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"Down lens 3 and smile!"

"Face each other like you love each other... perfect."

"Daisy smile please!"

This was my life now. Me and Martijn were posing for our huge photoshoot for the album press. We'd already done a few interviews and been caught out together a few times but this was the first pictures of us that we had posed for as such.

Martijn was in his classic black t-shirt and jeans but I had been glammed up slightly, my hair was styled and my face made up to the point where I didn't recognise it when I looked at myself and it felt like I was covered in cake icing. I was wearing some super skinny black jeans which admittedly made my legs and bum look a lot more toned but the top they put me in was a lot tighter and more low cut than I would ordinarily go for. I was stood awkwardly under the hot studio lights, hands awkwardly in my back pockets between shots. Talking about how much I loved Martijn was slightly uncomfortable although easy because I just felt like it was mine, it was ours, but this part was harder. I felt so exposed.

Martijn was used to all this press and was happy enough to smile for cameras but shared my view on sharing our relationship with the world. Especially as I was using Daisy again, which I knew bothered him.

"Martin can you just hug her from behind please?" I felt the usual warm touch of his hands on my waist, but the usually perfect fit felt odd and stiff. I grinned down lens 4 when instructed to but I know he felt the weirdness.

"Okay you guys are doing great. We're gonna up the cheesiness now so you can break for 5 minutes well we set up the kitchen. Hope you like cupcakes," the young, eager assistant with too much red lipstick grinned at us and left us to sit on the side.

"Can't believe the songs out in one week," Martijn breathed as I curled up in the uncomfortable wooden chair.

"I know right. Didn't Pedro say something about putting the photoshoot prep on snapchat?" We had taken a lot of advice recently on social media from Pedro recently. My Instagram and Twitter (under the new pseudonym) had been gradually totting up since we had first started being 'caught by accident' on dates. Martijns snapchat stories had been public for ages now and I had been featured multiple times now when we were just chilling at home or out together. That part wasn't so bad as we've already taken bundles of stupid selfies already.

"When we get home we can chill out just us. No cameras no dates that end in stalking just me and you and some cheesy film that you chose and all the beers in the fridge," he knew I hated these things.

"Can we also get that nice Indian on the way home?" I asked. He smiled that winning smile that I loved so much.

"Whatever you want." he said and kissed my lips quickly. The assistant trots over to us in her hideous leopard print heels.

"Ready? We're gonna put Daisy in an apron and change your hair is that alright?" she explained.

"Yes that fine." They teased my hair into a high ponytail and whacked a pink and white gingham apron over my clothes.

"Okay so can you guys just look at the cakes like they're the best thing ever?" We were faced with a kitchen almost like a child's play kitchen but bigger. It had a cake stand with 12 cupcakes on, iced in pastel colours.

"Now if Daisy can hold a pink one and smile while Martijn can you just look at her like you did earlier," said the photographer. I smiled at the cake.

"Last couple. First Daisy put icing on Martijns nose and laugh. Martijn, look happy yet surprised." I looked at him and suppressed a giggle.

"Any colour preference?" He rolled his eyes at me.

"Blue seems the most masculine choice," I chose a cake with baby blue icing and took the icing off my finger down the bridge of his nose. I didn't have to fake laughter as he looked so funny. I heard the cameras click.

"Okay now you need to Eskimo kiss so the icing spreads to you both. Cringey but cute." He smiled at he rubbed the sweet smelling icing over my nose. It didn't feel that much different to the amount of foundation I had on.

"Perfect now we just need you to kiss and then we're done." Martijn looked down at me, his grey blue eyes locking with mine before he closed the gap between our icing covered faces.

"Excellent. I can feel the chemistry with you two. Well that's a wrap! We'll let you know when the issue comes out probably in a few days." Martijn went to deal with the paperwork stuff and I changed into my original top and washed the icing off my face.

I stole the jeans.


Back home we chose my house rather than his for once and we were laying intertwined on the sofa with Luke on top of our legs. The empty Indian cartons littered my coffee table and the TV was playing some boring show Martijn had been trying to get me into. I took this moment to just appreciate the beauty of this human being. His  toned chest and stomach which I was leaning on, his strong honey coloured arms wrapped around me, his lean legs in his simple grey jogging bottoms entwined with mine. And his face, those thin lips that had kissed mine just minutes before, those gorgeous intense eyes that were so focused on the TV, the cheekbones and hair that were both so perfect, even though his hair was flopped over his forehead messily. Even his smell of cologne and cigarette smoke was just incredible. I breathed him in content.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked.

"Because I'm just happy that you're my person," I didn't know how else to explain it. He kissed my lips.

"And I'm very happy that you're mine."



I really like this chapter though so I hope you do as well.

S xx

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