Chapter two: school

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Thanks for the 6 reads I didn't even think I'd get 2 reads tbh

(Johnnie's pov)

*beep beep beep*
Johnnie groggily woke up to the blaring sound of his alarm clock. He started slamming on the off button until he finally hit it. He slowly made himself get up and sit on the edge of bed. He yawns and runs his fingers though his bed head hair. He looks around his room of his apartment that he shared with his friend Bryan and sighs. His bed was against the wall and pushed up to the right corner of the room, there was a desk in the left corner of the room and a dresser next to the desk. Then in the middle of the room was a whole bunch of pictures, pictures of him and people from My Digital Escape, pictures of him and his family, pictures of him and Y/N. He stands up and stretches then looks at a picture of him and Y/N 'maybe today's the day I'll see her again' he thinks. He puts on a Sleeping With Sirens t-shirt, a pair of ripped jeans and his usual vans, then walks out of his room and into the kitchen. He opens a cabinet and grabs a bowl out of the cabinet then shuts the cabinet door. He opens a box of Fruity Pebbles and pours some into his bowl then pours some milk into it. He sets his bowl down in the dinning room and starts eating his cereal. Once he finishes his cereal he puts his bowl in the sink then goes walks into the bathroom. 30 minutes later his teeth are brushed and his hair's fixed. He walked to the door to the room that belonged to his best friend Bryan and started banging on the door. "BRYAN YOU HAVE 15 MINUTES TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL!!" He yells. The next the he knows Bryan's opened the door to his room and is flipping me off. "Why didn't you wake me up sooner?!" Bryan asks angrily. "Because that's not my job it's the alarm clocks job." I say sassily. 25 minutes later me and Bryan are getting out of his car and walking into the school building. Me and Bryan have the same first period which is history so we walk together to the class. We sit next to each other in the back of the class like usual. 5 minutes later and the boring class started.

~time skip to lunch because I can~

Johnnie sat down at a table with his usual friends Bryan, Alex Dorame a girl who changes her hair to much, Shannon Taylor a girl who changes her hair to much and doesn't give a fuck half the time, Jordan Sweeto a guy who's Canadian and Australian, Kyle Hall who wears beanies all the time and loves to penny board. He sat down at the corner of the table next to Kyle. Alex sat in front of him and Shannon next to Alex since they were best friends, Bryan next to Shannon since everyone knew he had a thing for Shannon, and Jordan next to Kyle. "Hey guys ya know there's gonna be a party this Friday?" Shannon asks. "I hear it's supposed to be one of the best party's of the year." Alex says. "I'm down for it." Bryan says. "Me too dawg." Kyle says. Then they all looks at me waiting for my answer. "Oh.. I dunno I think I'll pass." I say. "Aww come on you have to come!!" Alex say. "Yeah you have to come!" Kyle says. "You're just gonna regret not coming." Shannon says and that makes me start to think that maybe I should come. "It won't be the same without you." Bryan says. "Okay okay fine I'll come." I finally say.

(If I don't update again tomorrow then I'll update either Sunday or Tuesday)

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