised I was ready for a fight. Turning and turning in circles looking for any sign of another animal in the area I found nothing. But it didn't mean I heard nothing as well. My ears twitched to the faint paw prints of another animal running around amongst the shadows, well hidden.

'Come out you coward!' I growled mad, and then I caught a quick glimpse of blue my eyes locked onto the wolf walking out from the shadows. His body easily twice the size of mine. I could make out the muscles even through his brown colored coat. He circled around me, his coat standing out in the thick snow that covered the ground, but I was to busy watching him to notice that other wolves have joined us. Stronger wolves.

'Well there look what we have here guys. Another play toy to add to the collection.' he grinned his eyes pitch black, smoldering into my red ones. I could tell that he and his friends were testing their limits against me, and I was making sure not to let them close. I would have howled for help if my wolf wasn't so full of pride to protect herself without help. I knew one day she would be mistaken for her pride.

One wolf lunged at me, but the blur of white gave away his attack. I growled and moved out the way last minute then as he fell hitting the ground I bit hard into his leg breaking it into two places. I grinned listening to his yelps of pain as he limped away back into the shadows. One down 5 to go. I growled my tail raised showing them that I was ready for the next stupid wolf to try and attack. But this time instead of one, two of them attacked, both dark brown wolves. 

I heard their snarls and growls as they both tackled me to the ground one biting into my side and the other into my hind leg, shaking their heads like I was a rag doll to be played with. I let out a small whimper of pain and bit into the wolf that had my side and shattered his rib cage, shaking my head rapidly with my death grip still locked into him I tore him off along with some of my own flesh. I ignored the pain and threw the wolf away from me, leaving him bleeding and laying limp on the floor a couple feet before me.

The wolf that had my hind leg between his jaw let go and went for my neck. Bad choice. Growling I stood up and tackled him to the ground riping into his stomach and biting into his neck, with a quick twist of my head his neck snapped killing him. This was my first kill and it wouldn't be the last. I growled getting back up, my hind leg had already healed. My muzzle dripped with bright red blood, the fowl smell of death filled my nose, but I pushed it away. My eyes were locked on the last two wolves. 

They growled circling around me, the black wolf that I had seen first smiled at me and was about to lunge at me, but he wasn't ready for me to meet him halfway. I jumped into the air and my jaws clamped shut around his windpipe. I'm sure he died from impact and if not then the shattering of his windpipe surely did it. The last wolf standing growled at me. I snarled glaring at him and crouched low to the ground and waited. He looked a lot younger then me and I could tell he was scared. I tilted my head a bit. He was just a kid.

He was still growling at me, but I could tell he had so much fear in him that he didn't know what to do. I looked into his eyes and they were light green, I sighed and stood up. 'Please...just don't hurt me' he whimpered softly his tail tucked between his legs, I could see he was shaking like a chihuahua. I walked towards him and as I got closer he laid down showing me his stomach. Giving me submission, I looked at him knowing that he never wanted this. I could feel his pain somehow and it reminded me of what I should have been like. Afraid of what I was, but it wasn't like that, it was opposite I loved what I had became, but he didn't.

I licked his neck softly and nuzzled his side. He stood up and smiled a bit 'Thank you' he nuzzled me softly. I started to walk away heading back, leaving four dead wolves on the ground. My coat matted nad stained with blood. Their scent was all over me, making me sick to my stomach. I could hear the young boy behind me, he nuzzled my side softly. I growled not wanting to be touched and he got the point.

'I'm Jake...thanks for not hurting me again...and what's your name?' He questioned me with curious eyes and a tilted head. I smiled at him calming down a bit more. He looked like a huge lost puppy, following me looking for a home.

'I'm October and its nice to meet you. Plus your welcome.' We both walked in silence after that. He seemed like a really nice kid, maybe about 15 or 14 at most. But he was growing on me, he looked cool and laid-back.

I continued to walk towards the house, but hearing a rustle of bushes sent the hair on my back straight up. I growled and looked around. I stood over jake protectively like he was my own pup. I growled ready to kill anything that moved. I could feel jake shaking underneath my protective stance. 'It's okay jake...whatever it is I won't let it hurt you.' I made it a promise.

Looking around I saw a smoke colored wolf jump from out of the hidden trees and watched me intently, his eyes locked with mine. I growled, but he growled back with more force and demand. I went to go attack but was stopped. WTF!?!?!


Well what do you think :) ???

October's Wolf ~> she is a cream color and Ice blue eyes :)

Please 10 votes for every chapter that's all I'm asking so please....and comments but you guys do that anyway. But please vote! Thanks for everything guys ~M 

  ©Copyright Jonaiya Rogers, 2011

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