Chapter-11 Questions

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The title of this chapter sucks and I might change it later idk but here you go. It's sort of dumb, but I just need filler chapters right now so I don't care what you think. Enjoy.

Chapter-11 Questions

The following week was sort of horrible and good at the same time. Shane and I spent a lot of time together, but when he wasn't with me, I sort of wished he was. Because things were so much harder to take without him around. "So, I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow," He told me, sitting beside me at the lunch table. Oh yeah, I forgot, he was going away for Thanksgiving break. He was visiting his dad's family up there. I asked him why he didn't just stay with them, and his only response was a chuckle and "Oh, you crack me up," I nodded, pretending to be okay with it, but I guess he knew because he put his arm around me and ducked down to plant a kiss on my cheek. "Don't worry, I won't be gone long." I looked up at him and gave him my best smile, kissing him. "I don't care. Have fun with your family." I told him, patting his thigh. He brushed my hand away. "Can you please not make me horny? I'll fuck you on top of this table." I grinned. "I don't know what you thought, but I'd quite like that."

We joked around for the rest of the 45 minute break, and then he walked me to my next class, holding my hand and telling me he was excited about seeing his family for the first time in two years. He'd never had the money to visit before, because he couldn't afford a plane ticket, but this year, he'd saved up for a round-trip ticket. He'd be gone for two days and a half. Tomorrow, he was catching a 6 O'clock PM flight out of here. He'd planned to spend the day with me. And, I got butterflies when he said that, of course.

After school ended, he'd opted to drive me home. Even though my mom said he couldn't come over today, due to her trying to get everything cleaned up for her date tonight. Yeah, she had a date. And it wasn't just some guy that she'd just met, they've been dating for a while. Even before we moved here. They were cyber-dating. She was making me brush my hair back, wear a sweater vest and smile at him tonight at dinner, because he had a big house on the out-skirts of town, and they were pretty serious. She was half using him for money and half using him because he was the one publishing her books. Yeah, they were serious alright.

"Hey, do you think we could park the car for a while and make out?" I asked him. He laughed. "I'm driving you home though." I shrugged. "I don't want to go home yet. I want to dry hump you again." He laughed louder, but parked the car. We were sort of in the middle of the city, but the windows were tinted, and he was cute. I don't know who kissed who first, but suddenly we were all over each other. He had his hands on my ass, and my hands were in his hair, messing it up. I always messed up his hair when we made out, but he didn't seem to mind, even though it looked like he styled it every day. This was so surreal, he was so out of my league, but we still were... messing around. I pulled away from him. "What are we?" I asked. He shrugged. "Um... I haven't taken you on a proper date, have I?" I reminded him of that date we went on, and he said, "No, you weren't gay then."

"I guess, if you wanted to label this, we could just say we're dating. People at school already talk about it." I stared at him. "Oh," I whispered, as he put his lips on mine again, willing me to kiss him back. I did, but I wasn't much into it. I was more worried about how the hell people fucking knew about it. And the fact that-holy shit-he was now my boyfriend. He was mine. And everyone knew about it. I pulled away from him, and he grunted, moving down to my neck. "Shane, how do people know?" I asked him. "We aren't exactly hiding our affection," he muttered against my neck. He was too distracted to give me a better answer, so I started kissing him again.

After a couple more minutes, Shane pulled away, out of breath. "Okay, I should get you home now." I groan, but sit back and put my feet on the dash. "Get your feet down or I'll have you wash my car." Shane scolded. I smiled at him, taking my feet down, reaching for his hand. "I'm going to miss you." I muttered. "I'll be back, babe. It's not like I'm leaving forever." I scrunched up my face. "Don't call me "Babe"." I told him. "Fine." He said, pouting. When we reached the crappy apartment I lived in, I got out. So did Shane, telling me he wanted to walk me to the door. "So, I'll pick you up at 9, okay?" He said. I nodded. "What are we doing?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I don't know. I just want to spend time with you. It will be our first official date, alright? Just me and you and the city. That's all. It'll be fun." I grinned, turning and throwing my arms around his neck, kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist; he kissed back, smiling against my lips. "You're mom doesn't even know you're gay." He said when we pulled part.

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