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        Snapping his eye open, Vaati realized that he finally, finally had felt the seal on him weaken, so much that he could escape. He had been in that sword for so long; it must have been decades, no, centuries since he last saw the outside world. He wouldn't have ruled out an eternity. Within the deep, dark nothing of the Four Sword's seal, the hours felt like months to him. The thought of the things he could do in the coming months thrilled him. If he had a mouth, he would have grinned.

        Unexpectedly and forcefully, like a button when a shirt gets too small, he had simply popped out of his little sword. Finding himself alone in the ocean, he turned this way and that, his red eye scanning over the fish that swam around him, the stirring sand of the ocean floor, his sense of sight sharp despite the near-total darkness. This dark emptiness threatened to engulf him, to crush his large and bulky form. Oh, he'd managed to escape—no, he was forced out—but he had nowhere to go.

        With his several sets of small bat wings, he fought his way to the surface, before finally hurling himself into the air above. He glanced around at the waves, blinking in confusion at how endless this ocean was, before he began to search for a place to at least settle down for a few minutes. Any thought of what he could do was immediately dulled by the changes to the world he once knew. Where he would go after he settled?

    He had no clue.

    After hours of aimless traveling, he eventually found an island, and he decided to live there temporarily. He assumed his human self once more, since the beast he usually took the form of had no use on such a small, deserted island. Upon landing, he quickly found that he had to learn how to walk again, step by step, as if he was a toddler.

    He was almost shocked when, after he had managed to reteach himself how to walk and such, he glanced at his distorted reflection in the tossing and turning ocean and discovered that his skin was many shades of purple. Why was he such a peculiar color for a person? Was he always like this? He couldn't remember. He could barely remember anything about himself. Not where he came from, whether he was always called the name he had given himself or not, anything. He had barely remembered that this is the form he once took. Was this what the Goddesses had wanted? To make him an empty shell with no personality or memory? To turn him into something that resembled an idiot? Every time those questions came to mind, he clenched his teeth.

        He managed to survive. This fact was a slight relief from the emptiness that pervaded him. And the means to kill him was in the ocean, lost forever.

        He was alone, of course, like always. He was sure that even if someone did manage to find him, they would run away as soon as they caught sight of him. Was there ever a time when someone looked at him without hatred, pain, or fear in their eyes? He sighed, dreading to face the fact that the truthful answer to his question was a definite no.

        Then one day, she came on a ship, and for the first time since he had tried to get the ultimate power, now a faint memory, he recalled what it was like to have someone to actually talk to. It had been pleasant to cast away the feeling of loneliness for a while, which reigned over him in constant silence. He was hardly aware of the empty feeling when it took up residence in him.

        But what had become of the ancient kingdom, Hyrule? Why were the only things he could see an eternal ocean and perhaps a few seagulls and some grass?

He doubted he would ever really know.

Wilting Light (Vaati x reader)Where stories live. Discover now