Chapter 16 ~*~ The Queen is the Mother of MY Mate. Shit!!!

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Well hopefully this is as good as all my other chapters. PLEASE vote and comment :)



Adrian's P.O.V.


I watched as she gave me a faint fading smile. She knew that I knew that she was the mother of my mate. But how? For someone to become a goddess of ever living breathing shifter known to our kind, how could she become a leader of so much power so fast? I groaned in frustration as I found a small path leading towards the depth of the descended to where my mate had taken her life. I sighed and started towards it before I was stopped.

The queen had stepped in front of me and I glanced at her curiously. "I need to get down there ma'am she is down there and I need her." I mumbled trying to hide my voice of anger but knew she heard it. She gave me a nod and before I knew it we were already down there.

I gasped in utter shock. I had only felt the slightest gust of wind before I blinked and noticed that we were at the bottom of the cliff, close to the body of my mate. I let my wolf take over as we ran towards the scent of my mate. I skidded to a stop and quickly turned in pain and agony moving to the side and throwing up. Blood, it was everywhere. Her body laid disoriented and drenched in blood. With ever inhale of air the metallic taste of blood stuck to my tongue and the stench of the air stuck to my lungs. I only threw up more until there was nothing left my the dry heaving of my body.

I could see the glow of my mate's mother walk towards her daughter's lifeless body. I winced in pain and collapsed on the floor. I couldnt bare it, I felt my body slip in and out of darkness. My body was shaking and I had gone completely cold. My body laid limp on the ground as I heard her mother speaking. I didn't realise she was talking to me until she growled my name in a command. The sudden urge to help her overwhelmed my body and forced it to move and crawl towards her.

"Adrian Lee Carter get over here now" She ground out.

My ear flattened against my head as my tail laid tucked between my legs. I looked weak and broken, that is exactly how I felt. She nuzzled me softly and willed me to close my eyes. I did as told and listened to her soft whispers of a unknown language as she chanted to herself softly. I felt my mind go blank as I laid on the floor and let my body get taken and over ruled by the darkness. Before I knew it the last words I heard her say..were in a language I knew very well. " A Protezioni Guardiano." but it made no sense to why.

~*~ Hours After ~*~

I felt the slight breeze drifting into my window and brush against my bare arms. I sighed contently and twisted in the soft cushions of the bed and buried myself deeper into the silk sheets. My body felt at peace as I buried my face deeper and inhaled the sweet scent of honey and exhaled with a breathless sigh. My eyes fluttered open as I glanced at the dark black sheets I had bunched into my tight fist  only to find a handful of hair wrapped softly inside them. I bolted up and looked at my mate laying peacefully down on my bed. I must be dreaming.(he wakes up to find him laying next to mate).

I watched as her chest rose and fell softly and my ears picked up the faint breathing coming from her body. I let my hand run itself down the length of her arm. She was so warm and felt so real. Her scent was stronger than before. Her skin was flawless and as smooth as silk itself. Her long dark brown hair spread over my sheets calmly like an angel. I laid back next to her and pulled her closer to me. My arms linked around her waist as I inhaled my mate's sweet scent one last time. I closed my eyes and fell asleep to the faint musical beating of her heart. This would be the last I see of my mate. 


He had one final dream of being with his mate. Isnt that sweet??

Haha I know yous guys have been waiting and im sorry its short but ive been booked :/ I'll be uploading a lot and very soon. I will have longer chapters by tomorrow but as of now enjoy this one(: ~M OH PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!! Much needed comments i love what you guys have to say!!!!! ~Midnight

P.s: Her words 

A Protezioni Guardiano. Mean: Guardian's Protection in italian

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