2 - The One Without Power, Level 0

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A certain empty can is sitting on top of a rail of a certain bridge. It was intentionally put there. No, it wasn't because the students have found a new way to throw trash without having to be dealt by the cleaning robot. It seems someone is trying to do something.

Holding out her hand towards the empty can, MikotoMisaka tries to  create at least a spark. It was as if she was a level 0 that nothing came out of her hand.

"ARGH!!" She screams as she punched the can out of the bridge into the water.

"You know, throwing cans into the water isn't a good habit." A familiar voice came to her ears. She knew it, she doesn't like that voice. It was a voice of a high school boy whom she never beats and never gets beaten by, which makes her so frustrated. It's 'that idiot' Touma Kamijou.

"What do you want?" Mikoto turned around with a tough look. A look in which she always use when facing this particular boy.

"I was just on my way home," he answered.

"You know it's way past curfew, right?"

"Well, I was caught into something." It's usual for the super unfortunate Touma to get caught in some weird circumstances in one way or another. It was like as if all these weird events wanted him so he got no choice but to get caught in it. "You know that much, but you're still sitting here playing with that empty can."

"I wasn't playing!" That got into her nerves. Usually, when that happens, a burst of electrical sparks came out of her head but it didn't. Realizing that, she got on her knees.

"Wh-why?" Tears flowing down her face. She started crying. She crossed her arms, hugging herself. "Why must this happen to me?!" Touma was shocked to see her crying. He didn't know what did he do to make her like this. He didn't even know how to react.


"SHUT UP!! How do you know how it feels like to be a level 0?! How do you know what it feels like to not being able to protect your friends anymore?!"

He sighed. "Anyway, it's past curfew. You should at least go home."

"NO! I can't go home like this." Her tears and worries wouldn't let her to be seen by her junior in such a pathetic state.

"Then, why not go into mine?" She hesitated with his offer at first but then finally agreed on it since she has nowhere to go.

=Touma's Home=

Index, a sister of the Anglican church who has been living in Touma's house because of certain circumstances, seems to be sleeping soundly on Touma's bed. Touma was preparing dinner for Mikoto since she hadn't eaten yet. Mikoto was having a shower to calm down.

KRINGG!!! Mikoto's Gekota phone was ringing in the living room.

"Misaka-san, your phone's ringing!" Touma shouted.

"It must be from Kuroko. Tell her that I'm okay." Mikoto replied from the shower room. Then, she realized - If a guy answered a girls phone at night, it might cause a misunderstanding. She wanted to stop him but she can't just dash outside.

"Hello, Misaka-san said she's okay." Touma answered her phone to tell her aforementioned junior that she's okay. Of course, being the perverted girl Kuroko is, the unwanted misunderstanding was happening inside her head.

"Wait! Don't do it!" Mikoto shouted from the bathroom stopping Touma from answering the phone but it was too late. Being the straight guy, he don't know what happened and why, so while on hold, he shouted back at her."Don't do what?"

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