Beauty (Deidara)

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Deidara's Pov

Trying to picture her beautiful dark brown hair, and her beautiful hazel eyes, it was nearly impossible to do so.
Her laugh could make anyone's day. She found joy in helping others for nothing in return.

So how is it possible that people took advantage of her? Someone so delicate and precious as her? Just the thought of her being in pain because of some idiot..

I collect my thoughts and shake my head. I had almost forgotten that I was on a mission with Tobi. I was keeping watch, high up in a tree. While that nut head got to sleep the whole entire night.

"tobi wake up" I say nudging his shoulder. The sun was already coming up and we were strictly ordered to find Sasuke.

"C'mon just 5 more minutes." Tobi said moving into a comfortable position.

"Well if you insist" I say as I yank him abruptly.

"Ahh" he dramatically shouts.

"Hey be quiet. I'm running on no sleep but you don't hear me complaining. So shut up already" I say annoyed.

"You don't have to be so rude Deidara." He says taking off all the dirt from his hair.

"Let's just go. We have a long journey ahead of us." I say walking towards a path.

After a few hours of searching, we decided to stop and take a break. It was still pretty early.

"I'm going to go take a piss behind a bush." I inform tobi. It had become a habit of telling him about my whereabouts.

The last time I left him alone in the woods he thought I died. Geez if I had known that I would've been stuck with him I would have made him disappear sooner. I would've rather had Kisame as my partner. At least he wasn't as whiny as tobi.

As I finish doing my private business, I go to find a stream. When I come across one , I dip my hands into the cold fresh water. Sleep deprived, I splash my face with water to help me stay awake.

"Shit" I say out loud when something gets in my eye. I start rubbing my eyes and then successfully get it out.

When I look up, I spot a reflection in the water. I tilt my head at the source of the reflection. That's when I see her. Without even thinking I reach out and try and grab onto her. But suddenly she disappeared.

It was only then when Tobi started yelling out my name that I realized it was only another one of my visions.

"Pein has requested us to go back to the hideout." Tobi says.

"Alright. I'll be there in a few." I say disappointed.

When we finally teleport to the cave, we were greeted by the rest of the Akatsuki.

"About time, I was beginning to think we had lost more members." Kisame said smirking.

"Please, if that were the case, it would only be me showing up." I say.

"Wait but then that means.." Tobi mumbles to himself, unaware.

"Enough. I called for you all because I have found a rather special person who obtains large amounts of chakra. It is just what we need for now." Pein says.

"But what about the Jinchūriki?" I ask.

"It's taking much longer to find them. Since they have already been informed by the leaf village about our search for them. " he continues, " for now this girl will be an advantage to us. Her powers are almost as powerful as that of a Jinchūriki."

We all stare at the girl in front of us. She was unconscious, her face completely hidden away because of her long brown hair.

"Shall we start?" He adds.

We all nod. It was going to be a long three days. We all begin to prepare for the long and tiresome procedure.

Suddenly we hear the girl breathing heavily.

"P-please" she begged.

"Pathetic." Kisame shouted.

I look closer and shake my head. That long hair and those delicate hands. They reminded me so much of her. But it possibly couldn't have been her. She was miles away in a safe place. I made sure of it.


"Is this really necessary?" She asked.

"Well I mean if you want to live then yeah" I say annoyed.

"If you're going to be rude then maybe I shouldn't be here. It's not too late for me to turn back." She smirks.

"No y/n I'm sorry. It's just, I don't want them to find you. I know if they do, I'll be good as dead. But the thing is your life is at risk too. And it's because of me..." I say looking down.

"Don't blame yourself for your own decisions." She says rubbing my cheek.

"I swear I'll come back for you." I promise.

"I'll be waiting" she says as she gives me one last hug. She kisses my cheek and lets go of my hand. I didn't want to leave. But I knew I had to. And that was the last I had ever heard of her.

*End of Flashback*

"Y/n" I yell out of nowhere suddenly becoming aware of my surroundings.

"Deidara what's the matter?" Asks Tobi.

"N-nothing. Mind your own business!" I yell.

I look back at the girl. I shake my head again. It was probably another one of my visions.

"Deidara are you done wasting our time? We have matters to attend to." Says Pein in a monotone voice.

"Y-yeah." I answer.

"It really is you isn't it. You broke your promise." says the girl.

"It can't be you! This isn't real!" My eyes are wide open. My throat feels dry and it aches. I couldn't stop shaking. I decided to go down and check if it really was her.

As I get down, I run towards the body. I fall down to my knees when I finally get there. Slowly, I remove the hair from her face. As soon as I realize it is y/n
I coax her into my arms.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. " I repeatedly beg.

She reaches out to touch my face. Just like she always did to calm me down.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." She said as she took one last breath. I planted a kiss on her lips and hugged her tightly.

"Deidara, It's time to go." Said Tobi as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

It's been so long. How are you guys? Anyways I wanted to end this story as a cliffhanger. The girl meant a lot to Deidara and I might do a part 2 on how they met 🤔 Comment If you'd like to read about it. ✌🏼️

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