Chapter five: 7 minutes in heaven part two

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~Johnnie's pov~

We sat down in the closet as Bryan shut the door. The closet was empty and incredibly dark, so dark that I almost couldn't see Y/N. Y/N sat in the corner of the closet with her legs up to her chest, looking down at the ground blushing incredibly hard. Just at the sight of Y/N blushing I couldn't help but really actually notice the situation we were in, and started blushing myself. After a minute of awkward silence and blushing, I finally worked up the courage and smashed my lips against hers, she immediately kissed me back. I slide my tongue against her bottom lip, and she opens up immediately and I slide my tongue into her mouth and she lets me take control. The taste of beer and cotton candy comes back straight back to my mouth. Still exploring every inch of her mouth, I push her down to the floor. I rub my tongue against hers earning a moan from her, which just turned me on even more. Y/N lifts her leg up a bit, to where her knee is on my crotch, making me moan into the kiss. I feel here start moving her knee up and down on my crotch, making me moan louder. I pull away from the kiss and there's a string of saliva in between our lips. I start kissing and licking her neck making her moan slightly. I start sucking on most her neck leaving hickeys everywhere. I wonder how many minutes we have left, as I pull her shirt off to see that she was wearing a black lace bra. "Holy fuck Y/N your boobs have really gotten bigger from when we last saw each other." I say starring down at the parts of her boobs that were visible.
"You just gonna stare at them all day or are you gonna do something before time runs out?" Y/N whisper yells at me.
"Right right." I mutter and nod then unhook her bra. I squeeze her breasts, hearing her moan I squeeze them a few more times. I lean down and bite her right nipple while squeezing and rubbing her left nipple. I lick her right nipple a few times then I start sucking on it, making her moan a bit louder. She runs her fingers through my hair and pulls my hair as I suck harder. I pull back for a moment and take my shirt off. Once my shirt was off she leaps on to me, pushing me to where my back was on the wall taking control. She kisses me for a few seconds and then pulls away and starts sucking on my neck, leaving a few hickeys. She slides her hand down my chest and stops with her hand on my crotch. "Damn you're hard." She whispers to me.
"Well it's your fault for making me this hard." I whisper back to her.
She smirks as she slides her hand into my boxers and squeezes my member, making me moan really loudly. She unzips my pants and pulls them down along with my boxers, making my fully erected member spring up.
"Someone's eager aren't they." Y/N says smirking.
"Shut up." I say blushing. She leans down and licks up and down my member then licks the tip making me moan. "Ahh~ Y/N quit teasing." I say. She puts her mouth around the tip and slowly goes down and then back up. I let out a low moan, absolutely loving having Y/N give me a blowjob. This was the first time I had ever gone this far with someone and it was felt so much better than my own hand.
She goes back up and sucks on the tip, making me moan really loudly, then goes back down and up faster than before. She does that a few more times before sucking really hard. "Ah! Y/N!!" I yell as I cum In her mouth. I wonder how many times she done this with other people. She swallows the cum with surprises me a bit.
LI'm sorry Y/N I shouldn't've came in your mouth." I whisper to her.
"It's fine Johnnie I swallowed it didn't I?" She replies smiling at me. She sits on my lap and kisses me, I kiss her back instantly and wrap my arms around her hips. It wasn't like our hungry kisses earlier, it was sweet, slow and gentle. She smiles at me and I smile back at her. 'God she looks so beautiful smiling.' I think. I think for a second before traveling my hands down her her butt and giving it a squeeze to see what her reaction would be. She jumps slightly and gives me a shocked look.
"Sorry I had to do that at least once. Plus you have a nice butt anyway." I say blushing.
"T-thanks I guess." She replies blushing.
After everything we just did I thought it was appropriate to say this since I've always felt this way about her.
"I love you Y/N." I blurt out.
She looks down at me with a surprised look. "I'm sorry Johnnie but I love my boyfriend Jackson." She says and it feels like the whole world just stopped as I hear what she said. "But what about everything we just did..." I mutter and take my hands off of her. "Johnnie it's not like we had sex or anything." She says and gets off my lap and starts redressing.
"But still..." I mutter once again and start redressing myself since it would be awkward for her to be dressed and just me be exposed.
"Johnnie I'm sorry but I love Jackson." She says looking down at the ground. "Right." I say but I doubt she heard it. "Okay guys you have 30 seconds to redress!!" Bryan yells.
Y/N opens the door and walks out not taking one glance back at me. She was leaving me in the closet with a broken heart, and me trying not to cry. Bryan walks into the closet looks over at me. "Hey bud you alright?" He asks me. "I'm fine." I lie as I get up and walk out of the closet leaving Bryan in there alone.
I grab four beers and walk upstairs and into the bathroom. I put the toilet seat down and sit down on it and start crying.
'Out of all the people I could've fallen In love with why did it have to be you Y/N.' I think as I keep crying.
'No it's not Y/N's fault. It's her parents fault. Had she never moved maybe she would not have met Jackson and maybe just maybe she would be mine' I cry until I can barely breathe and until I can't cry anymore. I wipe the tears off my cheeks and open one of the beer bottles then chug it down. I sigh as I take out the blade that I always had in my pocket. I look down at my arm and look at all the scars on my wrist. It had been a year since the last time I cut and damn did I miss the feeling of the bald cutting my skin apart. I put the blade on my arm and push it down then drag it across my arm, loving the feeling. The pain took away the feeling of sadness and numbness and actually made me feel something else. Any other feeling besides depressed would do. I continue doing that a whole bunch of times until there's no place left for me to cut except the vain, which I wasn't ready to cut just yet. I wasn't about to end my life over Y/N. She wasn't worth my life ending. I watch as the blood runs down my arms and onto the floor. I look through the cabinets until I find a towel. I get the towel wet and clean the blood off my wrists. I sit back down on the toilet seat and chug down the rest of the beer bottles until I felt completely nothing. I walk out of the bathroom and downstairs. The first thing I see is Y/N and her boyfriend making out in the corner. I stumble over to Bryan not daring to look over at Y/N and her boyfriend.
"Hey Johnnie!" Bryan yells to me obviously in a good mood.
"I wanna go home now." I say to him. "What why?" He asks me immediately going into mother mode.
"I don't feel well, probably had too many drinks." I reply to him which it wasn't a complete lie. A few minutes later the whole gangs in the car and driving towards Bryan and I's apartment. The gang plans on spending the night since they were all to drunk to go home on their own. Who knows what their parents would do seeing them as drunk as some of them were.

The minuet we get home I run into my room and lock the door, the jump onto my bed and start crying my eyes out till I fell asleep.

(God that was really hard for me to write anyway hopefully I'll update again on either next Sunday or Tuesday! Ilysm guys!)

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