Music Video

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A/N: Hi! It's been a while yeah haha but I'm back! I see I've gained quite a few readers hi all thank you so so much for reading my stories I appreciate it :)) This is a new short series I've been playing around with. I finally decided to pen them down so voila. I posted this on 5hfanfiction too so don't worry it's me haha. I hope you enjoy!!

SUMMARY: Camila is a fresh-faced rising singer who just came out of the closet. Lauren is her co-star playing her lover in the music video. Will sparks fly?


Chapter 1

"Karla Camila Cabello, where the hell are you?" Meg’s voice screeched over the phone.

"I'm sorry Megs I'm already coming up the stairs I'll be there in five I promise!" Here I am, lugging all my belongings while trudging up the stairs. With much difficulty. I keep tripping every two steps but I didn’t care I just wanted to get up these damn stairs.

What am I late for? I’m late for my music video shoot that's what. It’s not my first but it’s a very significant one. But see, Camila Cabello is never late. It’s ridiculous how out of all days, the universe chose to turn my morning upside down particularly today. Great. Just when I got all excited for the most important shoot to date in my music career. You might be wondering what’s all the fuss about this music video. Well let me give you a brief little story.

I just got out of the closet about a month ago. And during my nice and cozy stay in the dark closet, I’ve single-handedly written a song to symbolise a new start. I wanted to make a change, I didn’t want to be afraid anymore. It literally took all of me; my time, passion, dedication, my soul, everything to make this happen and to prove people wrong. See, there has never been a genuine acknowledgement for LGBT musicians in the industry. It was all about the ‘scandalous’ lifestyle and gossip, never the actual music. But I wanted to change that.  I wanted this new music to be a fresh start, a commemoration of my freedom to be nothing but true to myself. And being late will definitely not leave a good impression.

Pausing to catch a breath, I vent my inner frustration looking up at the flight of never-ending steps. “Why today just why?”

I stomp my feet, with a little too much force and heard a clack echo through the narrow corridor. Stunned, I inspected my body and all around me until I saw my Alexander McQueens. I broke my heel. I broke my favorite heel.

This is unbelievable.

The door slammed opened and a woman stomped her way down charging towards me. "There you are, hurry up your co star has been waiting for half an hour already!" That's Megs, my manager. She dragged me up like a rag doll and shoved me into the make-up chair.

"She's here? Where?" Settling into the seat, I struggle to catch my breath. Damn they should probably build an elevator in this building. Nobody has to put that much effort just to get up 3 levels.

“She’s waiting outside. Why were you taking the stairs by the way? The elevator’s right over there.” Megs frowned.

“What? Are you serious?”

My manager looked at me confusion written all over her face. Obviously not aware of my morning struggle.

“No nothing forget it god damn it can this day get any worse…” My fingers instinctively raked itself through my hair, massaging my throbbing head.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I crane my neck around the corner to get a glimpse of the girl I will be working with in the shoot. All the while having 6 pair of hands working on me. That.. actually sounds… never mind.

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