Talks and Choices

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it's been like a month hasn't it petals I'm very sorry please forgive me I m s o r r y


"I thought I was coming over for inspiration," I said, rolling over to face Martijn in his bed, pulling the sheets to cover my naked body. He smiled.

"If it makes you feel better that was very inspiring," he smirked. I ran a hand through my hair.

"What am I doing? Like am I really about to become a singer on this record? What's gonna happen to me once I've done? What's gonna happen to my life?" I said. I was excited but these questions were circling my head.

"You're having second thoughts?" he asked me, eyes filled with concern. I shook my head determinedly.

"No not at all. I'm just excited about the change," I said.

"Maybe not much will change," he said.

"No not outwardly. But with me. I'm gonna feel so different," I said. He sat up and looked at me seriously.

"And how sure are you that this is what you want. Like really. If you want this then I'm so happy for you and so happy to work through this. But if you have any change of heart I'm not gonna be mad. I can find another track. I would rather lose my job then lose you," he said.

"Honestly Martijn I'm so ready for this. I've spent so long hiding from the world and trying to blend in and hide and you know what? Fuck you world. I'm coming at you with both hands behind my back. I'm coming at you ready and waiting. Do your worst," I said. He laughed, dryly.

"I'm not saying it will be easy. There will be critiques and people saying bad things and I'm not gonna be able to stop it all," he said. I shrugged.

"Well we can cross that bridge when we come to it. I'm sure if your fans respect you they can respect me. And plus we don't have to tell them we're dating if it makes things awkward," I said.

"Hopefully it won't. And management will probably decide who we do and don't tell anyway. They have some sick control over things like that. They like to keep my online profiles squeaky clean," he said, rolling his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well you know how I think everyone prefers Martin over Martijn? Well they kind of prove that to me. They don't let me say anything, they tweet from my account and put things on my Facebook I don't have a say. They build Martin and I don't get to say anything. Martijn isn't real to them," he said sadly.

"He's real for me. Even if I get madly intertwined in this world and Daisy takes over I'll always be Sarah and you'll always be Martijn. That's just how we are," I said. He kissed me quickly.

"That's why I love you so much," he said.

"Thanks. I love you too. Without you I would never have believed that I could do this and now it's actually happening. So you know what, fuck everything. I can do this," I said determinedly.

"You sound like a warrior," he said.

"I'm a fucking WARRIOR," I shouted. He laughed louder.

"YES YOU'RE A WARRIOR," he shouted back. We shouted and laughed together. He flopped back onto the white pillows.

"I wish we could stay here. Just lie here forever," he said.

"Me too," I said and I meant it. We were and comfortable and together. His bare chest was visible over the covers which always made anything better and this was just nice. But of course we couldn't. But we did stay there for a while longer. A long while longer. We spoke until our eyelids grew heavy. It was only about 3pm but we napped for an hour. He was wrapped around me and we were so close I could feel his heart beat.


She was still sleeping in my bed when I got up. I really did need to work on this track if we were gonna be ready for recording on Wednesday. So I went into the 'studio' and carried on. It just looked like pressing buttons but they all meant something. This button meant the bass line came in and these buttons were the marimba sounds leading up to the drop and you have to balance it and stuff. It wasn't all easy.

This time it was easier, I'd had this planned out for so long that it was nearly done when I started. The only bad thing was it currently had me singing the vocals because I needed to hear it when I made the drop and stuff. So my crappy voice was singing the lines so the song made sense. I was just listening to the build up to the drop when Sarah came in and kissed my cheek.

"What's this?" she asked. I pulled out the chair next to mine and she sat down.

"Our song. Do you wanna hear it?" I asked. She nodded. "It's got my singing on it though which is nothing compared to yours." She laughed.

"Play the song," she said. I put it back to the beginning and pressed play. The music filled the room pounding out from the speakers and overtaking all other senses. I cringe when my voice comes in but she listens to the words and the notes and looks impressed.

"That's so good. How do you do that? How does your brain create that? And I get to sing?" she grinned. I nodded.

"That's right. You're gonna sing. And the track is gonna blow up. You're gonna be on every radio station in as many countries as we can," I said. She laughed.

"I'm so ready," she said. I kissed her quickly.

"That's good because so am I. But I've done everything I need to do for it until the real voice is on it. Do you wanna get something to eat?" I asked. She sank down in the chair and nodded.

"Can we get Chinese food and watch Disney movies and just be lazy?" she asked. I nodded.

"Sounds perfect."

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