Chapter 5

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It wasn't long before I had breakfast made but I wasn't eating any of it. I'm not much of a breakfast person. I had just sat his plate down on the table as he walked in. He sat and started eating as I grabbed a mug, hot chocolate packet, chocolate syrup marshmellows and milk. Don't judge me, I like my hot chooclate very chocolatey and marshmellowy. After I fixed it up, I sat at the booth seat opposite of Jared. You see, my mom didn't want the chairs scuffing her floor so she designed the kitchen table to be a large restraunt style booth.

I scooted to the furthest corner away from him, put my legs up(while making sure to use his shirt to cover my goodies) on the seat and began to sip on my chocolatey bliss in a mug.

It took him a few minutes, about 6 pancakes, and three slices of bacon to realize that I haven't touched anything besides my hot choco. " Why aren't you eating? You're not trying to go on a diet are you?" He smirked as though he said the funniest thing in the world.

I simply ignored him and continued to sip my yummy hoy choco. I don't know what possed him but what he said next almost made me regret my prank. Almost. "You really should eat something. I don't want you passing out at the pack meeting. You'll look weak." He said. Both my wolf and I took offense to that. " What did you put in these? They're so damn good!!!"

"Well, pancake mix, syrup, a very stong laxative," when i said that last ingredient he immediately spat out his food and gave me a shocked, disgusted, angry and almost fearful look. I couldn't help but chucle darkly amd remain silent. He should begin to feel it in ...2...1. He ran so fast that I wanted to call him Flash. I started cracking up and I laughed so hard and long that I didn't realize that he stood over me menacingly at the booth with a handful of bacon and an evil smirk plastered on his face. Oh. Shit.

I tried to hop out the window next to the booth but he caught and pinned me on the nice black cushion of the booth. I kept my mouth shut tighter than the Pentagon, but his hand touched my underarm and I let out a strangled giggle. He caught on fast and began to tickle me. I laughed and he shoved the bacon into my mouth and plugged my nose. All I could taste was bacon so I chewed it and swallowed. I smirked at him and said smugly, "The laxative was only in the pancakes."

"Oh I know. That is why I wrapped the pancake with bacon and put in an extra laxative as a precautionary action." I felt my eyes pop out of their sockets. How did I miss the pancake!!??? " You should be feeling it in 3...2...1." Shit!Gotta go...

My butt was on fire by the time we left for the pack house. I really wanted to run up to my room nnd get some real pants on instead of Jared's very tight boxers. We took his truck back and ,thankfully, stayed silent the entire ride. When we pulled up Mark, Jared's beta and the former object of my affections and afflictions, was waiting out front with his arm slung around the neck of the pack slut. I honestly don't think great sex is worth getting an STD. Harsh, definately, but its the truth.

I hop out of the truck but made sure not to further irritate my burning ass. As soon as Mark saw and smelled me his face literally morphed into the Scream mask but instead of looking creepy he looked shocked...and creepy.

"A-Alpha..." Mark stammered but didn't continue.

"Mark. Update me in five at my office and assign someone to move Kate's things to the room next to mine." Jared said smoothly. I let out a breath I didn't even realize I'd been holding. I also didn't want to admit that somewhere deep...veeeerry deep inside I was a little dissapointed. Yet, me being me I can't stand talking to him let alone being in the same bed as him. If it weren't for my wolf, I'd be on a plane headed to college in some far away state. Now there was no way in hell he'd let me go anywhere.

I sighed and snapped back to reality as i noticed the slut glaring at me. Thank goodness she doesn't have laser eyes or heat vision! At some poited during my mental babble the guys had left.

She looked loke she was waiting for a response to a question or something.

"Uh...sorry I didn't quite get that," I said, "Can you repeat the question?"

"You ugly, fat bitch!!! How dare you ignore me! Just because Jared tapped your fat ass doesn't mean you can ignore the future Luna of Skydust!" She shrieked so loud that I wanted to cut my ears off. Hmm maybe i could send them to Jared to show my nonexistant affection for him. Lola, my wolf, simply shook her giant wolfy head at my lame excuse for a joke. She wasn't in the least intimidated by this fleabag.

"Future Luna? Of Skydust? How appalling, and quite frankly sickening, that the wanna be future Luna is just a slut that spreads her legs for any man who would take her. Honey, you should have a little more respect for yourself and stay off your back for love that won't come." I didn't even see it coming, I just felt the sting of my cheek and my face turn. It finally registered that she had slapped me. Slapped me! Even my own mother has never slapped me!

Then I heard the loudest growl ever, but I was too pissed to even care. Instead I grabbed her by the neck and pinned her against the wall. She was whimpering and begging, but I didn't care. Lola was in control now and I had no intention of stopping her. The slut's face began to turn red then slightly purple then my hand was suddenly ripped from her throat and I was falling. I landed on my ass, which now burned hotter than hell, and looked up to see my very pissed off mate. What the hell? Why was he looking as though he wanted to kill me?!

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