Chapter 10: camping

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~Johnnies pov~

It was the day before they got out for spring break and the whole gang honestly couldn't wait since they were going on a camping trip. Bryan had a cousin who was going to led a cabin that he owned to them to use during spring break. I was so ready to be away from school and with my friends plus my amazing boyfriend.

"Guys I'm so excited to camping!" Alex said excitedly as she sat her tray down and sat down.
"Me too." The rest of the gang said in unison.
"I can't wait to get away and be able to do what we want without some adult getting in the way." Shannon said.
" I can't wait to be able to make s'mores and sit by the fire while looking up at the stars." I said. Sure it kinda sappy, kinda romantic, but what can I say with that type of ambiance with Kyle would be just perfect.
"Wow so tumblr." Alex commented.
"It's romantic." Kyle said.
"I'm sure that's not the only romantic thing that will be happening." Bryan said with a smirk.
"Shut up." I mumbled taking a bite of my pizza while a blush made its way across my cheeks. Sure I had thought about going all the way with Kyle, but we haven't been together for too long plus if we did I would be loosing my virginity which is a big deal for me. But if it was with Kyle I wouldn't mind.
"Good thing the walls are soundproof there." Bryan added.

Bryan had the tendency to either be super inappropriate and suggest stuff or be a complete mother.
"Really?" Kyle asked intrigued to which Bryan nodded his head, making the blush on my face that much worse.
"So besides fucking and eating s'mores by a camp fire, what else are we going to do?" Alex asked.
"Well we could go hiking, or do some fireworks, canoeing, and there's even a lake down there for swimming and boat skiiing." Bryan replied.
"Man this trip is going to be amazing." Alex said.

Once lunch was over they went to their classes and the day quickly came to an end since most of the teachers didn't feel like it was necessary to teach that day. When the final bell rang almost everyone ran out of their classes and out the front doors. Me being someone who never runs and hates physical activity actually ran for once. I couldn't help it, after all the faster all of us got together and got our bags the faster we would get to the cabin in the woods, where we would have complete freedom. That freedom was something I craved for Kyle and I since we would be able to do whatever without homophobic people saying things or giving us looks, plus we could do things in a soundproof room without someone hearing or walking in. The cabin seemed like a much needed paradise.

The whole gang soon met up and got in Bryans car. It was a tight fit but at least everyone was able to fit in. Bryan drove us to each of our houses to get our already packed bags and then we were off to the cabin!

( okay sorry for not updating for a year, I kinda just lost faith and ideas in the story but I'm back now and I actually have a pretty solid idea of how this is going to go. Thanks for sticking around and hopefully you guys enjoy the new chapter, I'm already writing the next one so it shouldn't be too long! Don't forget to comment and all that jazz!) (I also updated all the other chapters and made a few changes here and there so if you wanna go back and read them that be cool)

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