cute morning

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When you guys leave cute comments I go all squishy and happy inside to great thanks to you if you do. Not much happens in this chapter but in my head the characters needed some cementing I don't know if that makes sense but hey.


The next morning I woke up first, Sarah was sprawled across her half of the bed, eyes shut and breathing slowly. She had been so worried yesterday, I worry about her when she's sad. She looked so beautiful and innocent, I was staring until I realised that was weird so I rolled over and picked my phone up off the floor. I flicked through Twitter mindlessly until I was interrupted by a call from my manager. How fucking fantastic. I left the warmth and comfort of Sarah's bed to take the call.

"What do you want?" I groaned.

"Music. What's up with you Martin? We thought you were back on track with that preview but it's been weeks now. Care to explain?"

"Not particularly. I told you I was on a break. I told you I needed to slow down a bit. Why can't you just get that into your head?" I spat back.

"Martin, let me remind you who calls the shots here. You give me a track by next week and I'll make all your dreams come true. Fail and I can make you disappear. You got it?" he said menacingly. I sighed sharply.

"Fine," I said and hung up. I had wanted to give Sarah more time to think about this, even change her mind if necessary. But no. Now I had to pressure her into this now. And so close to this nearly tragic event. I'm the worst boyfriend ever.

Going back into her room she was awake and smiling, holding her phone in her hand.

"Morning," I said.

"Guess what? Nate's mum is stable and awake and talking. She's expected to make a full recovery," she grinned. You could see the relief washing through her.

"That's amazing! He must be so relieved," I said. She nodded.

"She was just stabilised when his flight landed so he missed the worst of it. I reckon that's probably a good thing," she said. I nodded.

"Well the universe clearly still has plans for her," I said. She nodded.

"Who was calling you? I couldn't make out the words but it didn't sound particularly pleasant," she asked. I ran a hand through my hair. "Honesty is the best way to do this."

"Okay, it was management. They're stressing me out. They really want a song and I didn't want to ask you, I wanted to give you more time to think but this is only gonna work if I tell you the truth. The truth is the sooner we get it out the better," I sighed. She put her hand on my face.

"When can we record?" she smiled.

"How's next week? Gives me time to free up a studio and stuff," I said.

"You can free up whole recording studios in just one week?" she asked, putting her arms on the back of my neck. I smiled.

"Well being an international DJ has its benefits," I said and then kissed her. She smiled against my lips, a huge relief after all the crying yesterday. In this moment I was lost with her. There could have been a nuclear war break out and I wouldn't have noticed. For once I was happier with someone than alone, and happy to admit it. Right now in this ordinary morning extraordinary things were happening, and the rest of the world went on around us. Her hands were on my neck, in my hair, on my face and my hands were on her waist, on her back, on her forearms, anywhere I could pull her closer to me. It could have been years or it could have been seconds but eventually she pulled away.

"I love you, but I have to go to work. If you can wait while I get ready you could walk me there?" she asked.

"Yeah sure," I said.

"You can make yourself breakfast if you want I normally buy coffee on the way there. I have cereal and stuff. I'm just gonna shower," she said and kissed me one last time before heading into the bathroom.

I went into the kitchen and made cereal because I was hungry and also put some cat food down for Luke. I could hear her singing in the shower, I didn't recognise the song but just hearing her gently through the doorway made me so happy.

"And you say no ones ever told you you can sing before," I called.

"You listening to me shower now? That's a bit creepy isn't it?" she joked. I laughed.

"Not if my girlfriends about to become an international singing sensation," I said. The water turned off and after a few more minutes she came out dressed and ready.

"You look just as good without make up," I said. She kissed me quickly.

"Thank you but not everyone will agree. Come on, I need caffeine," she said. She took my hand, her little fingers interlinking with mine and locked the door.


After a much needed caffeine fix and an overly long goodbye I was home. I lit a cigarette before I got in, craving one after a night without. Some people walking past recognised me, they stopped at pointed and I half arsedly smiled at them before putting out my light and heading into the building. I texted Dillon about the song and he said it was great news. He then called me and it was nice to catch up, he told me about some girls he went out with last night and I told him about Nate's mum and how Sarah was doing. Sometimes it's nice to have a day where I just catch up with people, and catch up with myself.

Right now it felt like everything was maybe gonna turn out okay.

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