Chapter four: 7 minutes in heaven part 1

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(Oml thanks so much for 100 reads!!!)

~Johnnie's pov~

Y/N's lips tasted like beer and cotton candy. It was so damn addicting. I licked her bottom lip and she opened up her mouth a bit. I quickly sneaked my tongue into Y/N's mouth and we went straight to the battle for dominance. The way our tongues were rubbing against each other fighting for dominance was just enchanting. I ended up winning easily. I put my hands on Y/N's shoulders, and she put hers on my waist. I leaned in a bit more and started exploring Y/N's mouth. I ran and rubbed my tongue against every part of her mouth. Hearing Y/N moan just turned me on even more and I could definitely feel a bulge start to form down south.
Y/N pulled back breaking the kiss while slightly panting. Once we both got our breath back, Y/N sat on my lap, with her knees on both sides of my legs, and then she put her arms around my neck. I ran my hand up her thighs until they went around her waist.
I reconnected our lips and we went straight to fighting for dominance once again. Our tongues fought against each other with nobody daring to give up. We both ended up loosing ourselves in the kiss and a few moans slipped out here and there.
We continued making out until someone downstairs yelled something that sounded like seven minutes in heaven. Y/N broke the kiss and got off my lap to stand up.
"We should probably go downstairs to see what's going on." She says blushing. "Right." I reply nodding.
We walk downstairs, not holding hands and not with my arm around her, even though I would love it she has a boyfriend, just next to each other. If anything it was more awkward since I could tell she was trying to stay as close to the wall as she could, after all she did just cheat on her boyfriend with her childhood friend.
We get downstairs and there's about 30-40 people standing around Bryan, who's standing up on a chair explaining how to play seven minutes in heaven. 'Oh shit not this game' I think. Bryan sees me,
"Hey Johnnie and Y/N are y'all gonna play?" He asks.
"Yea we are." Y/N says for me.
A paper and sharpie gets handed to us, so we write our names and put it in the hat Bryan has. The few other people that went in before me seemed pretty happy with who they got, so maybe I'll actually get Y/N. I look around and see a bunch of people I don't know, the whole gang and no Jackson.
"COME ON JOHNNE!" Bryan yells happily. I walk up to Bryan and put my hand in the hat. I feel the smooth parts of the paper and feel the pointy edges of the paper. I move my hand around until I feel a paper that's larger than the others. Remembering that Y/N and I came In late, we had to write our names on bigger piece of paper. I pull out the paper hoping that it's not my own name. I open up the paper and see Y/N's name written on it. 'YESSSSS' I scream in my head. We walk over to the open door and sit in the closet as Bryan locks the door.

(Welp I'm just gonna leave it at that cliffhanger 😂 I'll update again next Sunday or Tuesday!)

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