Chapter 11

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I cursed under my breath. “Hop on.” He got on my back then we took off. He pointed in the direction they took her and I was able to pick up familiar new car scent. Along with her scent, I also picked up two other scents as well.  I heard branches breaking behind us so I sped up a little faster, weaving through the trees and jumping over large roots. After a few more minutes of this I quickly skid to a stop and instructed the boy to give me his shirt and then climb the tree. Once he was safely out of harm’s way, I picked his shirt up into my mouth then took off while stopping every few seconds to rub his shirt on a tree or the dirt. Luckily, it worked they were still after me. Anya’s scent was getting stronger by the second so I quickly thought up a plan to get rid of them.

Ditching the shirt, I waited for them to approach me. I never said it was a good plan, but it will have to do. I hid behind a tree as they passed me up and then I started to chase them. I easily took down the slowest one and the other two caught on to what was up when they heard him whimper painfully. The first one tripped over a root and started tumbling like a ball of yarn, so I went after the second one instead. I didn’t wait for him to catch his footing and sunk my teeth into his neck easily. The snapping sound didn’t bother me so much but the way his blood flung itself into my mouth was very disgusting and had my stomach somersaulting.  I forced myself to drool until the metallic taste left my tongue and when it didn’t I began to lick leaves, dirt anything to get rid of the horrible taste. 

I spotty red aura danced into my vision and it kept getting darker by the second. I was barely able to discern where it was coming from and dodged so that he didn’t get a hold of my neck.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t fast enough and he tore open my left hind leg. Using my good hind leg, I countered and snapped my teeth at his neck but I was only able to sink my teeth into his back. He growled and launched at me again and I knew that if I dodged my head out of the way he’d try to go for my injured hind leg again. I left myself open and he took the bait. I dodged his attempt at gaining leverage and bit into his neck, pulled and twisted mine until I heard the snap and licked at some more dirt.

Continuing forward, I followed her scent until I came upon a campsite filled with makeshift tents and store bought tents. I spotted a tall and evenly tanned guy cradling Anya in his arms. He wore only a pair of black basketball shorts and various tattoos covered his back and arms, the most prominent ones being the eye of Ra on his left shoulder blade, a scarab holding up the sun in his right shoulder blade and an Ankh scepter, which if memory serves me correctly, stands for immortality in the center of his back. He took her into the largest store bought tent and that’s when I made my move. I silently made my way closer to the tent. I was almost there when I felt a stinging at the back of my head before darkness overcame me.  


I was running in slow motion. On what, I didn't know, nor did I care because I was free. That is, until I smelled something delicious. It was similar to beef jerky and something with chocolate. I stopped running and looked around for the source, but all I saw was tall grass. I started to whimper and lick my nose, then I closed my eyes and allowed my nose to lead the way. When the smell was strongest, I stopped and let myself be immersed in the scent. Once I opened my eyes, it was the last thing that I wanted to see. A black wolf lay there, heavily bleeding and the life gone from his wild ocean blue eyes. I whimpered and mourned the only way I knew how. I howled into the blood red sky with pain laced in every dreadful note.


The black wolf was here in the tall grass looking right at me. He tilted his head to the left as I ran up to him and licked his cheek. I then snuggled against him, and walked right under his nose to seduce him by trying to get him to smell my heat. Still, he did not budge. He suddenly turned hostile, but not toward me, it was toward a silver wolf that emerged from the grass opposite of us. The black wolf stood defensively in front of me and every time I would try to get a glimpse at the silver wolf, the black wolf would nip at my ears or snap at me to stay back. As he stared down the silver wolf, he slightly moved his ears before two more silver wolves emerged and surrounded us.

It was a few more seconds before the silver wolves launched themselves at us, but everytime I tried to attack one, it would simply dodge and continue to go for the black wolf. I tried to stop them in every way I could, but one of the three silver wolves tackled and pinned me to the ground. Instead of gouging my face out like I thought he would, he licked my face and when he tried to lick me again, Iturned away only for him to snap his teeth at me.

He wanted me to submit to him and even though there was something strange about the comfortable warmth I got from where his paws touched my chest, I didn't want to. I pretended to give up before I knocked his paws off of me and was able to flip us. I ran to where the black wolf tiredly fought with the other two silver wolves, yet, I was too late to help. The silver wolves pushed him back into the boundless tall grass and out of my sight and reach, as the third one pinned me again.


My head was pounding, and my eyelids felt heavier than lead. Yet, somehow I managed to open them. I wanted to shut them immediately afterward due to the brightness of the overhead light. I could hear the steady rhythm of a heart monitor before a familiar voice was added to the mix.

"She's awake! Thank goodness! Kate, can you hear me? Do you know who I am, " asked the familiar disembodied female voice. It sounded a lot like Anya's voice. Anya! Memories of her being carried by the tattooed guy raced through my mind and my eye flung themselves open as I sat straight up. Her hair looked brighter than ever and so too were her eyes. I searched her for any signs of injury and found none. Just little signs of fatigue but nothing else. I allowed myself to sigh in relief and then spoke with a parched throat. "Yeah, I can hear you Anya, especially with that big mouth of yours." I cracked a smile before she lunged herself at me and gathered me into a hug, which, made my head pound a little harder before settling back into a dull ache. After she released me form this rare display of affection, she handed me a cup of water.

I took a sip before I spoke again. "So, what happened? Where are we? This isn't a hospital." I looked around at the hideous brown walls accompanied by 2 wooded bedside tables and an uncomfortable looking chair for guests. "I can't remember anything before the tattoo guy took you either."

"We're home," was all she said.

"Home?" Memories of me running around here with my dad and playing catch outside of a large house begin to surface. Then, it fasts forwards to my coming of age party when I shifted for the first time. It fasts forwards again to when I met my mate. I had gone for a run, when I smelled the delectable scent of cinnamon and green apples and I followed it until I came upon a silver wolf.


Okay loves, don't freak out, I simply combined chapters. I still won't have anything new just yet, so please bear with me.

Love ya'll bunches,


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