I Missed your Dimple

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Sarah's POV

I was so happy at the moment. It had been 4 days since me and Martijn kissed and I was kind of floating on air. Just as I thought my mood couldn't improve my best friend from back in England called me on Skype.

Nate had lived next door to me when I was a baby, we had kind of grown up together, went to the same school, played in each other's back gardens it was the perfect cliché friendship. Until after sixth form, when he went up north to university and I went more down south. We lost touch for a few years after I dropped out but we got back in touch soon after. I found out that he'd done the same, and had now found his soulmate in Timmy, become a successful nurse and was just generally in a really great place. We skyped once a week and he kept me up to date on England and my dad and stuff, but we mainly just spoke about our week.

"Hey Nate," I answered cheerily. He smiled.

"Hey what's got you in such a good mood?" He asked.

"I'll tell you in a minute. How are you?" I asked.

"You have a crush," he said. I felt my face flush.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked. He laughed.

"Yep. Who is he?" He inquired.

"His name is Martijn and oh my God Nate he's so great. We were talking online for ages and we met up when I'd done my shift the other day and we watched Peter Pan and it's just... I haven't felt like this since George Watermear remember that?" He laughed.

"Yes and you wrote him a poem and put it in his locker. How did it go again?" He teased.

"No stop," I said, laughing.

"George Watermear
You make everything clear
Whenever you are near
I can always hear
Your voice inside my ear
George Watermear" he said.

"Stop stop the cringes," I shuddered.

"Have you written Martijn a poem yet?" He asked.

"No, but I have kissed him," I announced.

"Is he good? Because I might come and pay you both a visit. Does he top or bottom?"

"I don't even know but I reckon a top. He looks dominant," I said. Nate giggled.

"Just how I like it," he said.

"How is Timmy anyway?" I asked, scanning Nate's room quickly.

"He's not in here if that's what you mean. He's fine. Wanna say hi?" He asked. I nodded.

"TIMMY COME AND SAY HI TO SARAH SHES IN AMSTERDAM!" Called Nate. A few seconds later Timmy came in.

"Hey Timmy," I waved.

"Hey Sarah how's Luke doing?" He asked.

"He's fine thanks, he's asleep," I replied. Nate was laughing.

"We haven't seen Sarah in 3 months and you're asking about her cat," he said.

"Well I haven't seen her cat in 4 months and I assumed you'd already asked her how she was and I didn't want her to repeat it," he defended.

"That's very true," I said. Timmy nodded.

"Right well Timothy piss off and let me talk to my friend now," said Nate. He kissed his cheek.

"You can go shave your back now. Bye Timmy," I said.

(If you don't know this reference then get out)

"Bye Sarah," he said, waving and going out of Nate's room.

"You and Timmy are my OTP," I said. He laughed.

"Me and Timmy are my OTP," he joked.

"Aw I forgot how much I love your little dimple. I miss you," I said. He looked momentarily sad.

"I miss you loads. I'm gonna come visit soon. I wanna meet the guy that's got you so happy. Maybe I'll write him a poem," he said. I laughed, feeling so happy and yet kinda sad that I was here and Nate was there and that he had his soulmate and I was still finding mine; but I was happier here in this moment than I'd been in a long while, and if it was tainted by a touch of sadness then so be it. It was worth it.

Martijns POV

I hadn't made the effort to see her again when I found out that I knew her voice. I still texted her like normal, and I still wanted to see her but I had to think this through.

My inspiration had been running low and the only good track I had done was ages ago, and I was sick of sitting at a desk for hours and getting nothing. The track I wrote with the vocal that I had tried to push away had swam back into my head now that I knew who the vocal was, but I couldn't just throw her in the deep end like that.

Or could I?

I'm not suggesting that she became a singer or anything, but laying an anonymous vocal on this track wouldn't hurt her. She could get serious money from this. But I know what this industry is like. People will say things, do things, mean things. Things I don't want her to have to witness. At the moment she was my one pure and innocent thing, untouched by the harshness of my real life. If she knew how much I was depending on her for sanity she would leave afraid.

I sat at my desk again, laptop open, looping the Ed Sheeren song while I clawed at my brains. I banged my head on the desk, not even noticing the pain. I had nothing, well almost nothing. I had my track, her track almost complete on my computer. It just needed the vocal and some final tweaks. But it could never work.

It could never work.

It could never work.

Convincing myself was hard. I just pictured her, getting the hate that she's bound to get, how hurt she'd be. I left it.

I sent her a snapchat asking what she was up to and she sent me a selfie of her and her laptop open on Skype with a guy with a brown fringe on her call. She captioned it as 'skyping my bestie' and she looked so happy, I couldn't let the media take that away from her.

But management were constantly jumping down my throat, pushing me for music and tours and I needed to breathe.

And at the moment, she was my oxygen.


This was more of a filler and its emphasising Martijns stress, he's being pressured for music and the only track he has is the one with the vocal on it.

And in complete contrast to Sarah who's really happy and feels like she's finally settling in, despite missing her friends.

I'm gonna shut up now.

Adios Munchkins xx

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