Fights and I Love You's

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There's been a character change so if you get confused Nate is her gay best friend from England who's come to see her.

I'm sorry this update has taken so long I don't know why.


"So how's rainy tea land?" I asked Nate who was sat on my bed opposite me.

"Same as ever. Your dad sends his love. My mum as well," said Nate with a shrug.

"I bet they all just miss me too much," I teased.

"Timmy also says hi to Luke," he added. I laughed. Luke was sat between us on the bed. I stroked him.

"Hey Nate can I ask you something?" He looked at me and nodded.

"When you got with Timmy, how did you know when you loved him?" I asked. A slightly dreamy look came over Nate's face.

"Well I suppose I always knew. But the moment when it really really clicked was the moment I knew he would do anything for me. Like literally, I could be a total hoe and he would still think the sun shines out of my ass," he laughed at his little joke.

"And they say romance is dead," I joked.

"Why are you asking? Are you in love with Martijn?" He asked mockingly but it was a serious question.

"Maybe," I said. He gasped.

"Have you told him?"

"Not yet. I'm just paranoid he won't feel the same," I shrugged.

"Have you had sex? We said I love you after we had sex for the first time," he said. I blushed.

"Well we have but I mean we didn't then so what do I do now?"

"That's a tricky one. I know, I'll go sightseeing tomorrow and you can arrange the best date you've ever been on. Then at the end just announce it." I thought about that. Plans were already forming in my head.

"Would you mind? I mean you flew all the way here to see me and I feel like I'm abandoning you," I said. He batted his hand in front of my face.

"Don't sweat it. We have a whole week remember. Now are we gonna watch the notebook or bad neighbours?" He asked, producing the 2 DVD's. This was our tradition.

"Bad neighbours," I decided. I wanted to stay in this happy bubble.

"Good choice. Zac Efron was enough of a decider for me," he joked and pulled Luke into his lap. We fell asleep halfway through.


"You asked to meet me?" Martijn walked into the coffee shop where we met and came over to where I was sat, pecking my lips before he did.

"Yeah I just wanted to see you. How was your day?" I was so nervous.

"Kinda shit. Management are jumping down my throat and I don't have new music right now. I just don't and they don't get it," he said, looking sort of angry. This is not how I wanted this date to be going.

"What about the track with the singer who's not a singer?" I asked him. "Surely if you ask her she'll do it?" I said. He shook his head.

"No it's not that simple. She's different," he sighed. I felt a pang of jealousy when he said that.

"Who is she?" I asked, sounding more bitchy then I meant to. He gave me a look.

"That's not relevant," he said. He'd brushed it off last time I'd asked him as well, this was more than a coincidence.

"You brushed her off last time I asked you as well. Is there something you're not telling me?" I asked him. His eyes shifted guiltily.

"No. She's just... She's very special. I don't want her to get hurt. You don't know her. And you don't need to," he said firmly. That really hurt me, so I got up and walked out. I heard him follow me.

"Sarah wait. I didn't mean to upset you. She's just something that you don't need to worry about," he grabbed my hand.

"Really? Nothing to worry about? You're talking about her like you're in love with her!" I half shouted because I was angry. He ran a hand through his hair, exasperated.

"No it's not like that. But if you can't trust me that's different!" He shouted back.

"Can't trust you?! You've spent the past 20 minutes describing this girl and then you don't tell me who she is! Then you tell me she's 'special' and 'different'! I'm your girlfriend and yet you seem more intent on protecting her than me!"

"No it's really not like that! You just don't understand," he cried.

"Then make me! Make me understand so that I can feel better!" I yelled back. He opened and closed his mouth like a fish.

"I... I can't! But you need to believe me!" He said. I rolled my eyes, feeling tears forming.

"Right I'm going home. Call me when you've grown a pair and can tell me about this girl. Also I came out to tell you I'm in love with you. That went well." And I walked off leaving him stood there looking shocked.


I managed to get home without crying but broke down on the sofa. I hated fights, especially with Martijn. This was meant to be so perfect, romantic and it wasn't. It was bad and it made me feel bad. When Nate got back from his day in the city he could tell I had been upset and immediately asked me to spill, which of course I did.

"I wish I could help but I've never dated anyone famous and I don't know what it's like. It doesn't sound like cheating, maybe it's an ex he can't let go of. When you're calm and he's calm maybe bring it up then when you're not screaming at each other. Did you tell him you loved him?" He asked.

"I kind of yelled it at him and then stormed away," I put my head in my hands.

"That's bad but easily rectified. If anything it's quite romantic. Screaming in a fit of passion," he mock swooned and landed on the sofa. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" I asked. Nate shrugged and I went to answer the door. Stood outside in the dark, his face illuminated by a street lamp, was Martijn.

"Wait! Don't slam the door in my face," he said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you gonna tell me who the girl is?" I asked. He took a deep breath and nodded.

"It's you."

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