Chapter 12: swimming pt 1

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~Johnnie's pov~

The next morning I woke up in Kyles arms not remembering falling asleep in them, not that I minded though. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. As I did it felt more like I was touching skin than a cloth, actually opening my eyes this time I looked at Kyle realizing he was shirtless.

Shock rushed over me and so did a blush on my cheeks. 'Wait, if he's shirtless I wonder if..' I raised up the covers just enough to see our lower halves and he was wearing shorts. I didn't know what I'd do if he was in his underwear or worse, wasn't wearing clothes.

I sat up and looked down at Kyle's cute sleeping face. His mouth was slightly ajar and he had a major case of bed head, but he looked like he was sleeping peacefully. My eyes traveled down from his face, to his neck, and then to his exposed chest. There were freckles and moles scattered around reminding him of the stars that they were under just the night before. It was beautiful, hell all of him was beautiful. What did I ever do to deserve such a work of art?

I continued absorbing all the exposed parts of Kyle, not realizing he was waking up.
"Take a picture it'll last longer." Kyle said while rubbing his eyes.
"Why take a picture when I have the actual person in front of me to stare and do other things with that I can't do with a picture?" I asked and laid my head back down on his chest.
"You got me there." He replied and started running his fingers through my hair.

We stayed like that for a little while longer neither of us wanting to get up.
"Please don't be having sex.." Alex said as she walked in with her hand over her eyes.
"Were n-" I started
"Nngh." Kyle whined out loudly cutting me off.
"Oh god Johnnie!" He yelled out faking a moan.
"Shit right there! Harder!!" He yelled while letting out another loud fake moan.
"Kyle I think you need better acting skills." Bryan said walking in throwing a pillow at them as Alex ran out with her ears covered and eyes shut tight.
"You gotta admit that was pretty good. Well not that you would know since you've never heard it in real life and only in porn." Kyle replied throwing the pillow back in Bryan's face.
"You don't know that."
"I think we all do." I said while getting up.
"Shut up." Bryan said smacking the pillow across my face.
"Oh it's on!" I yelled grabbing the pillow that I had slept on not too long ago and hit Bryan in the gut.

Soon Kyle joined in and it was two against one.
"Hey this isn't fair!" Bryan yelled as he was cornered.
I cocked the pillow as if it was gun and put it up to Bryan's head.
"GIVE US ALL YOUR MONEY." I yelled at him playing around.
"Wh-what!? I don't have any money on me!" Bryan yelled in protest.
"You think this is a joke bub? I want your money not your life but if you try to move I won't think twice!" Kyle said in a threading tone like in one of those old movies with the partners in crime.
"Is now really the time to be using lyrics from Cage The Elephant?" I asked.
"Come on you know it totally fit." Kyle responded.
"Oo what's happening here?" Shannon asked standing in the doorway.
"They're trying to rob me of the money that I don't have." Bryan replied.
"Well you said we're going swimming so hurry up." She said and then left.
"We're going swimming?" I asked.
"Yeah so hurry and get ready I'm sure the others are waiting." Bryan replied.

Soon everyone was somewhere in the living room whether they were sitting on the couch, either on the cushion or on the arm, or standing. There was also a couple of bags next to a big pile of floats.
"Okay guys so there's a nearby lake that we could go to or we could go to the beach that's about half an hour from here."
"Beach!" Alex and Shannon yelled in unison
"Lake." Jordan and Jeydon said.
"Beach." I say then look over at Kyle to see his response.
"Yeah beach." Kyle says.
"I was gonna go for the lake but it's outnumbered one way or another, so beach it is!"
"But we could go to the beach anytime we want to." Jordan said.
"But at the lake there's gonna be boats, snakes, and people fishing so you could get yourself hurt from the hook." I replied.
"That's everything that happens at the beach too." Jeydon said.
"Tough luck you were outnumbered." Shannon said and walked out to Bryan's car with Alex, a couple of floats, and their bags.
"They're right so let's hit the beach!" Bryan said and we all got into the car with the floats and our things.

I'm slowly loosing ideas for new chapters so if you guys have any ideas on what you would like to happen then I'd really appreciate it if you left them in the comments! Also thanks for reading the new chapters to the ones that still do, it means a lot!

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