Chapter 11: the cabin

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~Johnnies pov~

The ride was a lot longer than everyone except Bryan had expected, it was almost dark by the time they had arrived. People were already spilling out of the car by the time Bryan had parked. They grabbed their stuff and bolted inside the house to grab the best room they could. Unlike everyone else I decide not to run inside since Kyle already had, and I knew he would get us a good room.

I grabbed my suit case and walked inside, I could hear Shannon and Jordan bickering over who got to the room first, making me chuckle. I say my my suitcase on the floor examining the living room. The whole house was made of wood as far as I could see, but the living room was an open floor plan with a high ceiling, it had two couches facing each other with a table in between them, there was also a table mounted on the wall with a Wii U, ps 4, x-box, and a Nintendo stitch underneath it. There were games next to it like street fighters, Mario cart, overwatch, final fantasy, splatoon, exc.

"Johnnie hurry up I got our room!" Kyle said excitedly making me smile. I grabbed my suit case and followed Kyle to the back of the house. The room was a tad bit further than the other ones since they were closer together.
"Ta daaa!" Kyle said while doing jazz hands. Their room was pretty big with a king size bed, a nightstand on each side of the bed, a loveseat that faced the bed, and two dressers.
"Man if our room is this amazing I wonder what the other ones look like." I say putting my suit case next to one of the dressers.

Kyle sat down on the loveseat and I couldn't help but sit on his lap, I mean it was open and practically asking for me to sit on it. I wrapped my arms around his neck and Kyle snaked his arms around my slim waist.
"I can't believe this is going to be the first time we've slept together in an actual bed, plus it'll be our first time on a vacation together as a couple." I said while smiling. Just the fact that I was able to say we were a couple brought a smile to my face and a warm comfy feeling in my stomach. After all Kyle made things better and made me happy.
"Yeah it's exciting." Kyle replied then leaned up and closed the gap between us with a kiss. It started out slow and sweet then Kyle licked my bottom lip and I opened up, turning it into a full makeout secession. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and Kyle ran his hands down from my waist to my butt giving it a squeeze. I couldn't help but jump slightly and a moan escaped my lips. We pulled back and I put my head down on Kyles shoulder blushing furiously from embarrassment at the fact that I had moaned and Kyle had to of heard it! But instead of something negative happing Kyle just laughed and lifted my head up with his fingers.
"What's so funny?" I ask dumbfounded.
"You. You're just so cute and I can tell your embarrassed even though you don't need to be. I mean who wouldn't moan after what I did especially since it's me who did it." Kyle replied then reconnected our lips.

Someone walked in and made a sound as if they were clearing their throat to get our attention which made us pull apart.
"If you guys are done sucking each other's faces we have the fire going and Bryan just got back with food and stuff to make s'mores." Shannon said then walked out.

I got off Kyles lap and intertwined our fingers when he stood up. We walked outside to where they had the fire started, grabbed the items for our s'mores, and then sat down next to each other. I put my chocolate on the gram cracker that way when the marshmallow was done I would be able to eat it quicker and without the mess.

Once the marshmallow was done to my liking, I put it on top of the chocolate and then put the gram Cracker on top of it and then took a bite.
"Mmm." I moan out basically having a foodgasm from good it tasted. The last time I had eaten a s'more was when I was in elementary.
"Man if only I was the reason you were making such lovely noises." Kyle said with a smirk causing a slight blush to come over my cheeks. I chose to not reply and just finish my s'more. I ended up eating a few more before I was done for the day.

I pushed the chair down since it was reclinable and starred up at the stars. I loved how much more visible and brighter they were out in the country than in the city. I felt a nudge against my arm and looked over to see Kyle "move over." He said so I scooted over enough for Kyle to fit. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.
"Look at the stars, look at how they shine for you and everything you do." Kyle whisper sang in my ear making me smile. We stayed like that for a little while longer, enjoying the warmth from the fire and from each other, and even pointing out constellations, some right some wrong.

After a while a few people left like Alex, Shannon, and Jaden.
"Hey Johnnie you seem tired, wanna go to bed now?" Kyle asked seeing that I was nodding off.
"Mhm" I mumbled although I did truly want to get up.
"Come on princess." Kyle said slipping out from under me and picked me up bridal style.
"We're gonna leave too. Good night guys." Kyle said as he walked back inside and into the room we were going to be staying in. He raised the covers, laid me down, and then put the covers back over me. After doing nightly tasks like changing clothes, brushing teeth, and washing your face Kyle climbed into the bed with me. After turning the lamp off that was on the nightstand, Kyle laid down and wrapped his arms around me.
"Goodnight love." He said then kissed my forehead.
"Goodnight." I mumbled back and fell asleep.

Fifty Shades of Guilbert (Reader x Johnnie Guilbert)Where stories live. Discover now