Chapter eight: Truth or dare

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~Kyle's pov~

Johnnie fucking Guilbert is sitting in my lap, and I just kissed Johnnie fucking Guilbert. This has got to be a dream come true. Ever since I laid eyes on Johnnie I had had a crush on him. Everything was perfect about him. From the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, even all the little things were just perfect. I could look at him all day if I was able to. Once Johnnie laid his head on my neck, I felt how soft his hair and skin was. His skin and hair felt like a baby. I pinched my hand to make sure I wasn't dreaming, that all of this was actually real. Johnnie was so light in my lap, it just made me want to cuddle him to death. I could feel the heat rising up to my cheeks, as I was thinking these thing. I realized right then that, no matter what I had to do I was going to make sure that Johnnie was mine.

After staying with Johnnie in my lap, with my arms around his hips, his head on my neck, for who knows how long, he finally looked up at me. "Kyle I think we need to go back in, I mean I don't want to be failing any of my c-classes." He stuttered from how nervous he was. It was cute how he stuttered. I nodded, even though I didn't want him to leave. I wanted to stay right here, and never stop holding him. Johnnie kisses me on the cheek, gets off of my lap, but before he goes through the door, he says "I'll see you after school." Then runs down the steps. I felt heat rush up to my cheeks, as I sat there already feeling empty and colder without Johnnie here in my arms.

I laid back and closed my eyes. I put my thumb up to my lips, wishing that Johnnies lips were against them. God damn you sure do have a way of making someone really like you Johnnie.

~ after school~ ~Johnnie's pov~

Once school was over I ran out of my 7th period. When I went up to my locker to get my stuff, I saw paper all over my locker. My heart dropped instantly. I slowed down my walk and looked at the notes on my locker. Fag, ugly bitch, nobody likes you, emo devil worshiper, stupid whore, you're a mistake, go die, you should be dead you emo fag, go kill yourself. I stood there looking at the notes, till I finally took them down one by one, with tears threatening to run down my cheeks. I throw the notes in the trash, then open my locker and grab my backpack. I walk into the bathroom and throw my backpack against the wall. I leaned my back against the wall then sunk down to floor, and started crying. Oh what a horrible ending to a perfect day. I don't understand how people can be so mean. I heard people yelling my name, so I ran into a stall and locked it. I covered up my mouth, so I wouldn't make any noise, but the tears just wouldn't stop.

"I'll go check in the bathroom, why don't you go check his seventh period to see if he got held back or something." I heard Bryan say. Then suddenly I realize that my backpack is still out there. God damnit I'm screwed now.
"Johnnie I know you're in here." Bryan said standing outside of the stall I was in since it was the only one closed.
I didn't say anything back, I just stood still.
"Johnnie if you're not coming out then I'm coming in." Bryan said.
About a minute passed until Bryan went under the door and was in the same stall as I was. I quickly wiped my tears away.
"Dude give a man some privacy." I say to try and lighten the mood, but my voice cracks a few times and my voice sounds completely upset.

Bryan pulls me into a tight hug "Johnnie what happened?" He asks. "Considering the situation we're in, I think it's best if I tell you when we're not in the same bathroom stall." I reply. Bryan nods then unlocks the door, the  sits down on the ground with his back against the wall. I sit down next to him and tell him everything that happened, from what happened between me and Y/N to now. But I leave out the part of me cutting, that was the one thing I didn't want to tell anyone.
"God Johnnie I'm so sorry, but it's gonna get better I promise." Bryan says to me.
"How do you know that? How do you know it's not going to get worse?" I ask him. I tried to have hope only for it to blow up in my face
"I don't know the answer to that, but I do know that things get better with time." Bryan replies.
"Thank you for everything Bryan, I don't know what I'd do without you." I tell him.
"That's what best friends are for." Bryan says and gives me a hug.

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