Aww Baby!

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Aww Baby!

A/N: This is another one shot suggestion I saw. I really wanted to write this one because I thought the idea was just too darn adorable! #teamfluff anyone? Enjoy!


The house was filled with the aromatic hot air of pancakes and the sour, but more so sweet fragrance of strawberries. Camila was intently making breakfast for her family. Batter was spilling all over the counter as she pours out all her love and soul into the food, eyes glimmering with enthusiasm. Lauren was still up stairs snuggled up with Luke, their son. Luke was a beautiful boy, he just turned 9 last week and his moms couldn’t be any prouder of him. He did well in studies and a budding athlete blessed with looks of a heartbreaker, just like Lauren.

“Sweetheart, wake up! Breakfast is ready!” Camila yelled, thanks to her loud Cuban pipes.

The lumps under the blanket stirred at the loud call. Luke stretched out his limbs and felt a warm body next to him. His eyes snapped open and instinctively snuggled into the warmth.

“Morning lil man.” Lauren smiled with her eyes still closed, bringer Luke closer into her embrace.

“Morning mama.” He chirped.

Lauren chuckled and played with her son’s hair. “Mami is calling, you wanna go down?”

Lauren felt the boy’s head shaking left and right.

Letting out a small laugh, she took the hem of the blanket and covered them both under the duvet, hushing the young one as she does so.

“Let’s pretend we didn’t hear her, shh.”

Little Luke giggled and bobbed his head excitedly.

“Luke, Lauren don’t make me come up there!” Camila’s voice was getting louder by the second; footsteps were heard up the stairs.

She came through the door with a spatula in one hand.

“Oooh still asleep eh?” She played along as she heard giggling under the covers.

“I guess I’ll just leave you two then.”

Camila tiptoed towards the bed and saw her partner’s curves on the left side of the bed. She swiftly swung back the spatula she had in her hand and slapped it across Lauren’s butt.


Luke’s bright childish laughter rang through the walls in the room. Camila and Lauren looked at him lovingly, joining the little boy’s contagious laughter.

“That hurts mami.” Lauren pouted and rubbed her backside.

“That’s what you get. You bad, bad influence.” She pointed the spatula, poking Lauren’s side as she speaks.

Luke giggled but halted and brought up both his hands up his mouth when Lauren jokingly gave him a pointed look.

“Ay, let’s go mijo go eat breakfast you’re going to be late for school.” Camila scolded as she patted Luke’s cheeks softly.

Luke scurried down the stairs as the girls followed after him.

“Oh honey, I’m gonna make the bed.” Lauren said as she grabbed Camila’s arm.

“Ok, don’t be long.” Camila gave Lauren a small peck before going down to Luke.

Camila strutted into the kitchen, only to see Luke up on the stool. He was swinging his legs back and forth, a huge pancake stuffed in his little mouth. She smiled and shook her head at her son’s big appetite. “Just like his mama.” She mumbled to herself.

“Yummy?” Camila asked.

Luke gave her four big thumbs up, holding up all arms and legs in acknowledgment while bobbing in his seat, clearly enjoying the pancakes and strawberry milkshake Camila prepared.

“You finished everything on the plate, leave some for me and mama!” The young mom chuckled and ruffled her son’s hair.

She proceeded to spread batter on the hot pan, making some more pancake for Lauren and herself.

“Mami, would you and mama come for my school’s performance next week? I’ve been preparing really hard.”

As soon as Camila heard her son’s voice, her limbs went numb causing the spatula in her hand to fall and make a loud clang on the counter. Lauren heard the noise and rushed down the stairs as fast as her legs could take her, panicking. “Honey, what was that?”

Upon reaching the kitchen, her eyes scrambled between her wife and son checking for any injuries. “Luke, sweetheart you’re okay?”

Luke, just as stunned, answered his mom is a quiet voice. “Yes mama.”

Lauren carried her gaze towards Camila and ran to the girl. Cupping her face and scanning her arms for burns and scars, she asked hurriedly. “Babe, did you get hurt? Let me see.”

No scars, no redness, nothing. She looked up and searched for Camila’s eyes. The girl’s eyes were watery, tears pooling threatening to fall any second.

“Mami if you forgot about it, it’s okay. Please don’t cry.” Luke looked at Camila, pouting as he comforts his mom.

Lauren looked confusedly at Luke. “What? What’s going on?”

Camila kept her gaze on Luke as she cries harder, veins showing at her temples.

The little boy panicked. He jumped off the stool and ran towards Camila with opened arms, intending to stop her from crying. “It’s okay mami, it’s ok. Please stop, mami stop I don’t like seeing you cry it makes me really sad.”

But Camila only cried even harder upon hearing her son’s voice. Lauren was dumbfounded, confused but touched looking at the scene exchanged in front of her.

She placed and rubbed her hands on her partner’s shoulder comfortingly. “Are you okay?”

Camila gave a small smile and nodded her head.

“It’s not that mijo, I didn’t forgot your performance.” She said while affectionately cupping the boy’s face.

“Then why are you crying?” Lauren questioned, while taking a step back and examine Camila’s body once again to make sure she didn’t get hurt.

“He grew up so fast.” Camila sniffed, stroking the boy’s hair in her arms.

“His voice got deeper.”

Lauren cocked her head to one side, inspecting Camila’s face. When she didn’t get any response, she blurted. “Oh you’re not kidding.”

Camila looked at her confusedly.

“AWW BAAAAABY.” Lauren engulfed both Camila and Luke in a bone-crushing hug.

“That’s what you were crying about?”

“Yeah, why else would I cry?” Camila asked seriously.

“Awwwww baby.” She cooed, eyes dancing in amusement.

She leaned down and pulled Camila in for a peck on the lips. And many more consecutive pecks followed after before chuckling. “God I love you.”


A/N: If you liked it, click on the star! I love you hahah. Also, if you have any prompts/suggestions please leave drop me a comment! <3

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