The Fog

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A trigger warning for death. A summary of this should be in the next chapter.
"Ugh! What is that stench!?"

With that voice ringing loudly through your ears, you opened your eyes. You became aware of a stench so horrible that you almost vomited as soon as it hit your nostrils. You pushed the book off your face, which made the smell stronger. You gagged, and some stomach acid and partially digested food come up. Quickly, you shot up from the bed, sprinted downstairs, shoved open the front door and stumbled outside, away from the foul smell. As soon as you'd sat down away from the door, you felt relief rush through your upset stomach.

When you stood up, you spit out the vomit. Thankfully, the nausea was no longer a problem, but the smell reached you even outside. "What is that!?"

"I was asking you the same question!"

You instantly recognized Vaati's voice, but you didn't look, instead staring out at the island in shock. The sun still hadn't risen, which was why it was so dark, but a thick fog had settled over the island; and it was cold and ominous, unlike any normal fog. It felt like someone was in that fog, ready to strike without warning.

You heard someone walk up beside you, but when you gave in and glanced at the person with you, knowing it was Vaati, you only saw the demon eye from your dream.

You yelped and jumped away in surprise and fear. From a distance, that eye faded to the Vaati you knew was really there. His brows were furrowed with concern.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing," you answered quickly. You wished that it wasn't silent on this currently eerie island- you were sure that he could hear your ragged breathing.

"Yes, and you act like that over nothing." He huffed in annoyance.

"Really," you protested weakly, "it's nothing!" I'm just going mad and seeing things!

"You're afraid." His brows-if he had any, anyway-were creased; it looked almost as if he was trying to his terror behind selfless concern. It was quite an odd look for him. "Of what, might I ask? This fog?" He glanced around at the outskirts of the island then in the general direction of the marketplace. "It doesn't seem very natural, but it is far from dangerous, it seems."

You nodded quickly. "Yeah, that's it."

"But that's not it..." he whispered, and absentmindedly studied each blade of grass. You had a feeling you weren't supposed to have heard that last part. You said nothing, however.

You watched him in silence, noting how he seemed to always have a breeze about him; his cape and hair had a constant, flowing motion, and it made him look badass, like his name. He must have been given that name for a reason. You avoided his face, since that piercing red eye of his would probably remind you of the demon's in your dream, and you didn't need to be reminded of how ridiculous you were being because of it, even if you saw the same eye in a picture that you'd never seen before. It had to be pure coincidence, even with the detail. Oh, yeah, you left the book inside.

"Might I ask what that smell was?" Vaati asked after a moment of silence between you two, looking at you. You had just slowed your heart, and had been perfectly calm for a mere second, just then beginning to wonder where Tetra's father was, when his loud, sharp voice decided to fiercely rip the silence in half.

"I...I don't know..."

He raised a brow. You didn't see it, since you refused to meet eyes with him, in fear that you would see that demon eye instead of his purple baby face. "Did meat spoil?"

You found it funny how he was capable of being calm while you felt like a rubber band that was being stretched. Nothing about the mood affected him; not the way the fog concealed everything beyond three feet of you; not the way you felt as if something was in it, preparing to rip out your guts. Nothing.

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