Enemies? (Sasuke)

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It was just a normal day like any other. I was on my way to the academy when I hear a commotion. I come to realize that the argument included Sakura and Ino. I decide to try and break it up before things get more heated.

"Billboard brow!" yells Ino.

"Oh you two give it a break!" I yell.

They both turn to face me and start to blame each other. I come to realize that it was no use. So I turn away and head straight to the academy. So much for trying to help. I enter the building when I stumble onto Iruka Sensei.

"Goodmorning Iruka sensei" I greet.

"Oh hey there y/n " he says.

"I sort of wanted to ask you something if you don't mind ?" I say.

"Let's get you to class first. We can talk there if you'd like" he smiles.

"That sounds great " I respond.

I begin to follow Iruka sensei as we make our way to the classroom. We stumble onto Naruto and Sasuke in the hallway.

"Oh yeah I'd like to see you try"

"I will beat you, and I am stronger than you Sasuke!" yells the blonde haired boy.

"Hey you two take it easy. We shouldn't argue with our comrades now should we" says Iruka, in hopes of trying to stop the argument. I look at Sasuke shooting a glare in my direction. We both were never fond of each other only because Sasuke didn't like me. I didn't really mind since it seemed that he didn't really like anyone else as well.
Both Naruto and Sasuke were giving each other glares.

"C'mon Iruka. There's no point in trying to make them bond. They will never get along." I say walking ahead.


Iruka Sensei and I continue to walk towards the classroom. When we get there I get the feeling that someone is close by. But I shrug it off.

"Well what is it that you needed y/n ?"
Iruka asks.

"Well lately I have been behind from everyone and I wanted to ask If you can help me train." I look at my feet to hide the embarrassment.

"There's nothing wrong with being a little behind. But I will gladly help you in my free time. The only thing is I haven't been able to have time since The third Hokage is always giving me new assignments." He says.

"It's okay sensei. Thanks though." I say in disappointment. I start to head out when Iruka makes a suggestion.

"I may not be able to help you, but I do know of someone who might" he says.

"Really? Is it Kurenai sensei? Or Asuma?" I say with excitement.

"Uh not really. But he's right outside this door." Says Iruka with laughter.

"Huh?" I say as I walk up to the door. I push it and then realize it's a pull door. How stupid of me. I pull it and I see Sasuke. Wide eyes and hands in his pocket.

"You've got to be kidding me" I complain.

"Uh no not really. Sasuke will you be willing to help y/n with her training?" Pleads Iruka.

"I don't see why not." Says Sasuke looking bored.

"Well then, that settles it. Sasuke, y/n I will arrange for you two to have the training grounds available today. You both should meet at noon. Until then, just relax." Says Iruka.

"Thanks for the help Sensei. See you later!" I say making my way out of the building. It's not like I resent Sasuke or anything. I just have a bad feeling about him..

*Time Lapse*

I arrive at the training grounds with no sign of the Uchiha. "Ugh of course he'd be late. I bet he did it on purpose" I say while throwing rocks in anger. I decide to begin my training and mark targets on nearby trees. I reach for my kunai knifes and try to concentrate. Five targets shouldn't be such a difficult task. I immediately aim and attempt to hit all targets. To my luck I managed to hit three of the targets.

"Hmm not so bad."

"Who's there?" I yell.

As in cue, Sasuke appears from behind a tree and collects the kunai knifes I had thrown. He approaches me and grabs my hand. I pull away as I am not sure what he is up to. Suddenly, Sasuke erupts in laughter.

"What are you being so cocky for?" I remark.

"Relax. I just wanted to give these to you. I was going to give you a few tips. After all, I am supposed to help you train." He says with a smirk.

"Well then, lets just get this over with" I say with annoyance.

By the end of the training session, Sasuke manages to teach me how to get a good aim and throw.

"Well then I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I say while walking away and waving.


*Next Day*


"Sakura what's wrong?" I ask.

"You promised as a friend you would never end up liking him. But now I see it was all an act!" Yells Sakura as she runs off.

Oh no. What did I do now? It's my fault she's upset. I make my way back home and as soon as I get there I break down. I was always alone and even though I had my mother she was always too busy. I had a hard time loving others and tried to avoid my close friends from getting hurt. About half an hour pass by until I realize I was supposed to meet up with Sasuke. Oh well it's not like he thinks fondly of me. I hear a loud thud and look at the window to see him.

"What are you doing here? I've been waiting for you for almost an hour" he says annoyed.

"I'm sorry Sasuke. I just had a bit of a delay. I promise I will be early next time." I say trying to calm myself from my previous state.

"Why were you crying" he states.

"I wasn't!"

"You're not a very good liar y/n"

He comes closer to me. A few inches away from my face. He lifts up my chin and stares deeply into my eyes.

"I know I should have told you this ages ago. But I don't actually hate you. I've actually liked you. You don't get all joyful when you see me and you're smarter than most of the girls at the academy." He says.

"How many people know?" I ask.

"Well almost everyone by now. Why do you ask?"

"Because Sakura got upset with me and now I see why. It was all a confusion" I say unhappy.

"Don't worry. No one else should matter. Besides, She only wants me for my looks." He pauses only to come closer to me. Our faces inches away. "Please be my girlfriend y/n. You're different than all the others. I always took notice of all those times you were there for Naruto when he was down. I guess I was jealous that he got your attention and not me.." He says looking down.

"Oh Sasuke" I say hugging him. He was surprised but hugged me back.

"I don't know why but I feel safe with you. I feel that I can be myself without getting judged. " I admit.

"Then be mine. I won't let anything bad happen to you." He pleads.

"Alright then Sasuke-kun." I wrap my arms around his neck and in an instance Sasuke begins to suck on my neck.

"You don't know how long I have wanted you for" he says breathlessly.

"You have me now. And I'll be yours forever." I say with a smile.


I know there may be some typos but it is currently 3am and I wanted to update. Please request or keep on reading. I don't care about votes. I would like to see your comments though c:

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