Stranger (Kakashi)

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(A/N) Do not read if you do not like inappropriate content such as smuts.

"Hey y/n wait up!"

"What's up Masio." I say.

"Wow It's been so long. How have you been?"

"Great actually. Do you want to hang out right now and catch up on each other?" I ask.

"Sure. Today's my day off and I really have nothing to do."

"Alright then" I say.

Masio was an old friend from the academy. We both knew each other for so long but since we're all grown up, we can't seem to find the time to hang out.
We both start to chat about our separate lives when Masio notices a flyer.

"Hey look y/n-chan. This is a flyer for our high school reunion which is tonight!"

"Oh has it been so long? Time sure does go by quickly." I laugh.

"Well are you planning to go? Everyone is. Including me. And I can't wait to reunite with everyone else. I'm so excited!"

"Hey there no need to get all crazy. And I don't see why I should go. But I know if I don't, you will make me. So sure." I say.

"Great! Ohh this is going to be so exciting! Let's go shopping for our outfits." Before I could declare an answer, Masio drags me to the nearest mall.

*Short Time Lapse*

"Well how about this one? I don't know. Black makes me look so sophisticated and blue makes me look casual."

"Stop worrying so much Masio. Black and Blue are like one shade away. Just choose one." I say annoyed.

"I'm sorry I am taking so long. But I'll go pay for my dress now and then I can help pick one out for you."

"But I don't li-"

"You're wearing one whether you like it or not y/n" And with that she was on her way to the checkout.

I wander away from the store and begin walking around. I spot a bookstore and go in. A few people were in there. I begin to look for the romance section. Judge me if you want but Twilight was so good I think people were just jealous that they had no type of romance in their life. I begin to skim around the aisle when I spot a tall white haired man with a mask covering most of his face. I was surprised at first since a man was in the romance section. I guess I was staring too much because he looked up.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I say quickly looking away with embarassment.

"Uh no it's fine. I get the looks a lot." The white haired man says scratching the back of his neck.

"Sorry again. Have a nice day" I say.

"You too." I hear him say as I quickly make my way out of the store to find Masio.

Later that night

"So do you want it up or flat ironed?" Masio asks.

"I'll just go natural. My curly hair actually looks decent." I smile.

"Suit yourself. I'll be in the bathroom doing my hair and makeup. In the Meanwhile, feel free to make yourself comfortable."

I head on to the living room and turn on the television. Everything seemed to be so boring so I ended up reading an old newspaper. I decide to start applying my makeup. I then go into the closet to pick out my navy blue dress. It was almost touching my knees. I decided to wear a cute white cardigan over it since I felt a bit uncomfortable. After a few minutes I was done. See the thing is Masio takes so long to decide things when she gets ready. Whereas I take 10 minutes or less.

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