Mission (Sai)

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"Watch out!"

Multiple kunai knives were being thrown at my direction. I attempt to dodge all of them and succeed. I hide behind a bush and stay alert for the next attack. I see a shadow darkening the surroundings and look up to see him hovering in the sky with a bird.
He gives me a reassuring smile and it is one that I have become very familiar with . With that being said, I knew what was meant with that smile. I  scurry along to a nearby tree still being very cautious. I climb from branch to branch until I am near the top.

He makes sure to see that I am in a safe place in order to follow through with his plan. I give him a thumbs up and he nods. Suddenly, there are several big pythons falling into the ground. Each one trying to locate and get a hold of the enemy in order for us to capture it. I keep track of three pythons who seem to be circling around something. I quickly run to that direction. I start to lower my chakra in order to not be sensed so quickly.

I throw multiple paper bombs around the encircled location. This would definitely force the enemy to come out of its hiding spot. I prepare myself to make a long distance attack if needed.
Once the enemy comes out, I hit it with my fire style jutsu. I was pleased until I noticed it was just a clone. I duck down just as a kunai knife was thrown at me. The enemy continues to throw them but I dodge every single one of them. I finally got close to the enemy and throw a smoke bomb. Sai had already known what this meant. So he swooped in with his bird and got the enemy by its collar.

"Way to go Sai!" I yell cheerfully.

Sai puts the enemy down and apologizes.

"You too really are something." Says Kūrenai dusting herself off.

"You really are a worthy opponent Sensei." I truthfully add.

"Well tomorrow you will be facing a new opponent. So stay sharp. See you kids later." She performs some sort of jutsu and disappears.

"Let's go Sai." I say getting up on the bird.

"Where to?" He asks.

"Home." I say with meaning.

"The Leaf Village it is." He says laughing.


When we finally get there, we decide to see what our fellow comrades are up to.
We spot Sakura and Naruto arguing yet again. Ino, Choji and Shikamaru were at Ichiraku's. We decided to go too.

"Hey guys what's up." I say taking a seat.

"Long time no see y/n" says Shikamaru

"Hello." Says Sai waving and smiling at no one in particular.

"Geez he could really be weird at times." Whispers Shikamaru.

"I guess. But that's what I like about him. He's still trying to find himself." I say.

We all order a ramen soup and make small talk. Choji speaks about the many foods he wants to try. Ino talks about funny customers at the flower shop.

"I heard you two are going on a mission tomorrow right?" Asks Shikamaru.

"Yeah. Its not much of a big deal." I say.

"Good luck. I have to be up early for some training with Asuma." He says getting up. We all say our goodbyes and head our own separate ways.

*Next Day*

"You ready Sai?" I smirk.

"As ready as ever" he says smiling.

We walk up to lady tsunade's door and lightly knock.

"You may enter." She says.

We both enter the room and notice that lady tsunade had a lot of paperwork to go through.

"Well it seems like you guys have gone through the necessary training for this mission." She says with a thumb on her lip. " But, there's one small problem."

"What is it?" Both me and Sai ask at the same time.

"Originally, you guys were assigned to escort a very important person. But it seems to me that Naruto went ahead and completed the mission for you guys." She says with a sigh.


"Woah calm down." Says Sai.

"Yes. I am also as bothered as you y/n but what can you say? Naruto is one boy full of mystery." She says smiling.

"Well I guess. But still he had no right in doing that." I say frustrated.

"Well run along you two. If anything new pops up, you guys will be going." She says.

"See you later lady tsunade." Sai says smiling.

We both leave her office and begin to wander the streets of the Leaf village. It was still the afternoon and with nothing to do, I decided to head back home.

"I guess I'll see you later then." I tell Sai.

"No wait." He says nervously.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He takes out one of his books and begins to flip the pages. After skimming through a page, he places his book back in his pocket. He then takes out a scroll and begins to paint something. After he is done, he places the scroll on the ground and brings it to life.

"Here these are for you. They are supposed to be a very friendly gesture." He says scratching his neck and blushing.

"Oh thank you Sai. Roses are my favorite." I smell them and smile.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to my place for dinner." He asked.

"Sure why not?" I giggle.

I hear a rustling noise behind a set of trees. I quickly look back and spot something sitting on a branch. Then I spot a very clumsy Naruto falling into the ground.

"OWW" He yells in pain.

"Naruto what were you doing?!" I yell approaching him.

"I am truly sorry y/n. I meant to tell you that I was the one who told him to go on ahead with the mission." He says.

"But why would you do that?" I ask.

"I wanted to be able to spend time with you. " he blushes.

"Aw Sai." I give him a hug. "Next time you can just ask me and not be afraid. I'm not upset about the mission. But next time leave it to us. We can't trust someone as clumsy as Naruto." I snicker.


It was a bit awkward trying to create this. Since Sai is still learning about emotions and stuff. Lol.

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