Chapter 1

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It is strange that most of my life I spent away from the main house. Most of the time I'd be at home lost in a book or out in the forest for a run, so I took some time to admire the kitchen that my ancestor designed and my mother modified. The walls reminded me of old parchment paper with golden brown tulips printed in a diamond shaped pattern. There were two entrances from the main hall and opposite them was a glass sliding door leading to the backyard.

On the left side of that door hung a painting filled with dark golden waters and a boat full of silhouetted men with oars. Underneath the scene lay the word "Teamwork" in bold, shouty, capitals and a brief but relatable definition of the word. Marble counters on black painted oak cabinets stretched around one half of the kitchen starting from the right side of the backyard door and extending to the left side of the left entrance, only to be cut off by the double fridge and twin stoves. The double sink and dishwashers were attached to the L-shaped island counter, which had tall black bar stools outside the cooking area.

I walked over to the large kitchen table where the condiments were placed like at a restaurant. Three-fourths of the large mahogany wood table was bordered by a maroon U-shaped both seat. The fourth side was lined with ten chairs, one of which I sat in and gazed out of the giant window above the booth seat that gave a stunning view of the forest. I took a deep breath and caught the scent of chocolate chip cookies and something else that was mouth watering. My heart stopped before it started thrumming against my ear drums.

"No eff-ing way!!!" I heard him growl out. His voice was all too familiar as I've heard it many times when we argued. Alpha Jared Stone.

A year ago, my father had made him the new leader of our pack because all my parents had was me. They didn't mind only having a daughter and not a male heir, but they did mind my ex-boyfriends, which were only after the title that tagged along with me. So, it was either marry me off, which they wouldn't do even if hell froze over, or give the pack up to someone else. When Jared and I had first met before I had shifted, I was shopping for bedding in a nearby city and there was only one set of maroon bedding left. Long story short, we both wanted it, and had I been able to shift then, I would have tracked him down and taken them back! We were both pulling on it and he turned pull into push, knocked me down then took the set while laughing his heart out. Since then, we've been like the positive and negative ends of a magnet.

"No effing way," he repeated. I turned in my chair and looked him straight in his deep blue whirlpool eyes. I wasn't happy about this either, but I wasn't going to have a nervous breakdown over it. He started to pace and kept muttering the same three words under his breath. I tried my best not to think about how his biceps tightened and then loosened as he clenched and unclenched his hands. Man, I would give anything just to be wrapped in those strong, sexy, toned...Stop! I told myself. Do not start thinking about him like that! He's no good.

'Mate. Make him ours. Claim him,' my wolf, Lola, growled at me.

'We can't, I can't,' I said to her while trying to keep control of my body and stay seated in that damn chair so I wouldn't take him right there in the pack house kitchen. 'He's in complete denial. Not that I blame him, though. I'm short and fat and he's... super sexy...Lola flashed an image of his butt as he was pacing away from me...'and he has a really nice, firm butt...I wonder what it...'

"Kate. What do you think you're doing," he asked in a strained and gruff voice, shaking me out of my inner babble about his sexiness. My eyes instantly locked on his back facing me and how close I was standing behind him. Then I realized the burning shock slip into the skin of my palm and tear its way through my whole hand and reverberate up my arm making me shiver with pleasure. I knew I was touching him somewhere and when I looked down, my eyes bulged at my hand placed firmly on his left buttcheek. I slowly removed my hand from his ass like a child would when they knew they got caught taking extra candy from the store. I couldn't help but feel disappointed at the loss of that tingly electricity that flowed into my body like an intoxicating drug. Damn it Lola! You just had to distract me with that image just to get your way didn't you?!

"Um...sorry...m-my wolf...a-a-and your b-butt" I sighed deeply trying to calm my frantic hyperventilating heart and my nerves along with it. What the heck was happening to me? "I'm sorry"

"Don't be. Instead, you can just get your fat-ass out of my sight," he growled through clenched teeth. My heart tightened painfully and tears prickled the back of my eyes when he called me fat-ass. I chuckled darkly to myself. You have another thing coming if you think I'm gonna let you get under my skin that easily!

"I'm already out of your sight though," I replied casually and made no attempt to move. He whipped around so fast, I thought he'd give me whiplash.

"Get. Out." he said sternly with his alpha voice seeping in. I huffed at his demand and rolled my eyes. Normally no one would be able to deny him since he is the Alpha, but I had strong alpha blood coursing through my veins and I was his mate...even though from the looks of it, he didn't want anything to do with me, nor I him.

I strutted right into his face and tip-toed in my baby blue high top converse to try to stretch my 5'4" self to his 6'11". I only came up to his nicely toned chest but I refused to back down just because of a height difference."I'm not scared of you Mr. Man-whore," I said in what I hoped to be a deadly calm voice while looking straight into those now fiery blue eyes. I could tell that he was fighting his wolf as something flashed across his eyes and disappeared just as fast as it came.

"I do not want, nor do I need you for a mate. Your short and your fat not to mention that the only reason no one's ever mean to you is because of how great a man your father is. You disgust everyone, especially me," he yelled. My heart stopped. When it decided to come back to its senses just as my brain processed that he had rejected me, I wanted to double over from the pain that ripped through my body. I couldn't let him see how much those words hurt me.

I walked over to the door that led to the backyard and paused with my hand on the doorknob. Without looking back at him, I said " I already know they don't like me, they never have. Their auras always said so..."

I breathed in a slow shaky breath to try to keep the tears from spilling before continuing. "...and for the record, I don't want some STD ridden playboy for a mate and I sure as hell don't need you," I said with so much venom that I was sure I had poisoned myself in the process of hurting him. All the while my heart broke into billions of microscopic specks of dust leaving a pile of it where my heart used to be.

I forced myself out the door and bee lined it to the forest for a run...a very long one. I knew he didn't want me, but it still hurt like a thousand bee stings in the same spot. I still had a few months before I went off to college, and that 'mate' of mine will pay dearly for breaking my heart like that.

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