Chapter Four-Dollars in swear jars

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Okay, the title of this chapter is stupid, sorry, not sorry, but um.... it gets semi intresting now, so please continue to read it!!

Chapter four-Dollars in wear jars

My head was pounding as I dragged myself out of bed for what seemed like the millionth time. Only, it was the third day of school. After taking a very hot and very groggy shower, I rub the steam from the mirror and sighed. Nothing would take away from the tired look on my face. Not even eleven hours of sleep would do the trick. Looking at my bare chest, I would have cringed if I didn't see it every day. Tiny lines on my hips, from the times I used to try to hide the cutting. But, the most shocking thing was my rib cage. Man that thing was so obvious. It looked like I'd never eaten in my life. Not exactly true.

I was going to be late to school, but the only problem was bringing myself to care. And honestly, that didn't seem like a problem I knew how to solve. I hated that place. I know it had only been three days, but I hate the classes and I hated the teachers and I hated every one of the students. The only person that was semi-nice to me was that Shane kid. I mean, we haven't talked since that first day of school or anything, but he shot me smiles every now and then. No matter how badly I wanted to return the gesture, my mindset wouldn't allow it. It was a horrible cycle.

Taking myself to my room, I slip on black skinny jeans, the only pair of un-ripped pants I've ever owned, and stand in the middle of my floor debating on a plain black T-shirt or a plain white T-shirt. I cursed myself for not going shopping to buy more clothes, but I didn't have the money, and anyways, I've got dozens of band shirts left over from the concerts I've been to. I nod to myself and slid the closet doors open looking at the clothes hanging from the bar. Before giving up on finding a decent shirt to wear, I put the white T-shirt on and slipping on a black sweatshirt with the Of Mice & Men logo on it. Slipping my black vans on, I rush out of the front door avoiding the kitchen altogether.


I ended up not going to school, actually. I stood on the front steps ten minutes late to class and shuddered at the thought of walking those halls one more fucking time this week and turned on my heel, going instead to the coffee shop next door and sitting at one of their free tables in the back. I had about 20 bucks on me at the moment and I was deciding on how to spend it. I could order a coffee, but I don't like coffee and that would be a waste. Maybe I could go to a shop and beg to be sold cigarettes. God only knows I've been craving them ever since I ran out.

I got up and walked towards the door. Stepping outside was like a slap to the face. My God it was freezing. And I had on a measly sweatshirt because I neglected to use my mind and wear the coat I'd bought. I headed across the street, walking past the school. I reached the parking lot and saw someone, a student walking towards their car, a phone held to their ear. I stood there thoughtfully watching. It was Shane. He wore his jeans low on his hips and his black V-neck was tight in all of the right places. I wish my body was like that. Manly. But I'm anything but manly. I put my head down and kicked my foot out huffing, as I started walking again, with no destination in mind.

I heard a car pull up behind me, and despite my efforts to act like I didn't care, I looked behind me. His window was rolled down and he was looking up disapprovingly at me. "Skipping school?" He muttered clicking his tongue. I just rolled my eye. "What about you?" I asked him, gesturing to his car. "I've got an appointment smartass." I grinned at that, and he opened the passenger door, "Get in," He said. It was more of an invitation than an order. I couldn't do anything but get in. It's not like I had actual plans. He pulled out of the parking lot. "I don't have to go see my doctor until like, 3 actually. I just wanted to leave school early. Its hell in there, you know." I nodded. "Yeah, I know," I responded, putting my seatbelt on. He smiled at me. "That's why you skipped?" He asked. I shrugged. "Little bit." I muttered looking sideways at Shane. "Explain. That's the thing, you mutter two or three word answers and it doesn't give off information, only gives a response." I looked down. "So," I whispered, crossing my arms. He laughed. I looked at him and he looked amused. "I thought we were friends. You're not giving me much. I feel this is one sided." I rolled my eyes, but I didn't really mean it. "Maybe it is." He laughed again, turning onto another road. The traffic was horrible; I don't see why he drove. "You're really making a point of saying three words or less. This is a game, isn't it?" He said, looking at me at the red light we'd just reached.

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