Chapter 7

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To say he was shocked by my threat doesn't even scratch the surface. To say he was pissed soon afterwards was a given, especially since he's mad at me about 95% of the time since we found out we were mates. Before that I think it was only 80% of the time. He slowly walked up to me and glared down into my eyes. I didn't back away even though Lola really wanted to submit to him. I held his gaze as best as I could as he towered over me. We had just glared at each other for a few minutes before he spoke.

"If you even lay a finger on her, I will make you wish you were mated to the devil himself. Mate or not, you will not hurt the woman carrying my pup," he said in such a deadly calm tone that I had to stop myself from shivering in pleasure.

"Like I said before, if she puts her hands on me again I will not hesitate to kill her," I countered just as calmly.

"She never put her hands on you,and you know it," I could see anger in his eyes.

"Oh really now, if I remember correctly you saw the side of my face which was an angry red even with my bright milk chocolate skin! What did she tell you? What story did she make up about that being on my face?" I was getting angrier by the second. This man is insufferable!

"She said you fell," he said and even I could hear a faint sense of uneasiness in his voice.

"Oh, so I just happened to fall into her hand? Or did I just happen to hit my face on the nonexistant stone pathway that leads to the packhouse? Alpha Dumbass, shouldn't you be able to smell a lie? She. Hit. Me. Now tell me, am I lying to you?"

He took a deep breath and I could see his handsome features drain of any color and life they had in them. I simply continue to glare at him and he tries to give me a sheepish grin. Bipolar alpha...

"I believe you owe me something," I said expectantly.

"What would that be?" He tried to play dumb.

"3,000 dollars for my pain and suffering," I said sarcastically. "You know what I want."

"I am not saying that to you, Fatass. Why don't I just buy you a donut and we will call it even."

"She slapped me and lied to you to cover her own ass," I yelled.

"Well you nearly killed her and the pup so we'll call it fair."

"You know what this isn't getting us anywhere. I will only come back on the condition that you keep her away from me."

"Done. Can we go now? I hate being away for too long."Away from her, I thought bitterly.

I went upstairs and told Erin and her mate goodbye, and we left. It felt like deja vu riding in his truck again in complete silence, but once again I am thankful for it.

This time we weren't greeted by anyone out front, which I was also thankful for, but after coming in, the once boistrous room turned silent. Some were glaring knives and daggers at me whereas others were very happy to see me. Instead I ignored them all and walked upstairs to my room. Once I got there, all my stuff was gone. "Where's my stuff?" I mindlinked Jared.

"In the room next to mine. On the right."

"Thanks." I headed up another 3 flights of stairs up to the Alpha suites and found my room instantly. I was thankful that he even had the universe wallpaper and flooring that I had in my old room put in here too. This wasn't so bad,I guess. I grabbed my Mickey Mouse pajamas and I took a long hot relaxing bath. I crawled into bed and dreaded Monday because I now had two weeks work of homework to make up for. Oh goody.

"You are not riding that death trap," Jared stated with absolute finality.

"Deathtrap? My baby is not a death trap," I yelled, " Why are you even giving me a hard time? You don't even like me."

"Well, my wolf is giving me a hard time so you're gonna suffer his wrath as well."

"Man up, you little baby."

"I'm more man than you can ever hope to get."

"Bite me!"

"Already did, Fatso, and between you amd me, you didn't taste all that good." My face was burning and I swear if someone tried to put water on me it would evaporate first. Just then his whore walked in and I gave him a look and left on my 'death trap'.XP No one comes between me and my baby. I tied my hair into a low bun put my helmet on and rode to school on my sleek black motorcycle.

I parked my baby about a block away from the school and then walked the rest on the way to school. A couple of years ago these two guys decided they wanted to ride their motorcycles in the walkways during class. Luckily no one got hurt, but the students were expelled and motorcycles were banned from campus. Oh, and did I mention that it's also an all werewolf private school? If not, well now you know.

"Kate," I heard the familiar voice yell. It was Anya. You could say that we're friends or enemies depending on who you talk to. We have this weird argumentative relationship with each other. Sure we have our peaceful moments, but most of the time we're arguing.

"Yo," I said as I kept walking into the school.

"You smell weird," she said as she crinkled her nose and walked beside me.

"I know. I can't get his stupid scent off of me."

" 'His'? You found your mate didn't you?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. I punched her in the arm playfully, but hard enough to get her to stop wiggling her brows. " I thought you wanted to find your mate?" Anya was part of a neighboring pack. She was also an alpha's daughter too, but she has an older brother, so her father didn't have to merge packs like my dad did when I came of age to shift and didn't find my mate.

"I did, but that was before I got cheated by the moon goddess."

"Oh you're just being such a drama queen." Here we go..

"I am NOT a drama queen! If anything you're the drama queen,"I said as we walked into class.

"Oh please. I'm not the one sitting around here moping about finding my mate. "

" Well at least your mate actually gives a damn! My mate and I don't even like each other. Whats worse

is that..." I was cut off by a fist connecting with a desk.

"Detention Ms. Brown and Ms. Guell. And Ms. Brown maybe you should go to counseling," Ms. Veranda said snidely. Anya and my jaws were dropped, but I recovered first.

"Maybe you should go get laid," I replied just as venemously.

"My love life is none of your business, Ms. Brown." Her heavily made up face was scrunched up unpleasantly. I could tell I got under her skin with that one.

"So you should stay out of mine Ms. Veranda." I smirked when she stayed silent. I suddenly started to scream in pain as my felt like it was being beat by some invisible force. I screamed loud and hard and I couldn't stop. I felt like someone took liquified metal and poured it into my bloodstream.

Even after the pain stopped I couldn't stop convulsing on the ground. I could care less about the stares of my classmates. All I could think about was the pain as my world became bleak and filled with darkness.

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