Chapter 5

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2 Weeks Later

Sawyer POV

It had only been a short time since we adopted Akane and I really love having a younger sister. Skyler and Aric don't seem to have much reaction to her but I'm sure they're just concealing it from me. Sure, sometimes it gets annoying when she starts tapping me on the shoulder or tries to wake me up in the morning to talk. But siblings always annoy each other. I just don't get what would be so urgent to talk about anyways. Akane seems to have quite an interesting taste in well, everything quite frankly. She only wears jeans, a plain shirt and a jacket everyday. She never puts her hair in a ponytail or down. Only in a single braid on the back of her head. She wears the same necklace everyday. A silver dragon curled around a red orb with a dagger piercing through the dragon. She would also wear another necklace everyday which was a dagger necklace. She'd only take it off at night and we're actually not sure if it's a real dagger or not. It looks sharp enough to be a real one though. It even has a case that goes around it. She won't let anyone touch it too. She always takes a "night walk" and I always fall asleep before she comes back. None of us know why she does it but she says it's something she does to comfort herself. I'm still very suspicious about it... She's also probably the least picky eater I know. She'll really eat anything and she doesn't eat much of it. In fact, she skips meals sometimes. Mother says we shouldn't worry about her since she doesn't seem that skinny. But then again, I did say seem. I really don't know about Akane. She's quite an odd person and I don't have a good feeling about it. For all we know, she could be plastering a fake smile in front of us everyday. That's why I'm planning on finding out tonight. I've decided I was going to follow her outside tonight.

I'm excited yet very nervous for tonight. I mean, who wouldn't be? I'm going to find out something I'm eager to know but I'm still nervous about the results. What if she catches us? What if it's something really important? What if it's something really personal and supposed to be untouched? I'll never know until the time comes, I guess. Until then, I'll just have to keep wondering, deep into my endless thoughts.

Akane POV

It's only been a couple of weeks since they adopted me. They're nice and all but I know I'm probably just going to end up on the street, and back to the old gift shop to die alone. The Fredericks are nice and all but I still find it hard to trust them. In addition, they don't really know who I really am. They don't know me. I'd always have to wear multiple layers to look healthy and average and they don't know what I do at night. They'd probably be furious if they knew. But like I said, they don't know me. I don't do things for no reason. I've been sleeping to keep it secret. He's always on his phone at late hours doing who knows what. But I do have a phone. I follow him on Twitter but nobody knows I love with him. Im not sure what there reaction would be so I decided to keep quiet. Especially since I'm in a group chat actually called "Original #TeamSawyer" My friends from #OriginalTeamSawyer don't know about who I really am either. I decided to keep quiet instead. It sounds stupid but I don't exactly want sympathy. They're really nice and they're always helping each other. I just don't want to trouble them more I guess. Sawyer said its ok if I told them I was staying with him so I might. I honestly don't know the point of it though. My phone buzzes and I look down. There's a notification from the group chat that says "Wanna all Skype?" Everyone replies so quickly I hardly had a chance to make a decision. Before I knew it, a "sure" "yes!!!" "Of course!" And so on flashed across my screen. Sooner or later, everyone replied with some sort of variation of "yes". I didn't exactly have a choice here. I gulped and replied, "Sure, why not?" I asked Sawyer if I could borrow the laptop to Skype with a couple of friends. Luckily or not, he let me use it. We all exchanged the way of contact and around 5-7 minutes later, I got an invite to a Skype from Montana. I swallowed and answered. I guess this is it now. I just hope Sawyer won't come while we're on Skype. I answered it and everyone was already there. We all stared a little shocked at each others appearance. Then we suddenly bursted out laughing and I pretended to as well. "I like your necklaces, Akane!" Traci complemented. "Thanks" I replied a little shyly. "Oh my god! I have the same dragon necklace as you, Akane!" Lauren exclaimed as she pulled it out from under her sweatshirt. I smiled and our conversation carried on with lots of laughter and shock from everyone. We played twenty questions and a lot of the replies were "Sawyer" I turned a little red at this not sure if Sawyer could hear us. But then the question I dreaded eventually came along. "Where do you live?" Nobody seemed to care about 'person information' (neither did I) and all answered quickly. "What about you, Akane?" Cheyenne and Kelly asked at the same time. He laughed for a moment I thought I was off the hook for a second. "Wait, so where do you live?" Asked Brook. There was an odd pause as I decided I just had to swallow my pride and spit it out. "I live in Fulton-" I was interrupted as the person I wanted nothing to do with walked into his room. "-ville" Sawyer finished as he gave me a hug. They all stared, shocked. "Akane, do they not know...?" Sawyer asked uneasily. "No" I managed to peep. "Oh..." Sawyer said awkwardly. "Well, Hi!" Sawyer exclaimed abruptly, "I'm Akane's brother, Sawyer. I know you already know me though, judging on your conversation." Their eyes widened even more if it was even possible. They stared for what felt like an hour but was really about a minute. "Akane....?" Cait asked, "Why didn't you tell us earlier?!!?!!" She almost screamed and almost everyone followed along. Sawyer laughed but I was still. "Ah, come on Akane! Have some fun! It's alright." he said tickling me. I laughed and managed to whine in between my breaths, "Sawyerrrr! Stop it!!" By the end of the conversation, everyone was laughing, star struck, overwhelmed and eccentric. "Well I got to go now." I said with a hint of disappointment in my tone. "Aw, alright. Nice meeting both of you!" Traci replied. "I know right! I still can't believe Sawyer is your brother! Well I guess that means I'll be dating your brother someday." Montana agreed, laughing. Sawyer blushed a little but laughed along too. We all said our goodbyes and I ended it. "Well that was new." He said laughing. "Yeah, no shiz." I agreed smiling at him. We ate dinner and played some video games. "I'm going to go take a walk now." I said quickly. I grabbed my leather coat and put on my combat boots. Taking a second glance at Sawyer on his phone, I quickly walked down the hall, and opened the front door. The night breeze made me shiver a little but I didn't mind. I looked at my watch and it read '12:57 AM' From the window I could see that Sawyer's lights were off and so were his parents and siblings. He should be asleep by now. I pulled out my necklace and opened the case, revealing the dagger. Grazing my hand across my arm I traced a with my finger. I took my dagger and pushed it into my skin. Cutting what I traced. Each movement I did barely made me flinch. This wasn't anything compared to what I use to be able to do. I pushed through on the final letter and satisfied with myself, I read what I had written. It read in small cuts, 'My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating' (A/N quote from Green Day's I Walk Alone) My fingers grazed upon the cuts I made as I wiped the dagger clean from blood on the grass. Capping the dagger a light flicked on behind me. I pulled down my sleeve and practically twirled around. Crap. I'm really screwed now. Sawyer stood there with a flashlight. He wore an expression of hurt, anger and fear on his face. "Akane?" He said in a daring voice. "Really, what were you doing out here?" I gulped. Does he not know? Or is he pretending he doesn't? Oh well. I guess I'll just give it a shot anyways. "I was just taking my normal night walk. You know, the usual." He glared at me. Big mistake... he knows... "Show me your arm then." he commanded. I showed him my right arm. It was clean. His eyes narrowed. "Other arm." I didn't move. He roughly grabbed my arm and pulled up the sleeve. I could see a hint of hurt in his eyes as he read what I cut. He didn't say anything. He left me outside with the flashlight and entered the house, slamming the door behind him. Is this it? Am I finally free? I was ashamed and disappointed when he came back outside. He carried some sort of cream to prevent infections and a bandage wrap. He snatched my cut arm and applied the cream. I didn't flinch, didn't say a word. He wrapped up my arm and dragged me back into the house. "Go to sleep" he growled. I obeyed, not daring to fight back. I crawled into bed and tears rolled down my cheeks. Tears of vulnerability, pain, but mostly anger. Unaware of the fact he was still there, I cried myself to sleep. Dreaming about only the same memories and more. Of which would await me someday.
Thank you so much for reading! Respective criticism is welcomed with open arms. This chapter wasn't dedicated to anyone because I didn't want to offend anyone in any sort of way and I decided to stay safe. LOL. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and please leave your thoughts on the comments and tell how your liking the story so far! Thanks again!

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