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Sarah's POV

It was Wednesday. I was about to become a singer. Well not quite yet. Right now I was lying in Martijn's bed in my pyjamas, curled up in the covers, having hardly slept. The sun was just about peeking through the gap in the curtains. He was sleeping, his arms were around my waist and I was comfy and worried and excited and scared all at once. When his alarm finally blared through the silence I felt relieved. Martijn always made me feel better.

"Morning," I said, as he put his alarm off and sat up.

"Morning. Did you even sleep?" he asked. I giggled nervously.

"No I'm too excited and nervous," I said. He laughed, his morning voice increasingly sexy. He rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Same. I'm so excited for people to see how talented you are," he said.

"I'm so lucky to have you. And I need a shower," I said, getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. After showering quickly and washing out my hair I blow dried and straightened it. I then stood in my underwear looking at the 4 outfits I had grabbed before going to Martijn's last night.

"I like the red skirt," he said, kissing my neck lightly making me jump.

"Well I'll go with that then," I said, and once he'd gone for his shower I put on a red skirt with a black top and stripy blazer. I thought it looked okay and once my makeup was on and Martijn was dressed we headed towards the studio.


"Hi nice to meet you. Sarah right?" I shook hands with the overly friendly bald man. Next to him was a stocky black man with very white teeth. He looked me up and down and frowned.

"I'm Jonathan nice to meet you. He's Pedro our designer for the song. We've both heard lots about you. You've clearly got our Martin whipped." he joked. Pedro looked at Martijn.

"She has a beautiful face but she's very plain. We can fix that though, pull in the waistline and get Cassie on the make up she'll be right as rain for the shoots," he said. I looked down at my waist. Pull it in?

"What?" I asked.

"Oh yes, well seeing as you've made the song together we decided to make your relationship as public as possible. It melts the fans hearts to see their favourite celebrities all loved up. It will make the song sell like crazy." said Jonathan.

"I thought I said we wanted it to be anonymous," said Martijn, already looking mad.

"Listen. You've been gone for so long that we're worried this song won't sell as well as it should. And seeing as no other singer will do it for you then we have to sell this out as much as we can." he explained.

"What? No I'm not doing that! She can't be in the limelight you know they'll tear her apart!" he yelled. I touched his arm gently.

"What do you mean by 'as public as possible'?" I asked.

"Well you go on a few dates and we get some photos in magazines, maybe a joint photo shoot and interviews that sort of thing," Jonathan explained. I nodded slowly.

"That doesn't sound too bad," I said. Martijn looked at me.

"No you don't get it. You've not been in this industry. This isn't going to end well," he said. Then he turned to Jonathan. "There's no way."

"Just think about it. We can portray her as this 'perfect person' who's got you so loved up that you couldn't think of anyone you'd rather have on your song. Even though she's technically a nobody (no offence Sarah) you are so in love the idea of anyone else is gross to you. And Sarah, this pretty faced average secretary with the amazing voice and low self esteem who's so into you she'll throw away a normal life to help you out. They'll eat it up!" he exclaimed.

"Yes and she's not stick thin or a supermodel so more people can relate to her looks wise. If Martin Garrix can love someone like her then there's hope for us all," Pedro said. I didn't know if I was offended by these statements but I stood there quietly. I could see Martijn mulling it over.

"Can we have a minute alone?" he asked. They nodded and left.

"What are you thinking?" I asked him. He ran a stressed out hand through his hair.

"I'm thinking 'do I want to let you do this' because I know that you'll put yourself through whatever if you think it would help," he said.

"Well I mean if it's going to sell the song like they think it will I'm pretty sure I can take a few catty comments. And a few photos of us on dates, we go on dates anyway what difference is a photo gonna make?" I said. He scowled and I touched his face gently.

"I don't want you to get hurt," he said.

"So I won't. I love you and if a few pictures or whatever is going to make all the difference then let's do it," I said.  He kissed me gently.

"Okay," he said, and signalled Pedro and Jonathan back in.

"Any news from the happy couple?" Jonathan asked.

"We'll do it," he said. Pedro clapped his large hands.

"Great! We figured you'd say that so we've made a plan," Jonathan said. I took Martijn's hand and interlinked our fingers.

"First you announce the song but say nothing about who's on it. Then we catch you together, a few 'who is she' articles. Then you announce you're a couple and that she's on the song. An interview here and there showing how much you love each other and then we drop the song. Boom, instant number one," he explained. Martijn squeezed my hand tighter.

"That sounds doable," I said. They grinned at me.

"Perfect! Shall we get you into the studio then?" they asked. I nodded and followed them.


I'm so sorry for not updating but I have had a v stressful month between an actual date with an actual boy to coursework and my sisters anniversary so all in all busy. never mind that though here it is now.

S xx

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