I just... want to be kissed.

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A/N: I'm a horrible writer, I know. I've been gone for a while I'm sorryyyyyyy. But but here's a cute little OT5 + a lil camren fluff. Thank you for reading my one shots guyss. I really do appreciate it! Vote and comment so I know you're enjoying them <33



I've been out of it lately. I used to be able to conceal it very well before but everybody can just tell how much it's wearing me out. Not talking much in interviews. Not being as goofy as I used to be. Still am but much so, less. Fans could see it, what more the girls. I'm trying so hard to keep it together despite everything. Despite being labelled the 'annoying one' in the group. But tonight I'm not concerned about what people think of me.

I'm bothered by something much more delicate and personal. People might call it naive but I think love is the greatest thing in the world. I'm pretty sure everybody knows how I feel about kissing. "KISS ME I'M LEGAL", all the posts about kissing on my tumblr, instagram, twitter.

I'm ashamed but I'll admit it. It's a desperate call.

I think kissing is the most desirable feeling in the world. Only thing is, I have no one special to share it with. All I can do is kiss the faces of the next important people in my life, the harmonizers. Showing them just how much they mean to me. But that's different isn't it? I can't really kiss the harmonizers. Although I am pretty darn sure a lot of them would jump on the chance.

Just the thought of that makes me giggle.

"What chu laughing at, weirdo?"

My laugh subsided and I tapped the soft cushion next to me, signalling for Dinah to come over.

Dinah gave me a suspicious look but sat down nonetheless.

"Cheena, when was the last time you kissed someone?"

Dinah looked at me and gave me a knowing look. She can always see through me.

Pulling me by the neck, she scooted closer and let my head rest on her shoulders.

"I kiss you all the time."

I chuckled at how true that was. "You do."

I slowly lifted myself up and twisted my body to face her. "But like when was the last time you really really kissed someone?"

Dinah took a deep breath and pondered for a good amount of time before answering while I waited patiently.

"With that foo. Nela. It was my prom night actually."

My heart ached a bit hearing the hint of sadness in her voice. I could relate because we basically went through the same thing. It was definitely one more thing we really bonded over.

"Isn't it weird how you kiss the person you thought was so right for you. And it felt so nice you forget about everything else. Then seeing them kiss another person just moments later?"


The door of the hotel room burst open and came in the rest of the girls. Their energy and laughter was the polar opposite of the vibe in the room and Normani noticed.

"Are you two okay?"

Lauren looked back and forth between me and Dinah with, almost a burning gaze. Always being the protective one. "Who do I have to punch this time?"

Dinah let out a hearty laugh. "No one Lo, Camila here's just lonely. Or should I say her 'lips' are lonely."

"Which lips?" Normani teased.

"NORMANI! Think of Jesus."

The rest of the girls erupted in a fit of laughter as they huddled around each other. It can get pretty inappropriate whenever we're by ourselves.

"But seriously though, what's wrong?" Lauren softened her voice.

"I just... want to be kissed. By someone special." I slowly looked up and searched each of the girls' eyes. Each one of them seem to not know what to reply to the innocent yet blunt answer.

"You can always kiss Lauren."

You can hear a pin drop through the deafening silence. I felt blood drained from my face then rushing back up at supersonic speed.

A pillow flew straight across the room and hit right on a girl's face. It happened so fast I didn't have a chance to blink. "Fuck you, Dinah."

Dinah, Normani and Ally gave each other looks and suppressed their laughters. I stole a glance over and saw a fuming Lauren.

"Oookay okay let's not strangle each other." Ally got herself together and casted her gaze towards me.

"You're going to find that special someone eventually baby girl. And when you do, every kiss will feel amazing." She gave me a warm smile which quickly turned mischievous.

"Meanwhile, you have us." She huddled over and I realised all the other girls did the same. Soon they were crowding all around me.

Before I could say anything, I felt a peck on my right cheek and a grinning Normani. "Love you Mila!"

"My turn!" Dinah grabbed my face by both hands, while I mentally note not to find a boyfriend this aggressive, and planted a huge sloppy one on my left cheek.

I could feel the dampness on my face. "Ewwww Dinahhhh..."

Dinah laughed and shoved me in the face with her huge hand. "Oh shut up, you love it."

"Dinah Jane! Stop abusing the girl!" My eyes were visually impaired by the impact but I made out a silhouette of Ally reaching out to me.

"Come here sweety." Ally tenderly held the side of my face and pecked my left temple.

I finally gave in. I knew all they wanted to do was make me feel better. All the affection was making me giddy from happiness. "You guys.... awwww.."

I was pretty sure Lauren wasn't going to go in for one so I opened my mouth to say thank you when I felt a pair of soft lips dangerously close to mine. I swear she was literally an inch away from actually kissing me. It made my stomach flipped and apparently she felt the same way because I heard a faint gasp coming from her.

"Uuuuuuuuu....." I could already tell they were going to start teasing me and Lauren again. But something in me just took over and I leaned forward, just as Lauren was pulling back and my lips grazed hers.

I halted when I realised I was a mili second late. Lauren halted as a result of shock. And a second wave of silence filled the room.

"Oh shit."

"I'm out!"

And that's how Lauren and I ended up being the only one in the room.

She finally seem to find her voice and I heard, "Fuck."

Oh crap.

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