Chapter 7

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This is for a really great friend of mine, Brook, @troye5ever (Twitter profile pic above)
Akane POV

I woke up to a beeping noise and 10 eyes staring down at me. I tried to move my arms but they felt stiff. I looked down at them and groaned. They were all bandaged up very tightly. I made eye contact with each of them and they did back. Someone needed to say something already."So..." I didn't know what to say. "Could somebody explain exactly what happened?" Everyone shot their gaze at Sawyer. He was the only one who knew the full story.

"Yeah... we're curious to know as well, Sawyer." Skyler stated. I wasn't sure if he was fooling around or not. I'll simply never understand the minds of these people.

"Well... it started when we found you weren't in your bedroom. Skyler, Aric and I went outside to search for you. We got into a fight... and well... you ended up cutting yourself to the point you passed out. We thought you were dead. We called the ambulance and well... here we are." He tried to smile comfortably but you could tell he was struggling. I on the other hand, didn't exactly have a reaction shown. I've had several experiences like this it's just that I've never woken up in the hospital... I've always woken up the same place I was knocked out. We were all quiet, waiting for something to happen or someone to say something. "I'm going to go talk to the nurses." Sawyer nodded at his mom and we all followed his gesture as well. After talking to the nurse, they said I was able to go back to the farm now. We left the hospital, went back to the farm and continued the uncomfortable silence. The next thing we all knew, we were all playing video games to pass the time. Sawyer on the Xbox, his brothers on their phones, and I on the laptop playing LOA. The day continued in a similar matter, not much talking. But hopefully, tomorrow might be a better day.
*time lapse*

2 Weeks Later - Sawyer POV

It had taken some time for Akane to forgive me and during that time, she'd avoid me as much as possible and was usually hanging out with Skyler and Aric. Mom was worried but Skyler and Aric didn't seem to mind it. I was well, a little angry about it I guess. I didn't see any reason she should be angry but I remembered what she said to me, and I remembered what I said to her. I guess it made sense she was still pissed. Or maybe she thought I was still angry her. Either way, I don't bother her much anymore. She seems to like my brothers so why bug her? I walk outside and see Aric and Skyler doing farm chores. I want to talk to Akane since we only forgave each other a couple of days ago. "Is Akane with you?" I shouted. "No!" They replied. Sighing in defeat I walked back inside the house and to my room. Just outside, I could hear a soft sound of... a guitar? I could only recall bits of the song. But I knew one thing for sure. It was my original song from a while ago. Then came the vocal part. A soft, fragile, angel like voice started it off.

"Looking out my window
See the ground
I'm falling down
This will all be over
Tired of this world
I'm leaving now

Looking out my window
Sun is just coming down
And as I'm falling
And as I'm falling
I turn around
Look at the life
I live in"

I couldn't take it anymore. I joined in. In unison, we sang the rest of the song.

"And I know there's
people who love me
Too many people
who don't

Looking out my window
See the ground
I'm falling down
This will all be over
One more step and it is done

And as I'm falling
And as I'm falling
I turn around
Look at the life
I live in
And I know there's
people who love me"

Her voice was so soft, so soothing. She sang the last lines solo and her eyes teared up.

"Too many people who don't

Looking out my window
Sun is just coming down
I'm coming down
I'm coming down
I'm coming down..."

She was clearly crying now and I felt so bad. I sat down next to her and she leaned her head against my shoulder. She cried and cried and it seemed like she wouldn't stop. It was already pretty late and we were both tired. She fell asleep crying on my lap and my shirt was soaked. I looked on my shoulder and there were a few drops of blood. My eyebrows furrowed for I was puzzled at this. She was in a deep sleep so I pulled up her sleeve. There were cuts. It read "Music is my escape from the bullshit in my life" I cried at this. Both happy and sad. I just didn't understand. But I was glad to know she loved music as much as anyone should. She was sleeping so peacefully. My eyes started to droop and I was very tired. "Goodnight, Akane. I love you"
YAYYYYYYY!!! I finally finished the chapter!!! Thanks so much for reading! This chapter was dedicated to my lovely friend, Brook! Brook was one of my first friends on social media and she really was a great one too. Brook introduced me to everyone else and I can't thank her enough for it. Thank you Brook! Follow her on Twitter: @troye5ever and on Wattpad: troye5ever. Thanks again!

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