Chapter 6

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I sat there shocked and hurt that he wanted to kill me of all people. Here I thought a mate was supposed to be caring and protective...guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up for this cocky bastard. His aura started to flare in my vision. Even though i was gifted with Sight, I didn't get to chose when I could use it. It only happened when the person I was looking at had high emotions or was on the verge of death. Jared was more than livid, he was murderous. Then from the corner of my eye I saw three different colors, two of which were faded. One was a bright red that almost mirrored Jared's, and that was coming from Mark, who was holding an oxygen mask to the slut. Then there was a very faded red eminating from her, and a very panicked orange-ish color coming from her slightly rounded stomach. Oh God, what have I done!

I suddenly wanted to puke. I can't believe I just strangled a.....oh God! I turned away from Jared's murderous glare and then it clicked. It was his. I heard him growl painfully. He knows that I know.

On one side I feel horrible for choking a pregnant wolf but on the other side, shes having my mate's baby. I don't know what to do, think or say. I start to feel good tingles on my stinging cheek which was facing him. No! I don't want his touch. He didn't even tell me this shit! Even Lola felt betrayed.

I turned and transformed into my  

beautiful midnight blue wolf and I ran. I couldn't stay here. How can I face my mate when I nearly killed his slut and pup? I can't, not now at least. I kept running and I could swear I heard a mournful howl in the distance.

Two weeks later...

I had made it to my cousin's pack. She had gone through some tough shit since we last saw each other. She lost her parents and friends and her brother and his pack was still nowhere to be found. I'm just glad she has a mate that seems to care...even if he feels a little shadey to me.

"Kit-kat bar. You're zoning out on me again,"Erin said affectionately even though I hate that nickname.

"Sorry Erin," I mumbled absently. I was thinking about how in two days I found and mated with my mate and argued and laughed and got hurt more than once. Yet, I can'tget that jerkface out of my head.

"You're thinking about him," she stated. "I should probably tell you then."

"Huh? Tell me what?"

"He's requested to come here and get you."

"WHAT!?! He can't come here! Tell him no! I haven't even decided what to do and I just can't...I can't face him after what I did."

"What happened wasn't your fault. You didn't know and she pissed your wolf off. She had it comin' and she should have thought more about her baby instead of your relationship with Alpha Slater."

"Please, don't try to rationalize it. At the end of the day I still did what I did therefore I am in the wrong."

"But you won't apologize for it."

"No. I won't."

"So will you go back to him?"

"Erin, I am not going back until that bitch gives birth."

"Don't be childish."

"Childish!" I stood indignantly.

"Yes, childish! He's your mate and weither you like it or not you have to stand by him. From what you've already told me you two can't stay apart or else you won't exist. So be a woman and grow a pair of lady balls and stand by that shitface. He must have had his reasons for hiding it."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean that he will just pour his heart out to me. I told you Erin, there's no love between us. Only necessity."

"He'll come around eventually."

"We will see about that."

"He will be here in a few hours to collect you cousin. So don't put up too much of a fight."

"Yeah yeah I hear you." She got up to leave but I felt like she should know about her mate's aura. "Hey, Erin?"


"About your mate...his aura is a bit....murky purple. I think he's hiding something from you. Something big, so please be careful." She simply gave me a tight nod and left. I sighed and walked upstairs to my room to wait for impending doom.

I heard his truck pull up outside and I reluctantly sat up numbly from bed. I looked out the window and because his emotions were high I only saw red. He's always so angry. He definately needs a chill pill.

I walked downstairs to find him pacing. I could see tension in his shoulders.

"Connor's trying to connect with me," Lola whimpered, "He keeps saying that he's sorry."

"I bet you've already forgiven him haven't you?"

"He's our mate," she said simply then rested in the corner of my mind. I sighed and contiued down the rest of the stairs. He stopped pacing and faced me.

"You ran." Was all he said.

"She's pregnant," I countered," I assume it-the pup is yours?"

"Possibly, more than likely."

"You're still upset with me."

"You almost killed them. Of course I'm still upset. Even if you didn't know, you still shouldn't have attacked her for no reason." No reason?! I felt my throat tighten and tears sting my vision. Is that what she told him? Does he really believe me to be a woman who would attack someone for no reason?

"Yeah I am too. So what now? Where do we stand? Our wolves can't be too far from each other and I can't-no, I refuse to live in the same building as that woman."

"Too bad. You're just going to have to suck it up and live with it," he said as his temper flared.

"Just go, Kate," Lola said," She's going to be around regardless. As much as I hate her and the situation, he's our mate and we have to stand by him."

"Why?! Why should I?! If we were never mates then I would be on a plane going around checkin out different colleges. I'd be away from this hellhole! Yet, I can't even be free- free of this damn pack, this damn mate and his pregnant whore and I have to put up with it?! What does our mate know? Nothing, that's what! He said that the only reason no one picked on me was because of how good of a man my father was. Yet he's the only one who hasn't. The rest of the pack couldn't care less about what my dad would think, and you Lola, you of all beings know what we've been through and you expect me to just sit by and endure it?!" I screamed at her and she just stared at me unmoving.

"Yes I do. Endure it Kate, and when the time comes, love and happiness will follow. This is the only way we have to live, to continue to exist. Don't forget that."

"Fine, but I refuse to love him."

"I am not asking you to. I only ask that you endure this like you've endured everything else."

My eyes refocused on the man before me. Tall with short midnight black hair, beautiful blue eyes filled with so many secrets. Giant hands that moulded my body only once but I'm sure has crafted many figurines before me. Broad shoulders and a hard chest that i fit perfectly against. Yet, I know that he is not mine nor do I want him to be. He never will be but he will definately expect me to be his. I can do this, but i definately won't make it easy for him to own me. No, I will try to stay as free as possible, that mmd try not to kill anyone.

"Okay, I'll come back," I said. I don't think he realized that he reached out to touch me but I slapped his hand away from me, and I took a few steps back away from him. "Oh, and keep your baby mama away from me. If she puts her hands on me again I really will kill her with no regrets." I felt like I was in that scene of Star wars episode 3 Revenge of the Sith, where Anakin goes all darkside batshit crazy and almost kills Padme. Maybe I was crossing to the dark side...maybe I was still in the gray. I don't know but at the end of the day I can only hope that I am doing the right thing.

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