Chapter 8-Hetero-what?

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Okay, here's chapter 8, i warn you, it's a bit dirty, but not THAT dirty, so, yeah. It's managable. I should make this chapter rated-R, but idk if that would do much, so watch out. okay, here you go

Chapter 8-Hetero-what?

"You can't keep doing that, someone will notice." Shane muttered. I laughed. "No one ever notices. It's classic." Shane was pouting now. "Yeah, but you left me in there alone. Those people hate me. What kind of friend are you?" Sticking my tongue out at him, I pulled him through the hall to the lunch room. "We're so not friends." I told him. He slipped his arm around me waist. "Yeah, damn right we aren't. We're lovers." I laughed. By now, I think I'm used to him and his stupid jokes about my sexuality and our relationship. Walking into the cafeteria, some people looked at us. I was used to people sometimes looking, but it was intense, and almost right away, I jumped away from Shane's touch, embarrassed. He didn't seem to notice, or mind.

At the table we sat silently, he was eating, and I was reading a book. I never read, it was tedious and I usually ended up having to re-read chapters, but I didn't really want to sit around awkwardly trying to make conversation while also trying not to eat food. Shane still didn't seem to mind this, instead he kept shooting that one guy-Connor-looks. Not good looks. He was glaring, and if looks could kill, he would definitely be dead. "Why are you glaring at him?" I finally asked. Shane shrugged. "He's a dick." He muttered. I nodded. "Right, so that gives you the right to imagine him dead?" I asked. He turned to glare at me. "Fuck off." I put my hands up. "You're not over him, obviously." I mused, dog-earing the page I was on, setting the book down. "Well, it was only like four months ago, and I was in love with him." There was a pang of jealousy in the pit of my stomach. The thought of him flirting with someone else, maybe putting his arm around some other guy made me angry. "Were you two serious?" He shook his head sadly. "No. He was dating Amber. She's that Barbie sitting over in the corner. Her legs broken." I turned, and there she was, blonde and smiling, her broken leg propped up on a chair, crutches resting on the table.

"They're still dating, but he snuck around with me. I lost my virginity to him, that asshole. He's gay, but he's too fucking afraid to come out, and I used to think that was cute, but when he started pushing me in the halls and smiled and laughed about it, I tried to talk to him about it, only... he was in the locker room banging the living fuck out of her. And he seemed to be enjoying it. Way more than he enjoyed sex with me. So I put my foot down and broke up with him, even though we weren't even dating." I nodded.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He nodded. "Has anyone even cheated on you?" he asked me. I looked down blushing. I hadn't told him that I'd never so much as touched anyone with the intent of showing affection. Let alone kissing. Or having sex. I was completely pathetic. I do remember this one time I tried to watch porn, but I was so startled by the fact that not only was it terrible acting, but I had no fucking idea what to look at, the girl's breasts, the guy's dick, or where his dick went. It was unappealing, and I was glad I didn't know anything about it, but getting asked this ridiculous question made me wish I had an idea. "Uh... no." I muttered. "What was your last relationship like? It was with a girl, since you're obviously not gay."

"I've never really... had a relationship. Or kissed anyone, for that matter." I told him, blushing again because of how stupid that sounded. He got this stupid smirk on his face. "You're so coming over today after school so I can make jokes about how innocent you are." I scratch the back of my neck. "Wasn't that the plan? And you make jokes of every single one of my insecurities, so..." He frowned at me. "Don't be like that." He said, laying his hand on top of mine. I blushed even more because of the contact. "You're adorable. I mean, of course you're not gay, but, it's true." He winked at me. The fucker was doing this on purpose. "When are you going to stop hitting on me?" I asked him, pulling my hand out from under his. He shrugged. "When I stop wanting you." He said nonchalantly.

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