Lost dog (Kiba)

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It was just another day of my ordinary life. I was walking home after a long day at work. It was currently 6 am and I was dead beat tired. I had just finished working an over shift but I was glad to if it meant helping others.

The sun was rising and the birds were chirping. The fresh morning air was but a reminder of how amazing the leaf  village is. I begin to walk up the stairs as I searched for my apartment keys. I would have already found them if I weren't so darn disorganized. As I continue to dig around my purse in search of my apartment keys, I suddenly feel the material of them  and scoop them up. I fumble the keys  around in my hand as I almost drop them.

"Akamaru wait up!!"

I hear a voice say until I am knocked to the floor by a stranger. I was lying there in shock and maybe a few scratches. I guess I was too focused on if I was hurt that I didn't even notice that the stranger was on top of me. We both made eye contact until he finally got up.

"I am so sorry about that. Let me help you up." He puts his hand in front of me. I quickly get ahold of his grip and stand up.

"Thanks but next time watch where you're going." I say more as a statement. I turn to face the front of my door when I see an enormous dog with soft white colored fur. I stood there in a daze until I realized that this guy must have been chasing after this adorable dog.

"You shouldn't be running off like that." I say to the dog as I pet it.

"That's Akamaru. And I'm Kiba." The boy says smiling.

"What a way to meet someone and his dog huh? I'm y/n by the way." I say returning a smile.

"Well I hope you have a great day. It was nice meeting you y/n" Says Kiba as he and Akamaru begin to leave. I wave at them and pick up my keys from the ground.

After the encounter I finally got settled in my apartment and ended up taking an unexpected nap in my couch. A few hours go by until I wake up. I sit up and my stomach begins to make noises signifying that I was really hungry. I then decide to meet with Sakura and Naruto to get Ramen at Ichiraku's. I go to Lady Tsunade's to advise her just in case if she would need Sakura or Naruto to go in another one of their missions.

"Come in." She says.

"Nice to see you again Lady Tsunade." I say taking a bow.

"So what's new? I'm guessing you still work as a veterinarian y/n"

"Of course. And since It isn't so busy, I'll gladly help Sakura with her training."

"Thank you. She really is a bright student." Says the hokage.

"Speaking of which, I just wanted to inform you that I'll be with Naruto and Sakura at Ichiraku. Just in case you need them for a mission." I politely say.

"Well then you should get going. Give them both my greetings." Says Tsunade.

"Yes milady." I say dismissing myself.

I make my way to Sakura's first. After telling her parents we both make small talk on our way to Naruto's.

"So how has it been? I heard that you guys found Orochimaru's hideout." I say curiously.

"Yes you're right. We did but by the time we arrived there it was empty.."

"Don't worry Sakura. You'll find him. "

"Thanks. But please don't mention it around Naruto. He's been so hard on himself ever since. He trains as much as he can with Kakashi."

"Poor Naruto. And I understand." I say truthfully

We finally approach Naruto's home and after inviting him for Ramen he was very enthusiastic. We all joke around and share laughs and smile.

After having a satisfied meal and saying our good-bye's we depart. I head home and as I reach my apartment door, I am reminded of the event that took place that early morning. I decide to take a shower and start to get ready for work. I lay out my clothes in my bed and head in the shower. I put on some of my favorite music while I'm at it. When I finally get dressed, I head out. It was raining so I put on a raincoat and take my umbrella.

I was walking for about 15 minutes already and I was almost at the vet. I forgot to mention it but, I volunteered at first to work in the night to make sure the animals would be safe just in case of an emergency. I make a turn when something pounces at me. I then notice that it was the boy's dog from earlier this morning. Akamaru.

"What are you doing here late at night?" I say. He begins to shiver as more rain pours down. I decide to take him with me to the vet and I would try to contact Kiba first thing in the morning. I motion for Akamaru to follow me and we finally make it to the vet. After checking in, I bring him to an isolated room and bring him a blanket. I decide I might as well groom him since I had the necessary materials. I begin to giggle when he licks my face.

"Akamaru quit that I'm trying to make your fluffy fur look even cooler" I playfully demand. As soon as I am done, I try to get blankets to make a bed for him to sleep in. He quickly dozes off and I continue with my work.

I had 10 minutes left of my shift and I could see the sun rising through the glass doors of the main entrance. I start to pack my stuff and go to get Akamaru. I serve him breakfast before we go to find his owner.

Me and Akamaru began to make our way to my place. I wasn't sure how to get in contact with Kiba but I had hoped to figure something out. We were almost at my apartment when all of a sudden Akamaru spots a butterfly and begins to chase it. I turn quickly and begin to chase after him. No wonder Kiba has a hard time keeping an eye on him. I continue to chase him and yell out his name in hopes that he would at least come back.

When all of a sudden I make a left turn and bump into someone making us both fall.

"Uff" says the stranger.

I quickly sit up rubbing my forehead in pain. I then remembered that I was the one who knocked someone to the floor  so I shouldn't be complaining at all. I look to my side to get ready to apologize to the person when I see that it was Kiba.

"Oh Kiba thank goodness! Oh uh sorry for bumping into you but I was looking for you." I say in relief. Akamaru then returns out of the blue licking Kiba's face.

"I missed you so much. You had me worried!" Shouts Kiba.

"Maybe you should keep him on a  leash" I say laughing.

"Thank you for taking care of him. That was very kind." He says.

"No worries. I'm just glad I found him when I did." I smile.

"How about a trip to the ice cream shop in celebratory." Suggests Kiba.

"We might as well since destiny keeps on trying to make us friends." I jokingly say.

"Alright then let's get going"

Hope you enjoyed it. I didn't really have much of an idea but I knew I had to upload something. Next one will be much better. Have a nice day/night!

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