Lost Minds (Kabuto)

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Requested by @SapphireQueen233
Reminder that you can request any character and/or idea. Enjoy!

Flashbacks of our childhood memories constantly interrupted my thoughts. It had almost been two years since the event happened, but I just couldn't get it out of my mind.

Ino would always listen to me. I was very grateful for that. I couldn't help but think that I was such a nuisance to her.

They said I was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. But the villagers only knew me by "crazy girl". I can't blame them though. I had recurring dreams. They always ended up with me leaving the village. Sometimes my friends would say that I would sleepwalk all the way to the front gate.

I never really knew what all of it meant. Maybe I was trying to escape from here. But why would I want to flee from a place full of generous people who just want to protect me from the outside world? Nevertheless, I didn't think much of the dreams at all.

"Are you okay?" Asked Ino

"Yeah. Just thinking again." I say

"C'mon. Let's go out to eat. You can pick the place this time" she says cheerfully as she interlocks our arms.

"Fine but let's go somewhere else other than that restaurant we went to last time.." I say embarrassingly.

We both ended up laughing. Last time that Ino picked a place, I got so sick and I threw up all over the waiter. I was so embarrassed after that.

Ino steps out of her shop and I follow her. She makes sure to lock it up. Then we walk around admiring the village. We spotted Konohamarū and his friends running around trying to chase a cat. We both continue to talk until we spot Asuma, Choji and Shikamaru.

"Hey guys whats up" I say

"Hey there Ino, y/n. Care to join us?" Says Shikamaru.

"Sure why not?" I say

We both sit on the two empty chairs and start to have a conversation with them all. I find out that Shikamaru and Asuma love to play Shogi. Even if Asume sensei ends up loosing most of the time.

We stay there for a few minutes until we all start to go our separate ways. I'm the last to leave since I'm a slow eater. I pay for my food and walk around.

"Excuse me m'am."

I feel a hand tap my shoulder so I turn around to see who it was. The person had a dark hoodie and a mask covering their face. I could barely make out who it was. I could only tell that it was a guy and he had glasses.

"Yes? Is there anything I can help you with?" I ask politely.

"Well I'm a traveler and I sort of got lost. Could you help me find my way towards the gate?" They ask.

"Sure. I'm in no rush." I smile.

We both begin to walk towards the gate. I couldn't help but think that the person behind this cloak was a bit strange.

"So where are you from?" I ask trying to break the silence.

"I'm from the sand village but I travel a lot and so I never stay put." The person says.

I nod my head.

"How about you? You don't look like you're from here" he says.

"Yeah it's a long story, I'm actually from the hidden mist village." I say looking down.

"Something the matter?" He asks.

"No I'm fine thank you." I smile as I keep walking ahead.

We are almost to the gate when the stranger pushes me towards a small empty space between two houses. He suddenly takes off his mask.

It was him. The boy that I once knew and traveled with for so long.

"Kabuto.." I say hugging him.

"I see that you've made new friends" he says smiling.

We both embrace in a hug and finally let go after a minute or so.

"Why are you here? I heard you were working for Orochimaru.." I say disappointed.

"The rumors are true." He says not meeting my gaze.

"So he's really..."

"Yes" he says sternly.

"Then why are you here?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"I came back for you."

And then I realized the words I have been waiting to hear for so long, were finally spoken.

"I've met knew people. I can't just leave everything I've done" I say sadly.

"Please come with me y/n" he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. And places his hand on my cheek. The familiar warmth of his hand brings back memories.

"If I leave with you, what will happen next?" I ask.

"It will be like the old days. We travel all around with no place in mind." He replies.

"Because no matter where we are.."

"We will always have each other" he says finishing my sentence.

"So what do you say y/n ? Do you want to come?"

I stay quiet for a moment deciding on what to do. After a few minutes of thinking, I make my decision.

"I'll meet you here in ten minutes." I say excitedly.

I rush back to my apartment and gather a few of my things. I write separate short notes to all the friends I have made. It wasn't until I got to Ino's letter, that it hit me.

Dear Ino,
I know you might be very sad and angry. And I am so sorry. But remember all those things I told you about? And all the dreams I had? Maybe this is it. It's best if I leave to go and get the freedom I have always desired. I was never meant to be here. I appreciate everyone who made these the best 3 years anyone could've imagined. But most of all, I want to thank you for always being by my side. I will never forget you. I know you will be one of the best medical ninja out there. I promise to keep in touch. Until then - y/n

A few tears had spilled onto the paper. I put down my pen and close the door. I rush back to the same spot Kabuto revealed himself to me. He was still there. But this time he was smiling.


"Yeah" I say nervously.

He leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back and we interlock lips for a minute.

"I've missed you so much Kabuto." I admit.

"'Me too."

We then go up to the gate. I lie to the ninja and tell them that I have to escort a villager. We both finally leave and I had never felt more alive.

I'm sorry I took so long. But it's my last week of summer and I'm dreading going back to school.

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