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Sarah's POV

It was 2:30am when I was rudely awakened from my sleep by a knock on the door. I thought it was just Luke being a pain but I got up to let him in. But when I opened the door it was to a tired looking Dillon and a drunk looking Martijn.

"What happened?" I said, running a hand through my messy bed hair. Dillon half laughed half grimaced.

"He can really put it away when he wants to. I was just gonna take him home but he started shouting that you lived here. Also something about a bird? Anyway he was shouting so much we got thrown out the cab. Sorry to wake you," he said. Martijn was giggling at his shoe.

"My shoe is so funny look," he said. I laughed.

"I always imagined you as more of the party animal," I said. Dillon laughed.

"I'm hardly sober but when I saw how much he was drinking I had to stop," he admitted.

"Well thanks for getting him home okay. I can take it from here," I said. He smiled.

"We still on for lunch tomorrow?" He asked.

"Should be. See how he feels tomorrow," I said. He nodded and left.

"Hey Sarah," he giggled, hiccuping.

"Hi Martijn. I think you should come and sleep now," I said, gently trying to guide him.

"Sleep with you? Very forward," he said, looking affronted.

"No but you need to sleep and I only have one bed," I said. I would put him on the sofa but I don't trust him not to get up and break things.

"But I mean if you want to sleep with me you could," he said.

"Well not right now," I said. He giggled.

"But I can make you feel so good," he slurred, hiccuping again.

"I'm sure you can however you need to sleep and so do I. Come on," I started pulling him until he followed.

"Ugh fine," he said. I took him through the bedroom.

"If you need to brush your teeth go to the bathroom through there," I said. He went in and I got back into bed. When he came out he looked a tiny bit better.

"Am I sleeping in here?" He asked, I nodded. He was just in his t shirt and black boxers, I tried not to stare at his legs. They were very nice.

He got in beside me and pulled me close to his chest. I felt his heartbeat on my face. I'd never been this close to someone I really liked, it was really nice. He still smelt slightly of alcohol but mainly of his aftershave and the smell of him, clean cotton and fresh rain. I just honestly felt so safe here, feeling his breathing slow as he fell asleep.

Martijn's POV

I woke up the next morning not knowing where I was. I was in a double bed by myself, but there was a shower running next door. My head hurt from the light so I rolled my face onto the pillow. It smelt girly and nice, like summer. Then a gentle voice came through the door to the bathroom.

Sitting on the seat
Soaking up the sun he is a real lover
Making up for past and
Feeling up his girl like he's never felt her figure before

I'd know that voice anywhere. It brought me back, the alcohol, the haze, getting here, pulling her body close to mine. It made me feel so content. She stopped singing and the water stopped running. When she came out wearing skinny black jeans and a maroon hoody.

"Morning sleeping beauty," she teased. I rolled over.

"How long have you been up?" I asked, wincing at the throbbing in my head.

"An hour or so. Do you want some water?" She asked. I nodded.

"Well put some trousers on and come downstairs," she laughed.

"Oh my God did we..."

"No! As much as you wanted to the sound of your drunk hiccuping was a slight turn off," she raised an eyebrow and I felt myself blush.

"Sorry about that," I said. I saw my jeans on the floor and pulled them on. I quickly made an attempt of doing my teeth then I went downstairs where she was putting cat food down for Luke, a ginger and white cat who jumped down off the sofa and meowed at her feet.

"Dillon's still on for lunch if you are," she called over the running tap. She handed me a glass of cold water and 2 aspirin.

"Yeah I should be okay. I'll just go home, shower and change and then I'll be fine," I said, knocking the painkillers down my throat. I then got my shoes on and got ready to leave.

"You don't have to go just yet. I mean, I'm not working for like another half hour," she said.

"Well okay but there's not much we can do in half an hour," I shrugged.

"Well I mean we could ludicrously make out for half an hour," she blurted out. I smirked, wondering how long she had wanted to say that for. I decided not to think about it and just kissed her.

She placed her hands firmly on my chest, and I pulled her back towards the sofa, not disconnecting our lips even to sit down. I tangled my fingers in her hair and pulled her closer. This was so unfamiliar yet it felt like I'd been kissing her forever, like our lips moulded together and our bodies fit as one. I really don't know how to describe it, it was nothing I'd ever felt before and the half hour we had is not enough and yet forever could never be enough time with her, just feeling her and holding her and just having her with me.
It's hard to explain, but I think it's called love.


Hey guys so I met the Vamps with a couple of friends yesterday (02.10.15) and like I don't know what to do I'm never gonna get over it but hey here's some fluff.

Lyric credit - daydreamer by Adele

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