Chapter 11

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Akane's POV

I woke up in a dark, blank space. I felt dizzy and my head was aching like crazy. Suddenly, the blank space faded away, and I was in the front yard of father's home. I shivered at the sight. I opened the door and walked in, and I saw father leave. He was happy, so awfully happy as he waved goodbye to an innocent little girl in the window. It was me. Mother came out next, with her redhead bobbing, she waved goodbye to her love as he left for Kentucky. "Stay safe! I love you" She called out. Dad's red truck drove out the driveway and just as I realized it was there, it drove straight through my body. This was just like my dreams. Of my old life I use to live... I followed Ma into the house then it all whizzed past me. I heard voices of my new family, my better family. I heard Skyler, whispering to me, "W-ake up please. I s-wear S-awyer will go crazy with-out you. You better get your ass up and wake up soon missy." I laughed at this though I could still feel his pain he was trying to hide. "N-o, but seriously, wake up so-on. Please." I swear I felt a drop on my hand and a squeeze before I heard more footsteps and Aric came to talk to me. "Don't worr-y. Sawyer is com-ing soo-n." I heard more footsteps and then they stopped. "Wake up soo-n, won-t you?" he whispered. He stood up, paused for a moment and left. I heard soft, lighter footsteps come to me and I knew it was Sawyer. Its not that I didn't like his brothers, but out of them all, Sawyer and I were the closest. (other then Kirsten and Carl) Go figure I guess, he's the one who found me, took me in, he's like the angel in disguise when I went to hell. Like he brought me to heaven and I was reborn with a much better, loving family. Reborn with something to live for. I could feel him holding my hand slightly tense. "Hey." he whispered weakly, "you - c-an't give up now. Just be-cause your in a c-om-a doesn't mea-n you get - to stop liv-ing!" He whispered in a slight lecture and my hands tensed up. So I was in a coma? That would explain all the flashbacks. Don't worry Sawyer. I'm not giving up yet. Softening his grip, he murmurs, "Would you like me to sing you a song? I knew you always loved Moving the Sky..." I could feel his streaming tears on my hand and he tried to take a steady breath.

"I've been sleep-ing

for the pa-st few day-s

I've b-een dream-ing

of wak-ing up

To the s-un

But my sun-'s not com-ing up

And my wor-ld has turn-ed


And I won-der

If it will ev-er be the sa-me

And I won-der

If I'll s-ee the sun ag-ain

Won-der if my s-un

will e-ver come

Won-der if this m-oon

Will e-ver fall

I've b-een sleep-ing

For the p-ast few d-ays

Man it's been rain-ing

For the p-ast few da-ys

And there's thun-der


The winds blow-ing so hard

It's moving the sky

And my stream-s have turn-ed

Into riv-ers

And my stre-ets have turn-ed

Into strea-ms

Won-der if my s-un

Will e-ver come

Won-der if this m-oon

Will e-ver fall"

By the end of the song, I could feel a small puddle of tears on my hospital gown. It felt like I was crying too but I know I wasn't since I was in a coma. Sawyer you are just like my sun, you are. I smiled. I finally knew what it meant to care about your family, to love them, and have them love you back. I felt his weight over mine and his arms circle around me into a warming hug. More then anything, I wanted to hug him back. To tell him I loved him and tell him how he was the best brother I could ever hope for. I heard his footsteps shuffle away and as he left, I felt like some part of me was missing. Kirsten came and chatted with me, and though I know she couldn't hear my response, I answered anyways. She continued either way as well. Like Skyler, I could hear the pain in her voice and I knew more then one of her loved ones was here. I heard everyone but Carl. Carl! I remembered the car impacted on the side we were both on and I knew he wasn't the only one in a coma. I heard them all leave and I knew I better not try to keep track of time while I'm here. I read on coma's once. The person in a coma's time was all messed up. I remembered how it said they could hear the voices and noises outside the most depending on the chance of you waking up or how long you'd be in a coma. (A/N THIS IS NOT A TRUE FACT THAT I KNOW OF! I SIMPLY PUT IT IN THIS STORY FOR AUTHOR'S REASONS) My face lit up at this. That means I shouldn't be here too long! I smiled widely but it was soon wiped away as my flashbacks of what I like to call, my 'former life' continued.


Thank you so much for reading! And thank the heavens for all of you that have followed this story through all the long waits and struggles! Ugh! I love you so much for that! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll let you know, the next chapters will mostly be about Akane's past and lets see if you can piece together the story of her father before I reveal it myself! (if you do find out please don't comment it or ask me if thats the reason because I'm not spoiling it for anyone) Just a heads up, my school is starting on the 24th (of August) so I hope I'll be able to update more since I have to get to school for 0°. So thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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