Encounter (Neji)

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Look me in the face, and tell me that you love me.

I raise up the volume to my bluetooth speaker. Taking in the relaxing moment, I continue my bath. Hinata had gifted me a few bath bombs for my birthday. I honestly thought they were dumb and useless, but she proved me wrong.

I spend a couple more minutes sitting in the tub. But then reality hits when my alarm clock goes off.


I check my phone and see that I got a text from Yamato.

Lady Tsunade wishes to see you today at 6 am. Please be early.

"Haha" I snicker. I'm usually always late to things like this. Which is why I'm usually always scolded. It also explains how I got my reputation.

I get out of the tub and wrap a towel around my body. I then get dressed and comb out my hair.

"Shit" I say as I struggle to get rid of the tangles.

"It's time for a haircut." Hinata says getting up from her bed.

" I know but I just can't find the time to go and get one." I say complaining.
The real reason why I avoided the hair salon was because I was too shy. It also doesn't help when you get a totally complete opposite haircut from what you asked for.

"I'll go with you this Thursday. So you better not make any excuses." She says glaring at me.

"Okay. I promise I won't." I say giving up.

"I can't remember the last time I woke up this early." She says yawning.

"Oh that reminds me, I should be on my way to Tsunade." I say rushing to finish combing my hair.

After many attempts at fixing my hair, I settle on a messy bun.

"I'm heading out now." I say as I leave out the door.

I start to walk and check my phone. It was 5:48 which meant I was right on time. Most of the village was still sleeping and the rest were opening up their businesses for the day.

There was a strong scent that had caught my attention. I jerk my head to the direction that it was coming from.
They were fresh cinnamon rolls placed on top of a counter. I forgot that I hadn't eaten.

Just a quick pit stop wouldn't make much of a difference. I approach the small store and spot an old lady cleaning up in a room.

"Excuse me miss." I say trying to catch her attention.

She didn't hear me.  So I yelled out again.

"Hello?" I say. Still she seemed to be more focused on arranging things. I really was in a hurry but I had to eat something. So I placed some money on the counter and took a cinnamon roll.

I felt bad so I grabbed a nearby pen and paper and wrote "I'm so sorry I hope this makes up for it." Satisfied, I hurry along to get to the hokage. I check my phone to see the time and it was currently 5:58.

"She's going to be really angry" I panic. I start running as fast as my legs can take me. By the time I get there it was exactly 6:00. She really can't be mad at me.

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